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questionable amusements and worthy substitutes
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《questionable amuse》
  • Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutesby J. M. JudyIntroduction by George H. Trever, Ph.D., D.D. The manuscript ofThis book was not submitted to any publisher, but was put in itspresent form by JENNINGS & PYE, for a friend of the author.Address. Chicago: Western Meth...
lectures on evolution
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《lectures on evolut》
  • Lectures on Evolutionby Thomas Henry HuxleyITHE THREE HYPOTHESES RESPECTING THE HISTORY OF NATUREWe live in and form part of a system of things of immensediversity and perplexity, which we call Nature; and it is amatter of the deepest interest to all of us that we should formj...
the circulation of the blood
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the circulation of》
  • The Circulation of the Bloodby Thomas H. HuxleyI DESIRE this evening to give you some account of the life and laboursof a very noble EnglishmanWilliam Harvey.William Harvey was born in the year 1578, and as he lived until the year1657, he very nearly attained the age of 80. H...
classic mystery and detective stories
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《classic mystery an》
  • Classic Mystery and Detective Stories - Old Time EnglishEdited by Julian HawthorneTable of ContentsCHARLES DICKENS (1812-70)The Haunted HouseNo. I Branch Line: The Signal ManBULWER-LYTTON (1803-73)The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the BrainThe IncantationTHOMAS D...
13-the little good mouse
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《13-the little good》
  • THE LITTLE GOOD MOUSEONCE upon a time there lived a King and Queen who loved eachother so much that they were never happy unless they weretogether. Day after day they went out hunting or fishing; nightafter night they went to balls or to the opera; they sang, and danced,and at...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《foreword》
  • THE IRON HEELby Jack LondonFOREWORD.IT CANNOT BE SAID THAT THE Everhard Manuscript is an importanthistorical document. To the historian it bristles with errors- noterrors of fact, but errors of interpretation. Looking back acrossthe seven centuries that have lapsed since Avis ...
around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天)
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《around the world i》
  • IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG AND PASSEPARTOUT ACCEPT EACH OTHER, THE ONE AS MASTER, THE OTHER AS MAN.Mr Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, thou...
the yellow wallpaper
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the yellow wallpap》
  • The Yellow Wallpaperby Charlotte Perkins GilmanIt is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John andmyself secure ancestral halls for the summer.A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say ahaunted house, and reach the height of romantic felicitybutthat would be a...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《shelley》
  • Shelley : AN ESSAYby Francis ThompsonThe Church, which was once the mother of poets no less than ofsaints, during the last two centuries has relinquished to aliens thechief glories of poetry, if the chief glories of holiness she haspreserved for her own. The palm and the laur...
the secret sharer
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the secret sharer》
  • The Secret Sharerby Joseph ConradIOn my right hand there were lines of fishing stakes resemblinga mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences,incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes,and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomadtribe ...
an episode of fiddletown
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《an episode of fidd》
  • AN EPISODE OF FIDDLETOWNIn 1858 Fiddletown considered her a very pretty woman. She had aquantity of light chestnut hair, a good figure, a dazzlingcomplexion, and a certain languid grace which passed easily forgentle-womanliness. She always dressed becomingly, and in whatFidd...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《远离尘嚣》
  • 附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有。1Gabriel Oak falls in loveGabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill,in Dorse...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《erewhon》
  • Erewhon (Revised Edition)by Samuel ButlerOR OVER THE RANGEPREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITIONThe Author wishes it to be understood that Erewhon is pronounced asa word of three syllables, all shortthus, E-re-whon.PREFACE TO SECOND EDITIONHaving been enabled by the kindness of the publ...
new burlesques(新讽刺诗)
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《new burlesques(新》
  • NEW BURLESQUESNEW BURLESQUESby Bret Harte1- Page 2-NEW BURLESQUESCHAPTER IRUDOLPH OF TRULYRURALANIAWhen I state that I was own brother to Lord Burleydon, had an incomeof two thousand a year, could speak all the polite languages fluently, was apowerful swordsman, a g...
the little duke
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the little duke》
  • The Little Dukeby Charlotte M. YongeCHAPTER IOn a bright autumn day, as long ago as the year 943, there was a great bustle in the Castle of Bayeux in Normandy.The hall was large and low, the roof arched, and supported on thick short columns, almost like the crypt of a Cathedra...
the trumpet-major
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the trumpet-major》
  • The Trumpet-Majorby Thomas Hardybeing a tale of the Trumpet-Major, John Loveday, a soldier in thewar with Buonaparte, and Robert, his brother, first mate in theMerchant Service.PREFACEThe present tale is founded more largely on testimonyoral andwrittenthan any other in this se...
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