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a scandal in bohemia |热度 51 | 英语 | 上传: 北方网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE SCANDAL IN BOHEMIAby Sir Arthur Conan Doyle1To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heardhim mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses andpredominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emotionakin to love for Irene Adler. All emotions, and that one particularly,were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. Hewas, I take it, the most perfect reasoning and observing machine... 
my buried treasure |热度 58 | 英语 | 上传: 不受约束 |更新时间:2017-03-16
My Buried Treasureby Richard Harding DavisThis is a true story of a search for buried treasure. The onlypart that is not true is the name of the man with whom I searchedfor the treasure. Unless I keep his name out of it he will not letme write the story, and, as it was his expedition and as my shareof the treasure is only what I can make by writing the story, Imust write as he dictates. I think the story should be told,because our experience was unique, and might be of benefit toothers. And, besides, I need the money.There is, however, no agreement preventing me from describing him... 
end of the tether |热度 50 | 英语 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-16
End of the Tetherby Joseph ConradIFor a long time after the course of the steamer Sofalahad been altered for the land, the low swampy coast hadretained its appearance of a mere smudge of darknessbeyond a belt of glitter. The sunrays seemed to fallviolently upon the calm seaseemed to shatter them-selves upon an adamantine surface into sparkling dust,into a dazzling vapor of light that blinded the eye andwearied the brain with its unsteady brightness.... 
the rise and progress of palae |热度 69 | 英语 | 上传: 做男人挺好 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Rise and Progress of Palaeontologyby Thomas Henry HuxleyThat application of the sciences of biology and geology, whichis commonly known as palaeontology, took its origin in the mindof the first person who, finding something like a shell, or abone, naturally imbedded in gravel or rock, indulged inspeculations upon the nature of this thing which he had dug outthis "fossil"and upon the causes which had brought it intosuch a position. In this rudimentary form, a high antiquity maysafely be ascribed to palaeontology, inasmuch as we know that,... 
murat |热度 47 | 英语 | 上传: 交通工具类 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Muratby Alexander Dumas, pereITOULONOn the 18th June, 1815, at the very moment when the destiny of Europewas being decided at Waterloo, a man dressed like a beggar wassilently following the road from Toulon to Marseilles.Arrived at the entrance of the Gorge of Ollioulles, he halted on alittle eminence from which he could see all the surrounding country;then either because he had reached the end of his journey, orbecause, before attempting that forbidding, sombre pass which iscalled the Thermopylae of Provence, he wished to enjoy themagnificent view which spread to the southern horizon a littl 
lesser hippias |热度 48 | 英语 | 上传: 绝对零度 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Lesser Hippiasby Plato (see Appendix I)Translated by Benjamin JowettAPPENDIX I.It seems impossible to separate by any exact line the genuine writings ofPlato from the spurious. The only external evidence to them which is ofmuch value is that of Aristotle; for the Alexandrian catalogues of acentury later include manifest forgeries. Even the value of theAristotelian authority is a good deal impaired by the uncertaintyconcerning the date and authorship of the writings which are ascribed tohim. And several of the citations of Aristotle omit the name of Plato, and... 
maitre cornelius |热度 50 | 英语 | 上传: 中国长城网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Maitre Corneliusby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Monsieur le Comte Georges Mniszech:Some envious being may think on seeing this page illustrated byone of the most illustrious of Sarmatian names, that I amstriving, as the goldsmiths do, to enhance a modern work with anancient jewel,a fancy of the fashions of the day,but you and afew others, dear count, will know that I am only seeking to pay mydebt to Talent, Memory, and Friendship.MAITRE CORNELIUS... 
the comparison of pelopidas wi |热度 64 | 英语 | 上传: 谁与争疯 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE COMPARISON OF PELOPIDAS WITH MARCELLUSby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHESE are the memorable things I have found in historians concerningMarcellus and Pelopidas. Betwixt which two great men, though innatural character and manners they nearly resemble each other, becauseboth were valiant and diligent, daring and high-spirited, there wasyet some diversity in the one point, that Marcellus in many citieswhich he reduced under his power committed great slaughter; butEpaminondas and Pelopidas never after any victory put men to death, or... 
31-minnikin |热度 49 | 英语 | 上传: 辛苦 |更新时间:2017-03-16
MINNIKINTHERE was once upon a time a couple of needy folk who livedin a wretched hut, in which there was nothing but black want;so they had neither food to eat nor wood to burn. But if they hadnext to nothing of all else they had the blessing of God so far aschildren were concerned, and every year brought them one more.The man was not overpleased at this. He was always going aboutgrumbling and growling, and saying that it seemed to him thatthere might be such a thing as having too many of these goodgifts; so shortly before another baby was born he went away into... 
beyond the city(城市之上) |热度 63 | 英语 | 上传: 冬儿 |更新时间:2017-03-16
BEYOND THE CITYBEYOND THE CITYArthur Conan Doyle1- Page 2-BEYOND THE CITYCHAPTER I.THE NEW-COMERS."If you please, mum," said the voice of a domestic from somewhereround the angle of the door, "number three is moving in.Two little old ladies, who were sitting at either side of a table, sprangto their feet with ejaculations of interest, and rushed to the window of the... 
novel notes |热度 51 | 英语 | 上传: 连过十一人 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Novel Notesby Jerome K. JeromePROLOGUEYears ago, when I was very small, we lived in a great house in a long, straight, brown-coloured street, in the east end of London. It was a noisy, crowded street in the daytime; but a silent, lonesome street at night, when the gas-lights, few and far between, partook of the character of lighthouses rather than of illuminants, and the tramp, tramp of the policeman on his long beat seemed to be ever drawing nearer, or fading away, except for brief moments when the footsteps ceased, as he paused to rattle a door or window, or to flash his lantern into some d 
round the sofa |热度 48 | 英语 | 上传: 点绛唇 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Round the Sofaby Elizabeth GaskellLong ago I was placed by my parents under the medical treatment of acertain Mr. Dawson, a surgeon in Edinburgh, who had obtained areputation for the cure of a particular class of diseases. I wassent with my governess into lodgings near his house, in the Old Town.I was to combine lessons from the excellent Edinburgh masters, withthe medicines and exercises needed for my indisposition. It was atfirst rather dreary to leave my brothers and sisters, and to give upour merry out-of-doors life with our country home, for dull lodgings,... 
masterman ready |热度 49 | 英语 | 上传: 想聊 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Masterman Readyby Captain Marryat( Frederick Marryat )Chapter IIt was in the month of October, 18, that the Pacific, a large ship, was running before a heavy gale of wind in the middle of the vast Atlantic Ocean. She had but little sail, for the wind was so strong, that the canvas would have been split into pieces by the furious blasts before which she was driven through the waves, which were very high, and following her almost as fast as she darted through their boiling waters; sometimes heaving up her stern and sinking her bows down so deep into the hollow of the sea, that it appeared as if 
bruce(布鲁斯) |热度 119 | 英语 | 上传: 绚烂冬季 |更新时间:2017-03-16
BruceBruceAlbert Payson Terhune1- Page 2-BruceWho are far wiser in their way and far better in every way, than I; andyet who have not the wisdom to know it Who do not merely think I amperfect, but who are calmly and permanently convinced of my perfection;--and this in spite of fifty disillusions a day Who are frantically happy atmy coming and bitterly woebegone in my absence Who never bore me and... 
the adventure of the priory sc |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 双曲线 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE PRIORY SCHOOLby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTHE ADVENTURE OF THE PRIORY SCHOOLWe have had some dramatic entrances and exits upon our small stageat Baker Street, but I cannot recollect anything more sudden andstartling than the first appearance of Thorneycroft Huxtable, M.A.,Ph.D., etc. His card, which seemed too small to carry the weight ofhis academic distinctions, preceded him by a few seconds, and thenhe entered himself- so large, so pompous, and so dignified that he was... 
tanglewood tales(探戈林故事) |热度 55 | 英语 | 上传: 水王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
TANGLEWOOD TALESTANGLEWOOD TALESby NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE1- Page 2-TANGLEWOOD TALESTHE WAYSIDE.INTRODUCTORY.A short time ago, I was favored with a flying visit from my youngfriend Eustace Bright, whom I had not before met with since quitting thebreezy mountains of Berkshire. It being the winter vacation at his college,Eustace was allowing himself a little relaxation, in the hope, he told me, of... 
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