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the spirit of laws |热度 100 | 英语 | 上传: 扑火 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE SPIRIT OF LAWSBy Charles de Secondat, Baron de MontesquieuTranslated by Thomas Nugent, revised by J. V. PrichardThe Translator to the Readerby Thomas Nugent1752The following work may with the strictest justice be said to have done honour to human nature as well as to the great abilities of the author. The wisest and most learned man, and those most distinguished by birth and the elevation of their stations, have, in every country in Europe, considered it as a most excellent performance. And may we be permitted to add, that a sovereign prince [1] as justly celebrated for his probity and go 
contributions to-all the year |热度 134 | 英语 | 上传: 蝎子王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Contributions to All The Year RoundContributions to All TheYear Roundby Charles Dickens1- Page 2-Contributions to All The Year RoundANNOUNCEMENT IN "HOUSEHOLD WORDS"After the appearance of the present concluding Number of HouseholdWords, this publication will merge into the new weekly publication, Allthe Year Round, and the title, Household Words, will form a part of the... 
pigs is pigs |热度 50 | 英语 | 上传: 漂亮格子 |更新时间:2017-03-16
"Pigs is Pigs"by Ellis Parker ButlerMike Flannery, the Westcote agent of the Interurban Express Company,leaned over the counter of the express office and shook his fist. Mr.Morehouse, angry and red, stood on the other side of the counter,trembling with rage. The argument had been long and heated, and at lastMr. Morehouse had talked himself speechless. The cause of the troublestood on the counter between the two men. It was a soap box across the topof which were nailed a number of strips, forming a rough but serviceablecage. In it two spotted guinea-pigs were greedily eating lettuce leaves.... 
the phoenissae |热度 50 | 英语 | 上传: 北方刷刷 |更新时间:2017-03-16
of the delicacy of taste and p |热度 53 | 英语 | 上传: 悟来悟去 |更新时间:2017-03-16
OF THE DELICACY OF TASTE AND PASSIONDavid Hume1741/SOME People are subject to a certain of, which makes them extremely sensible to all theaccidents of life, and gives them a lively joy upon everyprosperous event, as well as a piercing grief, when theymeet with misfortunes and adversity. Favours and good... 
part15 |热度 50 | 英语 | 上传: 淋雨 |更新时间:2017-03-16
A LAW BEYOND THE CONSTITUTION_To John B. Colvin__Monticello, September 20, 1810_SIR, Your favor of the 14th has been duly received, and Ihave to thank you for the many obliging things respecting myselfwhich are said in it. If I have left in the breasts of my fellowcitizens a sentiment of satisfaction with my conduct in thetransaction of their business, it will soften the pillow of my reposethrough the residue of life.The question you propose, whether circumstances do notsometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to... 
the.world.is.flat |热度 148 | 英语 | 上传: 老山文学 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Thomas L FriedmanTo Matt and Kay and to RonContentsHow the World Became FlatOne: While I Was Sleeping / 3Two: The Ten Forces That Flattened the World / 48Flattener#l. 11/9/89Flattener #2. 8/9/95Flattener #3. Work Flow SoftwareFlattener #4. Open-SourcingFlattener #5. OutsourcingFlattener #6. OffshoringFlattener #7. Supply-ChainingFlattener #8. InsourcingFlattener #9. In-formingFlattener #10.The Steroids Three: The Triple Convergence / 173Four: The Great Sorting Out / 201America and the Flat WorldFive: America and Free Trade / 225... 
how to live on 24 hours a day( |热度 63 | 英语 | 上传: 青涩春天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a DayHow to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a DayArnold Bennett1- Page 2-How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a DayPREFACE TO THIS EDITIONThis preface, though placed at the beginning, as a preface must be,should be read at the end of the book.I have received a large amount of correspondence concerning thissmall work, and many reviews of itsome of them nearly as long as the... 
the little lame prince(小瘸腿 |热度 61 | 英语 | 上传: 你妹找1 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Little Lame PrinceThe Little Lame PrinceBy MISS MULOCK1- Page 2-The Little Lame PrinceCHAPTER IYes, he was the most beautiful Prince that ever was born.Of course, being a prince, people said this; but it was true besides.When he looked at the candle, his eyes had an expression of earnestinquiry quite startling in a new born baby. His nosethere was not much... 
the seven poor travellers(七个 |热度 183 | 英语 | 上传: 男孩不逛街 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE SEVEN POOR TRAVELLERSTHE SEVEN POORTRAVELLERSby Charles Dickens1- Page 2-THE SEVEN POOR TRAVELLERSCHAPTER IIN THE OLD CITYOF ROCHESTERStrictly speaking, there were only six Poor Travellers; but, being aTraveller myself, though an idle one, and being withal as poor as I hope tobe, I brought the number up to seven. This word of explanation is due at... 
the odyssey(奥德赛) |热度 79 | 英语 | 上传: 那年夏天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE ODYSSEYby Homertranslated by Samuel ButlerBOOK I.TELL ME, O MUSE, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wideafter he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit,and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he wasacquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to savehis own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might hecould not save his men, for they perished through their own sheerfolly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god... 
egypt |热度 78 | 英语 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-16
Egypt (La Mort De Philae)by Pierre LotiTranslated from the French by W. P. BAINESCHAPTER IA WINTER MIDNIGHT BEFORE THE GREAT SPHINXA night wondrously clear and of a colour unknown to our climate; aplace of dreamlike aspect, fraught with mystery. The moon of a brightsilver, which dazzles by its shining, illumines a world which surelyis no longer ours; for it resembles in nothing what may be seen inother lands. A world in which everything is suffused with rosy colorbeneath the stars of midnight, and where granite symbols rise up,... 
28-prince darling |热度 47 | 英语 | 上传: 披荆斩棘 |更新时间:2017-03-16
PRINCE DARLINGONCE upon a time there lived a king who was so justand kind that his subjects called him "the Good King."It happened one day, when he was out hunting, that alittle white rabbit, which his dogs were chasing, spranginto his arms for shelter. The King stroked it gently,and said to it:"Well, bunny, as you have come to me for protectionI will see that nobody hurts you."And he took it home to his palace and had it put in apretty little house, with all sorts of nice things to eat.That night, when he was alone in his room, a beautiful... 
common sense |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 左思右想 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Common Senseby Thomas PaineINTRODUCTIONPerhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages,are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favour;a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficialappearance of being RIGHT, and raises at first a formidable outcryin defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides.Time makes more converts than reason.As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Meansof calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too whichmight never have been thought of, had not the Sufferers been aggravated... 
the origin of the distinction |热度 74 | 英语 | 上传: 北方刷刷 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Origin of the Distinction of Ranksby John Millar (1735-1801)1771The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks:or, An Inquiry into the Circumstanceswhich give rise to Influence and Authority,In the Different Members of Society.by John Millar, Esq.Professor of Law in the University of GlasgowThe fourth edition, corrected.Edinburgh:Printed for William Blackwood, South-Bridge Street;And Longman, Huest, Rees, & Orme, Paternoster-Row,London, 1806.IntroductionThose who have examined the manners and custom of nations have had chiefly two objects in view. By observing the system of law established in dif 
the island pharisees |热度 49 | 英语 | 上传: 垃圾王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Island Phariseesby John Galsworthy"But this is a worshipful society"KING JOHNPREFACEEach man born into the world is born like Shelton in this bookto goa journey, and for the most part he is born on the high road. Atfirst he sits there in the dust, with his little chubby handsreaching at nothing, and his little solemn eyes staring into space.As soon as he can toddle, he moves, by the queer instinct we call thelove of life, straight along this road, looking neither to the rightnor left, so pleased is he to walk. And he is charmed with... 
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