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the ecclesiazusae |热度 120 | 英语 | 上传: 男孩不逛街 |更新时间:2017-03-16
390 BCTHE ECCLESIAZUSAEby Aristophanesanonymous translatorCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYPRAXAGORABLEPYRUS, husband of PraxagoraWOMENA MANCHREMESA CITIZENHERALDA GIRLA YOUNG MANTHREE OLD WOMENA SERVANT MAID to PRAXAGORACHORUS OF WOMENECCLESIAZUSAE(SCENE:-The Orchestra represents a public square in Athens; in thebackground are two houses with an alley between them.)... 
dreams & dust(梦与尘) |热度 92 | 英语 | 上传: 想聊 |更新时间:2017-03-16
DREAMS & DUSTDREAMS & DUSTPOEMS BY DON MARQUISTO MY MOTHER VIRGINIA WHITMORE MARQUIS1- Page 2-DREAMS & DUSTPROEM"SO LET THEM PASS, THESE SONGS OFMINE"So let them pass, these songs of mine, Into oblivion, nor repine;Abandoned ruins of large schemes, Dimmed lights adrift from nobler... 
history of the britons |热度 49 | 英语 | 上传: 套牢 |更新时间:2017-03-16
History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum)by NenniusTranslated by J. A. GilesI. The Prologue.1. Nennius, the lowly minister and servant of the servants ofGod, by the grace of God, disciple of St. Elbotus,* to all thefollowers of truth sendeth health.* Or Elvod, bishop of Bangor, A.D. 755, who first adopted in theCambrian church the new cycle for regulating Easter.Be it known to your charity, that being dull in intellect andrude of speech, I have presumed to deliver these things in theLatin tongue, not trusting to my own learning, which is little... 
sketches of young couples(年轻 |热度 264 | 英语 | 上传: 津夏 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Sketches of Young CouplesSketches of YoungCouplesCharles Dickens.1- Page 2-Sketches of Young CouplesAN URGENT REMONSTRANCE, &cTO THE GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND,(BEING BACHELORS OR WIDOWERS,)THE REMONSTRANCE OF THEIR FAITHFUL FELLOW-SUBJECT,SHEWETH,-THAT Her Most Gracious Majesty, Victoria, by the Grace of God ofthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the... 
she stands accused(她是被告) |热度 173 | 英语 | 上传: 敏儿不觉 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHE STANDS ACCUSEDSHE STANDSACCUSEDBY VICTOR MacCLURE1- Page 2-SHE STANDS ACCUSEDBeing a Series of Accounts of the Lives and Deeds of NotoriousWomen, Murderesses, Cheats, Cozeners, on whom Justice was Executed,and of others who, Accused of Crimes, were Acquitted at least in Law;Drawn from Authenticated Sources2- Page 3-SHE STANDS ACCUSED... 
philosophy 4 |热度 58 | 英语 | 上传: 卖吻 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Philosophy 4A Story of Harvard Universityby Owen WisterITwo frowning boys sat in their tennis flannels beneath the glare of lampand gas. Their leather belts were loosened, their soft pink shirtsunbuttoned at the collar. They were listening with gloomy voracity tothe instruction of a third. They sat at a table bared of its customarysporting ornaments, and from time to time they questioned, sucked theirpencils, and scrawled vigorous, laconic notes. Their necks and facesshone with the bloom of out-of-doors. Studious concentration was... 
just david(公正的大卫) |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 交通工具类 |更新时间:2017-03-16
JUST DAVIDJUST DAVIDBY ELEANOR H.{HODGMAN} PORTER1- Page 2-JUST DAVIDCHAPTER ITHE MOUNTAIN HOMEFar up on the mountain-side stood alone in the clearing. It was roughlyyet warmly built. Behind it jagged cliffs broke the north wind, andtowered gray-white in the sunshine. Before it a tiny expanse of green... 
napoleon bonaparte, v4 |热度 58 | 英语 | 上传: 中国长城网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF NAPOLEON, V4BY CONSTANTPREMIER VALET DE CHAMBRETRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARKCONTENTS:CHAPTER XXIII. to CHAPTER XXXI.CHAPTER XXIII.It was the 2d of January, 1805, exactly a month after the coronation,that I formed with the eldest daughter of M. Charvet a union which hasbeen, and will I trust ever be, the greatest happiness of my life. Ipromised the reader to say very little of myself; and, in fact, how couldhe be interested in any details of my own private life which did notthrow additional light upon the character of the great man about whom I... 
the dwelling place of ligh |热度 85 | 英语 | 上传: 浮游云中 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Dwelling Place of Lighby Winston Churchill1917VOLUME 1.CHAPTER IIn this modern industrial civilization of which we are sometimes wont to boast,a certain glacier-like process may be observed. The bewildered, the helplessand there are manyare torn from the parent rock, crushed, rolled smooth, andleft stranded in strange places. Thus was Edward Bumpus severed and rolledfrom the ancestral ledge, from the firm granite of seemingly stable and lastingthings, into shifting shale; surrounded by fragments of cliffs from distantlands he had never seen. Thus, at five and fifty, he found himself ga 
beacon lights of history-iii-2 |热度 63 | 英语 | 上传: 乐乐陶陶 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Beacon Lights of HistoryVolume III Part 2by John LordVolume III.Part IIRenaissance and Reformation.CONTENTS.DANTE.RISE OF MODERN POETRY.The antiquity of PoetryThe greatness of PoetsTheir influence on CivilizationThe true poet one of the rarest of menThe pre-eminence of Homer, Dante, Shakspeare, and GoetheCharacteristics of DanteHis precocityHis moral wisdom and great attainmentsHis terrible scorn and his isolationState of society when Dante was bornHis banishment... 
the wind in the willows(柳间风 |热度 59 | 英语 | 上传: 怀疑一切 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE WIND IN THE WILLOWSTHE WIND IN THEWILLOWSKENNETH GRAHAMEAUTHOR OF "THE GOLDEN AGE," "DREAM DAYS," ETC.1- Page 2-THE WIND IN THE WILLOWSCHAPTER I.THE RIVER BANKThe Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on... 
lecture i |热度 48 | 英语 | 上传: 雨帆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime Kovalevsky1891Lecture IThe Matrimonial Customs and Usages of the Russian People, and theLight They Throw on the Evolution of MarriageThe wide historical studies pursued by members of theUniversity of Oxford necessarily include the study of theSlavonic race. The part which this race is beginning to play inthe economic and social progress of our time, and theconsiderable achievements which it has already made in the fieldsof literature and science have attracted the attention even ofthose nations whose political interests are supposed not to... 
tribute |热度 67 | 英语 | 上传: 丢丢 |更新时间:2017-03-16
DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPSA TRIBUTEEven now I cannot realize that he is dead, and often in the citystreetson Fifth Avenue in particularI find myself glancingahead for a glimpse of the tall, boyish, familiarfigureexperience once again a flash of the old happy expectancy.I have lived in many lands, and have known men. I never knew afiner man than Graham Phillips.His were the clearest, bluest, most honest eyes I ever saweyesthat scorned untrutheyes that penetrated all sham.In repose his handsome features were a trifle sternand the... 
the pathfinder |热度 98 | 英语 | 上传: 泰达魔王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Pathfinder, or, The Inland Seaby James Fenimore CooperPREFACEThe plan of this tale suggested itself to the writer manyyears since, though the details are altogether of recent in-vention. The idea of associating seamen and savages inincidents that might be supposed characteristic of theGreat Lakes having been mentioned to a Publisher, thelatter obtained something like a pledge from the Authorto carry out the design at some future day, which pledgeis now tardily and imperfectly redeemed.The reader may recognize an old friend under new cir-cumstances in the principal character of this legen 
moral emblems |热度 48 | 英语 | 上传: 圈圈 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Moral Emblemsby Robert Louis StevensonContentsNOT I, AND OTHER POEMSI. Some like drinkII. Here, perfect to a wishIII. As seamen on the seasIV. The pamphlet here presentedMORAL EMBLEMS: A COLLECTION OF CUTS AND VERSESI. See how the children in the printII. Reader, your soul upraise to seeIII. A PEAK IN DARIEN - Broad-gazing on untrodden landsIV. See in the print how, moved by whimV. Mark, printed on the opposing pageMORAL EMBLEMS: A SECOND COLLECTION OF CUTS AND VERSESI. With storms a-weather, rocks-a-lee... 
stories by english authors-ori |热度 152 | 英语 | 上传: 披荆斩棘 |更新时间:2017-03-16
STORIESSTORIESby English Authors, Orient1- Page 2-STORIESTHE MAN WHO WOULD BEKINGBY RUDYARD KIPLINGThe Law, as quoted, lays down a fair conduct of life, and one not easyto follow. I have been fellow to a beggar again and again undercircumstances which prevented either of us finding out whether the other... 
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