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first epilogue
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《first epilogue》
  • FIRST EPILOGUE: 1813 - 20CHAPTER ISeven years had passed. The storm-tossed sea of European history hadsubsided within its shores and seemed to have become calm. But themysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws oftheir motion are unknown to us) continued...
arizona nights
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《arizona nights》
  • Arizona Nightsby Stewart Edward WhiteCHAPTER ONETHE OLE VIRGINIAThe ring around the sun had thickened all day long, and theturquoise blue of the Arizona sky had filmed. Storms in the drycountries are infrequent, but heavy; and this surely meant storm.We had ridden since sun-u...
a tale of two cities(双城记)
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《a tale of two citi》
  • RECALLED TO LIFECHAPTER IThe PeriodIt was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the s...
28-the boys
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《28-the boys》
  • THE BOYS WITH THE GOLDEN STARSOnce upon a time what happened did happen: and if it had nothappened, you would never have heard this story.Well, once upon a time there lived an emperor who had half aworld all to himself to rule over, and in this world dwelt an oldherd and his ...
05-the black thief
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《05-the black thief》
  • THE BLACK THIEFAND KNIGHT OF THE GLEN.IN times of yore there was a King and a Queen in the south ofIreland who had three sons, all beautiful children; but theQueen, their mother, sickened unto death when they were yet veryyoung, which caused great grief throughout the Court, p...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《lecture01》
  • The Varieties of Religious Experienceby William JamesA Study in Human NatureToE.P.G.IN FILIAL GRATITUDE AND LOVETHE VARIETIES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCELecture IRELIGION AND NEUROLOGYIt is with no small amount of trepidation that I take my placebehind this desk, and face this lea...
on longevity and shortness of life
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《on longevity and s》
  • ON LONGEVITY AND SHORTNESS OF LIFEby Aristotletranslated by G. R. T. Ross1THE reasons for some animals being long-lived and othersshort-lived, and, in a word, causes of the length and brevity oflife call for investigation.The necessary beginning to our inquiry is a statement o...
a question of latitude
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《a question of lati》
  • A Question of Latitudeby Richard Harding DavisOf the school of earnest young writers at whom the word muckrakerhad been thrown in opprobrium, and by whom it had been caught up asa title of honor, Everett was among the younger and lessconspicuous. But, if in his skirmishes wit...
the adventure of the veiled lodger
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the adventure of t》
  • SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE VEILED LODGERby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleWhen one considers that Mr. Sherlock Holmes was in active practicefor twenty-three years, and that during seventeen of these I wasallowed to cooperate with him and to keep...
royalty restored
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《royalty restored》
  • Royalty Restored or London under Charles II.by J. Fitzgerald MolloyTO THOMAS HARDY, ESQ.DEAR MR. HARDY,In common with all readers of the English language, I owe you adebt of gratitude, the which I rejoice to acknowledge, even in sopoor a manner as by dedicating this work to yo...
the black tulip(黑郁金香)
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the black tulip(黑》
  • The Black Tulipby Alexandre Dumas, PereChapter 1A Grateful PeopleOn the 20th of August, 1672, the city of the Hague, alwaysso lively, so neat, and so trim that one might believe everyday to be Sunday, with its shady park, with its tall trees,spreading over its Gothic houses, w...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《bentham》
  • Benthamby John Stuart MillLondon and Westminster Review, Aug. 1838, revised in 1859 in Dissertations and Discussion, vol. 1.There are two men, recently deceased, to whom their country is indebted not only for the greater part of the important ideas which have been thrown into ...
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《finale》
  • FINALE.Every limit is a beginning as well as an ending. Who can quit younglives after being long in company with them, and not desire to knowwhat befell them in their after-years? For the fragment of a life,however typical, is not the sample of an even web: promises maynot b...
weir of hermiston
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《weir of hermiston》
  • Weir of Hermistonby Robert Louis StevensonTO MY WIFEI saw rain falling and the rainbow drawnOn Lammermuir. Hearkening I heard againIn my precipitous city beaten bellsWinnow the keen sea wind. And here afar,Intent on my own race and place, I wrote.Take thou the writing: thine...
b his sky racer(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空中赛艇)
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《b his sky racer(汤》
  • TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER or The Quickest Flight on RecordTOM SWIFT AND HISSKY RACER or TheQuickest Flight on RecordVICTOR APPLETON1- Page 2-TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER or The Quickest Flight on RecordCHAPTER OneThe Prize Offer"Is this Tom Swift, the inventor of several airs...
the well of the saints
  • 更新时间:2017-03-16 《the well of the sa》
  • The Well of the Saintsby J. M. SyngeA Comedy in Three ActsSCENESome lonely mountainous district in the east of Ireland one ormore centuries ago.THE WELL OF THE SAINTS was first produced in the Abbey Theatre inFebruary, 1905, by the Irish National Theatre Society, under thedire...
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