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sk.theshining |热度 154 | 英语 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2019-11-26
  JOB INTERVIEW    Jack Torrance thought: Officious little prick.  Ullman stood five-five, and when he moved, it was with the prissy speed that seems to be the exclusive domain of all small plump men. The part in his hair was exact, and his dark suit was sober but forting. I am a man you can bring your problems to, that suit said to the paying customer. To the hired help it spoke more curtly: This had better be good, you. There was a red carnation in the lapel, perhaps so that no one on the street would mistake Stuart Ullman for the local undertaker.  As he listened to Ullman speak, Jack admi 
jg.thepelicanbrief |热度 165 | 英语 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2019-11-26
      HE SEEMED INCAPABLE of creating such chaos, but much of what he saw below could be blamed on him. And that was fine. He was ninety-one, paralyzed, strapped in a wheelchair and hooked to oxygen. His second stroke seven years ago had almost finished him off, but Abraham Rosenberg was still alive and even with tubes in his nose his legal stick was bigger than the other eight. He was the only legend remaining on the Court, and the fact that he was still breathing irritated most of the mob below.    He sat in a small wheelchair in an office on the main floor of the Supreme Court Building. Hi 
if.goldfinger |热度 148 | 英语 | 上传: 悟来悟去 |更新时间:2019-11-26
 To my gentle Reader William Plomer  PART ONE: HAPPENSTANCE  CHAPTER ONE  REFLECTIONS IN A DOUBLE BOURBON  JAMES BOND, with two double bourbons inside him, sat in the final departure lounge of Miami Airport and thought about life and death. It was part of his profession to kill people. He had never liked doing it and when he had to kill he did it as well as he knew how and forgot about it. As a secret agent who held the rare double-O prefix - the licence to kill in the Secret Service - it was his duty to be as cool about death as a surgeon. If it happened, it happened. Regret was unprofession 
sheritepper.necromancer nine |热度 142 | 英语 | 上传: 江暖 |更新时间:2019-11-26
 I had decided to change myself into a Dragon and go looking for my mother despite all argument to the contrary. Himaggery the Wizard and old Windlow the Seer were determined otherwise. They had been after me for almost a year, ever since the great battle at Bannerwell. Having seen what I did there, they had decided that my "Talent" could not be wasted, and between them they had thought of at least a dozen things they wanted done with it. I, on the other hand, simply wanted to forget the whole thing. I wanted to forget I had bee the owner-can I say "owner" ?-of the Gamesmen of Barish, forget  
gc.thewhiterose |热度 144 | 英语 | 上传: 蒂帆 |更新时间:2019-11-26
Chapter One: THE PLAIN OF FEARThe still desert air had a lens-like quality. The riders seemed frozen in time, moving without drawing closer. We took turns counting. I could not get the same number twice running.A breath of a breeze whined in the coral, stirred the leaves of Old Father Tree. They tinkled off one another with the song of wind chimes. To the north, the glimmer of change lightning limned the horizon like the far clash of warring gods.A foot crunched sand. I turned. Silent gawked at a talking menhir. It had appeared in the past few seconds, startling him. Sneaky rocks. Like to  
cc.vixen03 |热度 164 | 英语 | 上传: 上网找工作 |更新时间:2019-11-26
 January 1954  The Boeing C-97 Stratocruiser bore the look of a crypt. Perhaps the image was bred by the cold winter night, or perhaps it came from the gusting snow that was piling an icy shroud on the wings and fuselage. The flickering lights from the cockpit windshield and the fleeting shadows of the maintenance crew served only to exaggerate the chilling scene. Major Raymond Vylander, United States Air Force, did not care for what he saw. He watched silently as the fuel truck drove away and vanished into the stormy darkness. The loading ramp was dropped from the rear of the great whalelike 
da.therestaurantattheendoftheu |热度 178 | 英语 | 上传: 漂亮格子 |更新时间:2019-11-26
  There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers  exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will  instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more  bizarre and inexplicable.    There is another theory which states that this has already happened.    Chapter 1    The story so far:  In the beginning the Universe was created.  This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.  Many races believe that it was created by some sort of God, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact sne 
pgw.adamselindistress |热度 184 | 英语 | 上传: 北方刷刷 |更新时间:2019-11-26
  Inasmuch as the scene of this story is that historic pile, Belpher Castle, in the county of Hampshire, it would be an agreeable task to open it with a leisurely description of the place, followed by some notes on the history of the Earls of Marshmoreton, who have owned it since the fifteenth century. Unfortunately, in these days of rush and hurry, a novelist works at a disadvantage. He must leap into the middle of his tale with as little delay as he would employ in boarding a moving tramcar. He must get off the mark with the smooth swiftness of a jack-rabbit surprised while lunching. Otherw 
grrm.astormofswords |热度 139 | 英语 | 上传: 丁格 |更新时间:2020-08-07
   A NOTE ON CHRONOLOGY A Song of Ice and Fire is told through the eyes of characters who are sometimes hundreds or even thousands of miles apart from one another. Some chapters cover a day, some only an hour; others might span a fortnight, a month, half a year. With such a structure, the narrative cannot be strictly sequential; sometimes important things are happening simultaneously, a thousand leagues apart. In the case of the volume now in hand, the reader should realize that the opening chapters of A Storm of Swords do not follow the closing chapters of A Clash of Kings so much as overlap 
earlderrbiggers.thehousewithou |热度 106 | 英语 | 上传: 摄氏0度 |更新时间:2020-08-07
 Kona Weather  MISS MINERVA WINTERSLIP was a Bostonian in good standing, and long past the romantic age. Yet beauty thrilled her still, even the semi-barbaric beauty of a Pacific island. As she walked slowly along the beach she felt the little catch in her throat that sometimes she had known in Symphony Hall, Boston, when her favorite orchestra rose to some new and unexpected height of loveliness. It was the hour at which she liked Waikiki best, the hour just preceding dinner and the quick tropic darkness. The shadows cast by the tall cocoanut palms lengthened and deepened, the light of the f 
the stainless steel rat |热度 91 | 英语 | 上传: 蝴蝶的出走 |更新时间:2020-08-07
   When the office door opened suddenly I knew the game was up. It had been a money-maker-but it was all over. As the cop walked in I sat back in the chair and put on a happy grin. He had the same somber expression and heavy foot that they all have-and the same lack of humor. I almost knew to the word what he was going to say before he uttered a syllable.  "James Bolivar diGriz I arrest you on the charge-"  I was waiting for the word charge, I thought it made a nice touch that way. As he said it I pressed the button that set off the charge of black powder in the ceiling, the crossbea 
jg.paintedhouse |热度 168 | 英语 | 上传: 团团 |更新时间:2020-08-07
The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with three weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist-high to my father, over my head, and he and my grandfather could be heard before supper whispering words that were seldom heard. It could be a "good crop."They were farmers, hardworking men who embraced pessimism only when discussing the weather and the crops. There was too much sun, or too much rain, or the threat of floods in the lowlands, or the rising pr 
uleg.thefarthestshore |热度 105 | 英语 | 上传: 疯狂热线 |更新时间:2020-08-07
   In the Court of the Fountain the sun of March shone through young leaves of ash and elm, and water leapt and fell through shadow and clear light. About that roofless court stood four high walls of stone. Behind those were rooms and courts, passages, corridors, towers, and at last the heavy outmost walls of the Great House of Roke, which would stand any assault of war or earthquake or the sea itself, being built not only of stone, but of incontestable magic. For Roke is the Isle of the Wise, where the art magic is taught; and the Great House is the school and central place of wizardry; and  
rr.eastofealing |热度 103 | 英语 | 上传: 空白协议书 |更新时间:2020-08-07
 Norman gave his ivory-handled screwdriver a final twist and secured the last screw into the side panel of the slim brass cylinder. Unclamping it from his vice, he lifted it lovingly by its shining axle, and held it towards the dust-smeared glass of the kitchenette window. It was a work of wonder and that was for certain. A mere ten inches in diameter and another one in thickness, the dim light painted a rainbow corona about its varnished circumference. Norman carried it carefully across to his cluttered kitchen table and, elbowing aside a confusion of soiled crockery, placed it upon the twin 
mc.risingsun |热度 95 | 英语 | 上传: 沸点123 |更新时间:2020-08-07
Zula Miller Crichton We are entering a world where the old rules no longer apply.  PHILLIP SANDERS  Business is war.  Japanese motto   LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIAL TRANSCRIPT OF INTERNAL RECORDS    Contents: Transcript of Video InterrogationDetective Peter J. SmithMarch 13-15  re: "Nakamoto Murder" (A8895-404)  This transcript is the property of the Los Angeles Police Department and is for internal use only. Permission to copy, quote from, or otherwise reproduce or reveal the contents of this document is limited by law. Unauthorized use carries severe penalties.... 
bcornwell.sharpstiger |热度 99 | 英语 | 上传: 标点 |更新时间:2020-08-07
 Muir Sutherland and Malcolm Craddock, with many thanks  CHAPTER 1  It was funny, Richard Sharpe thought, that there were no vultures in England. None that he had seen, anyway. Ugly things they were. Rats with wings. He thought about vultures a lot, and he had a lot of time to think because he was a soldier, a private, and so the army insisted on doing a lot of his thinking for him. The army decided when he woke up, when he slept, when he ate, when he marched, and when he was to sit about doing nothing and that was what he did most of the time - nothing. Hurry up and do nothing, that was the  
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