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the history of the caliph vath |热度 121 | 英语 | 上传: 雨来不躲 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE HISTORY OF THE CALIPH VATHEKTHE HISTORY OF THECALIPH VATHEK1- Page 2-THE HISTORY OF THE CALIPH VATHEKINTRODUCTIONWilliam Beckford, born in 1759, the year before the accession of KingGeorge the Third, was the son of an Alderman who became twice LordMayor of London. His family, originally of Gloucestershire, had thrivenby the plantations in Jamaica; and his father, sent to school in England,... 
tommy and co[1].(托米和科) |热度 59 | 英语 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Tommy and Co.Tommy and Co.by Jerome K. Jerome1- Page 2-Tommy and Co.STORY THE FIRSTPeter Hopeplans his Prospectus"Come in!" said Peter Hope.Peter Hope was tall and thin, clean-shaven but for a pair of sidewhiskers close-cropped and terminating just below the ear, with hair ofthe kind referred to by sympathetic barbers as "getting a little thin on the... 
lahoma(拉霍马) |热度 64 | 英语 | 上传: 博搏 |更新时间:2017-03-16
LAHOMALAHOMAby John Breckenridge Ellis1- Page 2-LAHOMACHAPTER ITHE TOUCH OF A CHILD"I have given my word of honormy sacred oathnot to betray what Ihave discovered here."At these words from the prisoner, a shout arose in which oaths andmocking laughter mingled like the growling and snapping of hunger-... 
in the shadow of the glen |热度 58 | 英语 | 上传: 圈圈 |更新时间:2017-03-16
In the Shadow of the Glenby J. M. SyngeIN THE SHADOW OF THE GLENA PLAY IN ONE ACTFirst performed at the Molesworth Hall,Dublin, October 8th, 1903.PERSONSDAN BURKE (farmer and herd) . George RobertsNORA BURKE (his wife) . . . Maire Nic ShiubhlaighMICHEAL DARA (a young herd) . P. J. KellyA TRAMP . . . . . . . . W. G. FayIN THE SHADOW OF THE GLENA PLAY IN ONE ACTSCENE. {The last cottage at the head of along glen in County Wicklow.Cottage kitchen; turf fire on the right; a bed near it againstthe wall with a body lying on it covered with a sheet. A door is... 
the cenci |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 理性的思索 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The CenciBy Alexander Dumas, pereTHE CENCI1598Should you ever go to Rome and visit the villa Pamphili, no doubt,after having sought under its tall pines and along its canals theshade and freshness so rare in the capital of the Christian world,you will descend towards the Janiculum Hill by a charming road, inthe middle of which you will find the Pauline fountain. Havingpassed this monument, and having lingered a moment on the terrace ofthe church of St. Peter Montorio, which commands the whole of Rome,you will visit the cloister of Bramante, in the middle of which, sunk... 
part05+ |热度 95 | 英语 | 上传: 点绛唇 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White Volume IIby Andrew Dickson WhiteVOLUME IIAUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANDREW DICKSON WHITEVolume IICHAPTER XXXIIIAS MINISTER TO RUSSIA1892-1894During four years after my return from service as minister toGermany I devoted myself to the duties of the presidency atCornell, and on resigning that position gave all time possible tostudy and travel, with reference to the book on which I was then... 
the essays of montaigne, v10 |热度 61 | 英语 | 上传: 白寒 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Essays of Montaigne, V10by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 10.VII. Of recompenses of honour.VIII. Of the affection of fathers to their children.IX. Of the arms of the Parthians.X. Of books.XI. Of cruelty.CHAPTER VIIOF RECOMPENSES OF HONOURThey who write the life of Augustus Caesar,[Suetonius, Life ofAugustus, c. 25.] observe this in his military discipline, that he waswonderfully liberal of gifts to men of merit, but that as to the true... 
the flower of the mind(脑之花) |热度 83 | 英语 | 上传: 谁知道呢 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE FLOWER OF THE MINDTHE FLOWER OF THEMINDAlice Meynell1- Page 2-THE FLOWER OF THE MINDINTRODUCTIONPartial collections of English poems, decided by a common subject orbounded by narrow dates and periods of literary history, are made at veryshort intervals, and the makers are safe from the reproach of proposingtheir own personal taste as a guide for the reading of others. But a general... 
02-the death of jean |热度 81 | 英语 | 上传: 缘圆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE DEATH OF JEANThe death of Jean Clemens occurred early in the morning ofDecember 24, 1909. Mr. Clemens was in great stress of mind whenI first saw him, but a few hours later I found him writingsteadily."I am setting it down," he said, "everything. It is arelief to me to write it. It furnishes me an excuse forthinking." At intervals during that day and the next I lookedin, and usually found him writing. Then on the evening of the26th, when he knew that Jean had been laid to rest in Elmira, hecame to my room with the manuscript in his hand.... 
lect04 |热度 51 | 英语 | 上传: 冬儿 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Lecture IVThe Tribe and the LandIt has been very commonly believed that, before the agrarianmeasures of James the First, Ireland was one of the countries inwhich private property in land was invested with leastsacredness, and in which forms of ownership generally consideredas barbarous most extensively prevailed. Spenser and Daviscertainly suggest this opinion, and several modern writers haveadopted it. The Brehon law-tracts prove, however, that it can... 
the man between(夹在中间的人) |热度 198 | 英语 | 上传: 西门在线 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Man BetweenThe Man BetweenAN INTERNATIONAL ROMANCEBy AMELIA E. BARR1- Page 2-The Man BetweenPART FIRSTO LOVE WILL VENTURE IN!CHAPTER ITHE thing that I know least about is my beginning. For it is possible tointroduce Ethel Rawdon in so many picturesque ways that the choice is... 
king henry v(亨利五世) |热度 126 | 英语 | 上传: 猜火车 |更新时间:2017-03-16
KING HENRY THE FIFTHKING HENRY THEFIFTHWilliam Shakespeare15991- Page 2-KING HENRY THE FIFTHPROLOGUEEnter CHORUSCHORUS. O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightestheaven of invention, A kingdom for a stage, princes to act, And monarchsto behold the swelling scene! Then should the warlike Harry, like himself,... 
the red cross girl |热度 82 | 英语 | 上传: 雨来不躲 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Red Cross Girlby Richard Harding DavisCONTENTSIntroduction by Gouverneur Morris1. THE RED CROSS GIRL2. THE GRAND CROSS OF THE CRESCENT3. THE INVASION OF ENGLAND4. BLOOD WILL TELL5. THE SAILORMAN6. THE MIND READER7. THE NAKED MAN8. THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF9. THE CARD-SHARPINTRODUCTIONR. H. D."And they rise to their feet as he passes, gentlemenunafraid."He was almost too good to be true. In addition, the godsloved him, and so he had to die young. Some people think thata man of fifty-two is middle-aged. But if R. H. D. had lived... 
the wallet of kai lung |热度 59 | 英语 | 上传: 想聊 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE WALLET OF KAI LUNGBY ERNEST BRAMAH"Ho, illustrious passers-by!" says Kai Lung ashe spreads out his embroidered mat under themulberry-tree. "It is indeed unlikely that youcould condescend to stop and listen to thefoolish words of such an insignificant andaltogether deformed person as myself.Nevertheless, if you will but retard yourelegant footsteps for a few moments, thisexceedingly unprepossessing individual willendeavour to entertain you." This is a... 
the gentle grafter |热度 55 | 英语 | 上传: 上网找工作 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Gentle Grafterby O. HenryCONTENTSI. The Octopus MaroonedII. Jeff Peters as a Personal MagnetIII. Modern Rural SportsIV. The Chair of PhilanthromathematicsV. The Hand That Riles the WorldVI. The Exact Science of MatrimonyVII. A Midsummer MasqueradeVIII. Shearing the WolfIX. Innocents of BroadwayX. Conscience in ArtXI. The Man Higher UpXII. A Tempered WindXIII. Hostages to MomusXIV. The Ethics of PigTHE GENTLE GRAFTERITHE OCTOPUS MAROONED"A trust is its weakest point," said Jeff Peters."That," said I, "sounds like one of those unintelligible remarks such... 
the witch and other stories(女 |热度 172 | 英语 | 上传: 绝对601 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE WITCH AND OTHER STORIESTHE WITCH ANDOTHER STORIESANTON CHEKHOV1- Page 2-THE WITCH AND OTHER STORIESTHE WITCHIT was approaching nightfall. The sexton, Savely Gykin, was lying inhis huge bed in the hut adjoining the church. He was not asleep, though itwas his habit to go to sleep at the same time as the hens. His coarse redhair peeped from under one end of the greasy patchwork quilt, made up of... 
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