Painted Windowsby Elia W. PeattieWill you come with me into the chamber of memoryand lift your eyes to the painted windows where the figuresand scenes of childhood appear? Perhaps by looking withkindly eyes at those from out my past, long wished-forvisions of your own youth will appear to heal the woundsfrom which you suffer, and to quiet your stormy andrestless heart.CONTENTSI NIGHTII SOLITUDEIII FRIENDSHIPIV FAMEV REMORSEVI TRAVELPAINTED WINDOWSINIGHTYOUNG people believe very littlethat they hear about the compen-...
Before Adamby Jack London"These are our ancestors, and their history is ourhistory. Remember that as surely as we one day swungdown out of the trees and walked upright, just assurely, on a far earlier day, did we crawl up out ofthe sea and achieve our first adventure on land."CHAPTER IPictures! Pictures! Pictures! Often, before I learned,did I wonder whence came the multitudes of picturesthat thronged my dreams; for they were pictures thelike of which I had never seen in real wake-a-day life.They tormented my childhood, making of my dreams a...
THE IDLE THOUGHTS OF AN IDLE FELLOW.THE IDLE THOUGHTSOF AN IDLE JEROME K. JEROME.1- Page 2-THE IDLE THOUGHTS OF AN IDLE FELLOW.PREFACEOne or two friends to whom I showed these papers in MS. havingobserved that they were not half bad, and some of my relations havingpromised to buy the book if it ever came out, I feel I have no right to...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE DRYADby Hans Christian AndersenWE are travelling to Paris to the Exhibition.Now we are there. That was a journey, a flight without magic. Weflew on the wings of steam over the sea and across the land.Yes, our time is the time of fairy tales.We are in the midst of Paris, in a great hotel. Blooming flowersornament the staircases, and soft carpets the floors.Our room is a very cosy one, and through the open balcony doorwe have a view of a great square. Spring lives down there; it has come...
The Man Betweenby Amelia E. BarrPART FIRSTO LOVE WILL VENTURE IN!THE MAN BETWEENCHAPTER ITHE thing that I know least about is my beginning. For it is possible to introduce Ethel Rawdon in so many picturesque ways that the choice is embarrassing, and forces me to the conclusion that the actual circumstances, though commonplace, may be the most suitable. Certainly the events that shape our lives are seldom ushered in with pomp or ceremony; they steal upon us unannounced, and begin their work without giving any premonition of their importance.Consequently Ethel had no idea when she returned home
Bureaucracyby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo the Comtesse Seraphina San Severino, with the respectfulhomage of sincere and deep admiration.De Balzac.BUREAUCRACYCHAPTER ITHE RABOURDIN HOUSEHOLDIn Paris, where men of thought and study bear a certain likeness toone another, living as they do in a common centre, you must have metwith several resembling Monsieur Rabourdin, whose acquaintance we areabout to make at a moment when he is head of a bureau in one of our...
440 BCAJAXby Sophoclestranslated by R. C. TrevelyanCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYATHENAODYSSEUSAJAXCHORUS OF SALAMINIANSTECMESSA, concubine of AJAXMESSENGERTEUCER, half-brother of AJAXMENELAUSAGAMEMNONMute PersonsEURYSACES, child of AJAX and TECMESSAAttendants, Heralds, etc.AJAXAJAX(SCENE:-Before the tent of AJAX in the Greek camp at Troy. It is...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE OLD STREET LAMPby Hans Christian AndersenDID you ever hear the story of the old street lamp? It is notremarkably interesting, but for once in a way you may as well listento it. It was a most respectable old lamp, which had seen many, manyyears of service, and now was to retire with a pension. It was thisevening at its post for the last time, giving light to the street. Hisfeelings were something like those of an old dancer at the theatre,who is dancing for the last time, and knows that on the morrow she...
THE CROW[13][13] From the Polish. Kletke.Once upon a time there were three Princesses who were all threeyoung and beautiful; but the youngest, although she was notfairer than the other two, was the most loveable of them all.About half a mile from the palace in which they lived there stooda castle, which was uninhabited and almost a ruin, but the gardenwhich surrounded it was a mass of blooming flowers, and in thisgarden the youngest Princess used often to walk.One day when she was pacing to and fro under the lime trees, ablack crow hopped out of a rose-bush in front of her. The poor...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE FLAXby Hans Christian AndersenTHE flax was in full bloom; it had pretty little blue flowers asdelicate as the wings of a moth, or even more so. The sun shone, andthe showers watered it; and this was just as good for the flax as itis for little children to be washed and then kissed by their mother.They look much prettier for it, and so did the flax."People say that I look exceedingly well," said the flax, "andthat I am so fine and long that I shall make a beautiful piece of...
450 BCAGAMEMNONby Aeschylustranslated by E.D.A. MorsheadCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYA WATCHMANCHORUS OF ARGIVE ELDERSCLYTEMNESTRA, wife of AGAMEMNONA HERALDAGAMEMNON, King of ArgosCASSANDRA, daughter of Priam, and slave of AGAMEMNONAEGISTHUS, son of Thyestes, cousin of AGAMEMNONServants, Attendants, SoldiersAGAMEMNON(SCENE:-Before the palace of AGAMEMNON in Argos. In front of the...
Original Short Stories, Vol. 13.By Guy de MaupassantVOLUME XIII.OLD JUDASTHE LITTLE CASKBOITELLEA WIDOWTHE ENGLISHMEN OF ETRETATMAGNETISMA FATHERS CONFESSIONA MOTHER OF MONSTERSAN UNCOMFORTABLE BEDA PORTRAITTHE DRUNKARDTHE WARDROBETHE MOUNTAIN POOLA CREMATIONMISTIMADAME HERMETTHE MAGIC COUCHOLD JUDASThis entire stretch of country was amazing; it was characterized by agrandeur that was almost religious, and yet it had an air of sinisterdesolation.A great, wild lake, filled with stagnant, black water, in which thousands...
The Essays of Montaigne, V3by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 3.XIII. The ceremony of the interview of princes.XIV. That men are justly punished for being obstinate in the defenceof a fort that is not in reason to be defendedXV. Of the punishment of cowardice.XVI. A proceeding of some ambassadors.XVII. Of fear.XVIII. That men are not to judge of our happiness till after death.XIX. That to study philosophy is to learn to die....
IONby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettIONPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: SOCRATES; IONSocrates. Welcome, Ion. Are you from your native city of Ephesus?Ion. No, Socrates; but from Epidaurus, where I attended the festivalof Asclepius.Soc. And do the Epidaurians have contests of rhapsodes at thefestival?Ion. O yes; and of all sorts of musical performers.Soc. And were you one of the competitors- and did you succeed?Ion. I obtained the first prize of all, Socrates....
Shelley : AN ESSAYby Francis ThompsonThe Church, which was once the mother of poets no less than ofsaints, during the last two centuries has relinquished to aliens thechief glories of poetry, if the chief glories of holiness she haspreserved for her own. The palm and the laurel, Dominic and Dante,sanctity and song, grew together in her soil: she has retained thepalm, but forgone the laurel. Poetry in its widest sense, {1} andwhen not professedly irreligious, has been too much and too longamong many Catholics either misprised or distrusted; too much and...
The Aspern Papersby Henry JamesTHE ASPERN PAPERSII had taken Mrs. Prest into my confidence; in truth withouther I should have made but little advance, for the fruitfulidea in the whole business dropped from her friendly lips.It was she who invented the short cut, who severed the Gordian knot.It is not supposed to be the nature of women to rise as a general thingto the largest and most liberal viewI mean of a practical scheme;but it has struck me that they sometimes throw off a bold conception...