Grass of Parnassusby Andrew LangContents:Grass of ParnassusDeeds of men:Seekers for a cityThe white pachaMidnight, January 25, 1886Advance, AustraliaColonel BurnabyMelville and CoghillRhodocleia:To rhodocleia - on her melancholy singingAve:Clevedon churchTwilight on Tweed *Metempsychosis *Lost in Hades *A star in the night *A sunset on yarrow *Another wayHesperothen:The seekers for PhaeaciaA song of PhaeaciaThe departure from Phaeacia...
by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenHAVING mentioned the most memorable actions of these great men, ifwe now compare the whole life of the one with that of the other, itwill not be easy to discern the difference between them, lost as it isamongst such a number of circumstances in which they resemble eachother. If, however, we examine them in detail, as we might somepiece of poetry, or some picture, we shall find this common to themboth, that they advanced themselves to great honour and dignity in thecommonwealth by no other means than their own virtue and industry. But...
Adventureby Jack LondonCHAPTER ISOMETHING TO BE DONEHe was a very sick white man. He rode pick-a-back on a woolly- headed, black-skinned savage, the lobes of whose ears had been pierced and stretched until one had torn out, while the other carried a circular block of carved wood three inches in diameter. The torn ear had been pierced again, but this time not so ambitiously, for the hole accommodated no more than a short clay pipe. The man-horse was greasy and dirty, and naked save for an exceedingly narrow and dirty loin-cloth; but the white man clung to him closely and desperately. At tim
TIMAEUSby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettTIMAEUSPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: SOCRATES; CRITIAS; TIMAEUS; HERMOCRATESSocrates. One, two, three; but where, my dear Timaeus, is the fourthof those who were yesterday my guests and are to be my entertainersto-day?Timaeus. He has been taken ill, Socrates; for he would not willinglyhave been absent from this gathering.Soc. Then, if he is not coming, you and the two others must supplyhis place.Tim. Certainly, and we will do all that we can; having been...
Christian Scienceby Mark TwainCHRISTIAN SCIENCEPREFACEBOOK I of this volume occupies a quarter or a third of the volume,and consists of matter written about four years ago, but not hithertopublished in book form. It contained errors of judgment and of fact.I have now corrected these to the best of my ability and later knowledge.Book II was written at the beginning of 1903, and has not until nowappeared in any form. In it my purpose has been to present a character-portrait of Mrs. Eddy, drawn from her own acts and words solely, not fromhearsay and rumor; and to explain the nature and scope o
SOUTH SEA TALESSOUTH SEA TALESby Jack London1- Page 2-SOUTH SEA TALESTHE HOUSE OF MAPUHIDespite the heavy clumsiness of her lines, the Aorai handled easily inthe light breeze, and her captain ran her well in before he hove to justoutside the suck of the surf. The atoll of Hikueru lay low on the water, acircle of pounded coral sand a hundred yards wide, twenty miles in...
SHERLOCK HOMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE NORWOOD BUILDERby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTHE ADVENTURE OF THE NORWOOD BUILDER"From the point of view of the criminal" said Mr. Sherlock Holmes,"London has become a singularly uninteresting city since the deathof the late lamented Professor Moriarty.""I can hardly think that you would find many decent citizens toagree with you," I answered."Well, well, I must not be selfish," said he, with a smile, as bepushed back his chair from the breakfast-table. "The community is...
Cratylusby PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettINTRODUCTION.The Cratylus has always been a source of perplexity to the student ofPlato. While in fancy and humour, and perfection of style and metaphysicaloriginality, this dialogue may be ranked with the best of the Platonicwritings, there has been an uncertainty about the motive of the piece,which interpreters have hitherto not succeeded in dispelling. We need notsuppose that Plato used words in order to conceal his thoughts, or that hewould have been unintelligible to an educated contemporary. In the...
A Complete Account of the Settlementby Watkin TenchPREFACEWhen it is recollected how much has been written to describe the Settlement of New South Wales, it seems necessary if not to offer an apology, yet to assign a reason, for an additional publication.The Author embarked in the fleet which sailed to found the establishment at Botany Bay. He shortly after published a Narrative of the Proceedings and State of the Colony, brought up to the beginning of July, 1788, which was well received, and passed through three editions. This could not but inspire both confidence and gratitude; but gratit
CAMILLUS445?-365 Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenAMONG the many remarkable things that are related of FuriusCamillus, it seems singular and strange above all, that he, whocontinually was in the highest commands, and obtained the greatestsuccesses, was five times chosen dictator, triumphed four times, andwas styled a second founder of Rome, yet never was so much as onceconsul. The reason of which was the state and temper of the...
Studies of Lowellby William Dean HowellsI have already spoken of my earliest meetings with Lowell at Cambridgewhen I came to New England on a literary pilgrimage from the West in1860. I saw him more and more after I went to live in Cambridge in 1866;and I now wish to record what I knew of him during the years that passedbetween this date and that of his death. If the portrait I shall try topaint does not seem a faithful likeness to others who knew him, I shallonly claim that so he looked to me, at this moment and at that. If I donot keep myself quite out of the picture, what painter ever d
THUVIA, MAID OF MARSTHUVIA, MAID OFMARS1- Page 2-THUVIA, MAID OF MARSCHAPTER ICARTHORIS AND THUVIAUpon a massive bench of polished ersite beneath the gorgeousblooms of a giant pimalia a woman sat. Her shapely, sandalled foot tappedimpatiently upon the jewel-strewn walk that wound beneath the statelysorapus trees across the scarlet sward of the royal gardens of Thuvan Dihn,...
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE TOADby Hans Christian AndersenTHE well was deep, and therefore the rope had to be a long one; itwas heavy work turning the handle when any one had to raise abucketful of water over the edge of the well. Though the water wasclear, the sun never looked down far enough into the well to mirroritself in the waters; but as far as its beams could reach, greenthings grew forth between the stones in the sides of the well.Down below dwelt a family of the Toad race. They had, in fact,come head-over-heels down the well, in the person of the old...
Vera, The Mediumby Richard Harding DavisPart IHappy in the hope that the news was "exclusive", the Despatchhad thrown the name of Stephen Hallowell, his portrait, apicture of his house, and the words, "At Point of Death!" acrossthree columns. The announcement was heavy, lachrymose, bristlingwith the melancholy self-importance of the man who "saw thedeceased, just two minutes before the train hit him."But the effect of the news fell short of the effort. Save thatcity editors were irritated that the presidents of certainrailroads figured hastily on slips of paper, the fact that an...
Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of EnglandEdited by Robert BellINTRODUCTION.IN 1846, the Percy Society issued to its members a volume entitled ANCIENT POEMS, BALLADS, AND SONGS OF THE PEASANTRY OF ENGLAND, edited by Mr. James Henry Dixon. The sources drawn upon by Mr. Dixon are intimated in the following extract from his preface:-He who, in travelling through the rural districts of England, has made the road-side inn his resting-place, who has visited the lowly dwellings of the villagers and yeomanry, and been present at their feasts and festivals, must have observed
50 Bab Balladsby W. S. GilbertPREFACE.THE "BAB BALLADS" appeared originally in the columns of "FUN,"when that periodical was under the editorship of the late TOM HOOD.They were subsequently republished in two volumes, one called "THEBAB BALLADS," the other "MORE BAB BALLADS." The period duringwhich they were written extended over some three or four years;many, however, were composed hastily, and under the discomfortingnecessity of having to turn out a quantity of lively verse by acertain day in every week. As it seemed to me (and to others) that...