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the adventure of the empty hou |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 津鸿一瞥 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE EMPTY HOUSEby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleIt was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London wasinterested, and the fashionable world dismayed, by the murder of theHonourable Ronald Adair under most unusual and inexplicablecircumstances. The public has already learned those particulars of thecrime which came out in the police investigation, but a good dealwas suppressed upon that occasion, since the case for theprosecution was so overwhelmingly strong that it was not necessary... 
democracy in america-1 |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Democracy In America, Volume 1by Alexis de ToquevilleTranslator - Henry ReeveBook OneIntroductionSpecial Introduction By Hon. John T. MorganIn the eleven years that separated the Declaration of the Independence of the United States from the completion of that act in the ordination of our written Constitution, the great minds of America were bent upon the study of the principles of government that were essential to the preservation of the liberties which had been won at great cost and with heroic labors and sacrifices. Their studies were conducted in view of the imperfections that experience  
the golden fleece(金羊毛) |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 换裁判 |更新时间:2017-03-16
dream days(做梦的日子) |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 向前 |更新时间:2017-03-16
DREAM DAYSDREAM DAYSBY KENNETH GRAHAME1- Page 2-DREAM DAYSTHE TWENTY-FIRST OFOCTOBERIn the matter of general culture and attainments, we youngsters stoodon pretty level ground. True, it was always happening that one of uswould be singled out at any moment, freakishly, and without regard to hisown preferences, to wrestle with the inflections of some idiotic language... 
a20 |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2017-03-16
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTWO BROTHERSby Hans Christian AndersenON one of the Danish islands, where old Thingstones, the seatsof justice of our forefathers, still stand in the cornfields, and hugetrees rise in the forests of beech, there lies a little town whose lowhouses are covered with red tiles. In one of these houses strangethings were brewing over the glowing coals on the open hearth; therewas a boiling going on in glasses, and a mixing and distilling,while herbs were being cut up and pounded in mortars. An elderly man looked after it all.... 
tartarin of tarascon |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2017-06-13
TARTARIN OF TARASCONbyALPHONSE DAUDETEPISODE THE FIRSTIN TARASCONI. The Garden Round the Giant Trees.My first visit to Tartarin of Tarascon has remained a never-to-be- forgotten date in my life; although quite ten or a dozen years ago, I remember it better than yesterday.At that time the intrepid Tartarin lived in the third house on the left as the town begins, on the Avignon road. A pretty little villa in the local style, with a front garden and a balcony behind, the walls glaringly white and the venetians very green; and always about the doorsteps a brood of little Savoyard shoeblackguards 
how to fail in literature |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2018-05-10
How to Fail in Literatureby Andrew LangPREFACEThis Lecture was delivered at the South Kensington Museum, in aid ofthe College for Working Men and Women. As the Publishers, perhapserroneously, believe that some of the few authors who were notpresent may be glad to study the advice here proffered, the Lectureis now printed. It has been practically re-written, and, like thekiss which the Lady returned to Rodolphe, is revu, corrige, etconsiderablement augmente.A. L.HOW TO FAIL IN LITERATURE... 
erlestanleygardner.thecaseofth |热度 124 | 英语 | 上传: 辛苦 |更新时间:2020-08-07
 A heavy rain in Scotland had swollen the streams. As one of them subsided, a small bundle was left by the receding waters. This bundle contained human flesh. A search revealed more bundles. Some of them were found days apart. Apparently, many of them had been thrown from a bridge into the turbulent flood waters. Nearly a month after the first discoveries, a left foot was found on the roadside some distance from the stream bed. Nearly a week later, a right forearm with hand was discovered. All of the recoveries were, of course, in a state of advanced deposition. When the pieces were assembled 
phaedrus |热度 123 | 英语 | 上传: 人生几何 |更新时间:2017-03-16
360 BCPHAEDRUSby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettPHAEDRUSPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: SOCRATES; PHAEDRUS. Scene: Under aplane-tree, by the banks of the Ilissus.Socrates. My dear Phaedrus, whence come you, and whither are yougoing?Phaedrus. I come from Lysias the son of Cephalus, and I am goingto take a walk outside the wall, for I have been sitting with him... 
the wandering jew, volume 1 |热度 123 | 英语 | 上传: 男孩不逛街 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Wandering Jew, Volume 1by Eugene SueA NOTE ON THE AUTHOR OFThe Wandering JewEUGENE SUE(1804-1857)Time and again physicians and seamen have made noteworthy reputations asnovelists. But it is rare in the annals of literature that a man trainedin both professions should have gained his greatest fame as a writer ofnovels. Eugene Sue began his career as a physician and surgeon, and thenspent six years in the French Navy. In 1830, when he returned to France,... 
twenty years after(二十年后) |热度 123 | 英语 | 上传: 猜火车 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Twenty Years Afterby Alexandre Dumas [Pere]1The Shade of Cardinal Richelieu.In a splendid chamber of the Palais Royal, formerly styledthe Palais Cardinal, a man was sitting in deep reverie, hishead supported on his hands, leaning over a gilt and inlaidtable which was covered with letters and papers. Behind thisfigure glowed a vast fireplace alive with leaping flames;great logs of oak blazed and crackled on the polished brassandirons whose flicker shone upon the superb habiliments ofthe lonely tenant of the room, which was illumined grandlyby twin candelabra rich with wax-lights.... 
the young king |热度 123 | 英语 | 上传: 天净沙 |更新时间:2017-03-18
THE YOUNG KING[TO MARGARET LADY BROOKE - THE RANEE OF SARAWAK]It was the night before the day fixed for his coronation, and theyoung King was sitting alone in his beautiful chamber. Hiscourtiers had all taken their leave of him, bowing their heads tothe ground, according to the ceremonious usage of the day, and hadretired to the Great Hall of the Palace, to receive a few lastlessons from the Professor of Etiquette; there being some of themwho had still quite natural manners, which in a courtier is, I needhardly say, a very grave offence.... 
the travelling companion |热度 123 | 英语 | 上传: 两块 |更新时间:2017-05-28
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE TRAVELLING COMPANIONby Hans Christian AndersenPOOR John was very sad; for his father was so ill, he had nohope of his recovery. John sat alone with the sick man in the littleroom, and the lamp had nearly burnt out; for it was late in the night."You have been a good son, John," said the sick father, "and Godwill help you on in the world." He looked at him, as he spoke, withmild, earnest eyes, drew a deep sigh, and died; yet it appeared asif he still slept.... 
unto this last |热度 122 | 英语 | 上传: 翱翔1981 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Unto This LastJohn Ruskin1860Essays from the Cornhill Magazine 1860reprinted as Unto This Last in 1862The Roots of HonourAmong the delusions which at different periods have possessedthemselves of the minds of large masses of the human race,perhaps the most curious certainly the least creditable isthe modern soi-disant science of political economy, based on theidea that an advantageous code of social action may be determinedirrespectively of the influence of social affection.... 
othello,the moor of venice(奥 |热度 122 | 英语 | 上传: 美丽心点 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO, MOOR OF VENICEOTHELLO, MOOR OFVENICEWilliam Shakespeare16051- Page 2-THE TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO, MOOR OF VENICEDramatis PersonaeOTHELLO, the Moor, general of the Venetian forces DESDEMONA,his wife IAGO, ensign to Othello EMILIA, his wife, ladyinwaiting toDesdemona CASSIO, lieutenant to Othello THE DUKE OF VENICEBRABANTIO, Venetian Senator, father of Desdemona GRATIANO,... 
letters on literature(关于文学 |热度 122 | 英语 | 上传: 津鸿一瞥 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Letters on LiteratureLetters on LiteratureBy Andrew Lang1- Page 2-Letters on LiteratureDEDICATIONDear Mr. Way,After so many letters to people who never existed, may I venture ashort one, to a person very real to me, though I have never seen him, andonly know him by his many kindnesses? Perhaps you will add another tothese by accepting the Dedication of a little work, of a sort experimental in... 
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