Michael Strogoffby Jules VerneorThe Courier of the CzarMichael StrogoffBOOK ICHAPTER I A FETE AT THE NEW PALACE"SIRE, a fresh dispatch.""Whence?""From Tomsk?""Is the wire cut beyond that city?""Yes, sire, since yesterday.""Telegraph hourly to Tomsk, General, and keep me informedof all that occurs.""Sire, it shall be done," answered General Kissoff.These words were exchanged about two hours after midnight,at the moment when the fete given at the New Palace was atthe height of its splendor.During the whole evening the bands of the Preobra-jensky and Paulowsky...
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE BLANCHED SOLDIERby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleThe ideas of my friend Watson, though limited, are exceedinglypertinacious. For a long time he has worried me to write an experienceof my own. Perhaps I have rather invited this persecution, since Ihave often had occasion to point out to him how superficial are hisown accounts and to accuse him of pandering to popular taste insteadof confining himself rigidly to facts and figures. "Try it yourself,Holmes!" he has retorted, and I am compelled to admit that, having...
John Bull on the Guadalquivirby Anthony TrollopeI am an Englishman, living, as all Englishman should do, in England,and my wife would not, I think, be well pleased were any one toinsinuate that she were other than an Englishwoman; but in thecircumstances of my marriage I became connected with the south ofSpain, and the narrative which I am to tell requires that I shouldrefer to some of those details.The Pomfrets and Daguilars have long been in trade together in thiscountry, and one of the partners has usually resided at Seville forthe sake of the works which the firm there possesses. My fath
The Cruise of the Jasper B.by Don MarquisTO ALL THE COPYREADERS ON ALL THE NEWSPAPERS OF AMERICACHAPTER IA BRIGHT BLADE LEAPS FROM A RUSTY SCABBARDOn an evening in April, 191-, Clement J. Cleggett walked sedatelyinto the news room of the New York Enterprise with a drab-coloredwalking-stick in his hand. He stood the cane in a corner,changed his sober street coat for a more sober office jacket,adjusted a green eyeshade below his primly brushed grayish hair,unostentatiously sat down at the copy desk, and unobtrusively...
A MOONLIGHT FABLEThere was once a little man whose mother made him a beautiful suitof clothes. It was green and gold and woven so that I cannotdescribe how delicate and fine it was, and there was a tie oforange fluffiness that tied up under his chin. And the buttonsin their newness shone like stars. He was proud and pleased by hissuit beyond measure, and stood before the long looking-glass whenfirst he put it on, so astonished and delighted with it that hecould hardly turn himself away.He wanted to wear it everywhere and show it to all sorts of...
Dr. Faustusby Christopher MarloweTHE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUSBY CHRISTOPHER MARLOWEFROM THE QUARTO OF 1616.EDITED BY THE REV. ALEXANDER DYCE.The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus.Written by Ch. Mar. London, Printed for John Wright, and areto be sold at his shop without Newgate, at the signe of theBible, 1616, 4to.The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus.With new Additions. Written by Ch. Mar. Printed at London forJohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate,...
Roundabout to Bostonby William Dean HowellsDuring the four years of my life in Venice the literary intention waspresent with me at all times and in all places. I wrote many things inverse, which I sent to the magazines in every part of the English-speaking world, but they came unerringly back to me, except in threeinstances only, when they were kept by the editors who finally printedthem. One of these pieces was published in the Atlantic Monthly; anotherin Harpers Magazine; the third was got into the New York Ledger throughthe kindness of Doctor Edward Everett Hale, who used I know not what
Preface Of The Author.It is not my intention to detain the reader by expatiatingon the variety or the importance of the subject, which I haveundertaken to treat; since the merit of the choice would serve torender the weakness of the execution still more apparent, andstill less excusable. But as I have presumed to lay before thepublic a first volume only ^1 of the History of the Decline andFall of the Roman Empire, it will, perhaps, be expected that Ishould explain, in a few words, the nature and limits of mygeneral plan....
The Wreck of the Golden Maryby Charles DickensTHE WRECKI was apprenticed to the Sea when I was twelve years old, and I haveencountered a great deal of rough weather, both literal andmetaphorical. It has always been my opinion since I first possessedsuch a thing as an opinion, that the man who knows only one subjectis next tiresome to the man who knows no subject. Therefore, in thecourse of my life I have taught myself whatever I could, andalthough I am not an educated man, I am able, I am thankful to say,to have an intelligent interest in most things....
TWICE-TOLD TALESOLD ESTHER DUDLEYby Nathaniel HawthorneTHE HOUR HAD COME- the hour of defeat and humiliation- when SirWilliam Howe was to pass over the threshold of the Province House, andembark, with no such triumphal ceremonies as he once promised himself,on board the British fleet. He bade his servants and militaryattendants go before him, and lingered a moment in the loneliness ofthe mansion, to quell the fierce emotions that struggled in hisbosom as with a death throb. Preferable, then, would he have deemed...
410 BCIPHIGENIA AT AULISby EuripidesCharacters in the PlayAgamemnonAttendant, an old manChorus of Women of ChalcisMenelausClytaemnestraIphigeniaAchillesMessengerThe sea-coast at Aulis. Enter AGAMEMNON and ATTENDANT.Agamemnon.Old man, come hither and stand before my dwelling.Attendant.I come; what new schemes now, king Agamemnon?AGAMEMNON...
STORIESSTORIESBY ENGLISH AUTHORS IN ITALY1- Page 2-STORIESA FAITHFUL RETAINERBY JAMES PAYNWhen I lived in the country,which was a long time ago,our nearestneighbours were the Luscombes. They were very great personages in thecountry indeed, and the family were greatly "respected"; though not, so faras I could discern, for any particular reason, except from their having been...
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime Kovalevsky1891Lecture 5.Old Russian Parliaments.In our last lecture we showed what causes produced the riseof monarchical power in Russia, and tried to prove that, powerfulas was the autocracy of the Czars of Moscovy, it was limited bythe political rights of the higher nobility. The exercise ofthese rights was entrusted to the Douma or Council, and similarpowers in matters ecclesiastical were vested in a HighCommission, often mentioned by the authors of the time under thename of the consecrated Sobor. This body was composed of the...
THE MIRROR OF KONG HOBY ERNEST BRAMAHA lively and amusing collection of letters onwestern living written by Kong Ho, a Chinesegentleman. These addressed to his homeland,refer to the Westerners in London asbarbarians and many of the aids to life in oursociety give Kong Ho endless food for thought.These are things such as the motor car and thepiano; unknown in China at this time.INTRODUCTIONESTIMABLE BARBARIAN,Your opportune suggestion that I should...