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two poets |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 上网找工作 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Two Poetsby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Ellen MarriageDEDICATIONTo Monsieur Victor Hugo,It was your birthright to be, like a Rafael or a Pitt, a great poet at an age when other men are children; it was your fate, the fate of Chateaubriand and of every man of genius, to struggle against jealousy skulking behind the columns of a newspaper, or crouching in the subterranean places of journalism. For this reason I desired that your victorious name should help to win a victory for this work that I inscribe to you, a work which, if some persons are to be believed, is an act of courag 
zanoni |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 这就是结局 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Zanoniby Edward Bulwer LyttonDEDICATORY EPISTLEFirst prefixed to the Edition of 1845TOJOHN GIBSON, R.A., SCULPTOR.In looking round the wide and luminous circle of our great livingEnglishmen, to select one to whom I might fitly dedicate thiswork,one who, in his life as in his genius, might illustratethe principle I have sought to convey; elevated by the idealwhich he exalts, and serenely dwelling in a glorious existencewith the images born of his imagination,in looking round forsome such man, my thoughts rested upon you. Afar from our... 
the angel |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 爱之冰点 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE ANGELby Hans Christian Andersen"WHENEVER a good child dies, an angel of God comes down fromheaven, takes the dead child in his arms, spreads out his greatwhite wings, and flies with him over all the places which the childhad loved during his life. Then he gathers a large handful of flowers,which he carries up to the Almighty, that they may bloom more brightlyin heaven than they do on earth. And the Almighty presses theflowers to His heart, but He kisses the flower that pleases Him... 
the black death and the dancin |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 朝令夕改 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Black Death and The Dancing Maniaby J. F. C. Hecker (translated by B. G. Babington)INTRODUCTIONJustus Friedrich Karl Hecker was one of three generations of distinguished professors of medicine. His father, August Friedrich Hecker, a most industrious writer, first practised as a physician in Frankenhausen, and in 1790 was appointed Professor of Medicine at the University of Erfurt. In 1805 he was called to the like professorship at the University of Berlin. He died at Berlin in 1811.Justus Friedrich Karl Hecker was born at Erfurt in January, 1795. He went, of coursebeing then ten years  
oliver wendell holmes |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 无组织 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Oliver Wendell Holmesby William Dean HowellsElsewhere we literary folk are apt to be such a common lot, withtendencies here and there to be a shabby lot; we arrive from all sorts ofunexpected holes and corners of the earth, remote, obscure; and at thebest we do so often come up out of the ground; but at Boston we were ofascertained and noted origin, and good part of us dropped from the skies.Instead of holding horses before the doors of theatres; or capping versesat the plough-tail; or tramping over Europe with nothing but a flute inthe pocket; or walking up to the metropolis with no luggage  
little travels and roadside sk |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 沸点123 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Little Travels and Roadside Sketchesby William Makepeace ThackerayI. FROM RICHMOND IN SURREY TO BRUSSELS IN BELGIUMII. GHENTBRUGES:Ghent (1840)BrugesIII. WATERLOOLITTLE TRAVELS AND ROADSIDE SKETCHESI.FROM RICHMOND IN SURREY TO BRUSSELS IN BELGIUM. . . I quitted the "Rose Cottage Hotel" at Richmond, one of thecomfortablest, quietest, cheapest, neatest little inns in England,and a thousand times preferable, in my opinion, to the "Star andGarter," whither, if you go alone, a sneering waiter, with his hair... 
the legacy of cain |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 小秋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Legacy of Cainby Wilkie CollinsToMRS. HENRY POWELL BARTLEY:Permit me to add your name to my name, in publishing this novel.The pen which has written my books cannot be more agreeablyemployed than in acknowledging what I owe to the pen which hasskillfully and patiently helped me, by copying my manuscripts forthe printer.WILKIE COLLINS.Wimpole Street, 6th December, 1888.THE LEGACY OF CAIN.First Period: 1858-1859.EVENTS IN THE PRISON, RELATED BY THE GOVERNOR.CHAPTER I.THE GOVERNOR EXPLAINS.AT the request of a person who has claims on me that I must not... 
the wreck of the golden mary |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Wreck of the Golden Maryby Charles DickensTHE WRECKI was apprenticed to the Sea when I was twelve years old, and I haveencountered a great deal of rough weather, both literal andmetaphorical. It has always been my opinion since I first possessedsuch a thing as an opinion, that the man who knows only one subjectis next tiresome to the man who knows no subject. Therefore, in thecourse of my life I have taught myself whatever I could, andalthough I am not an educated man, I am able, I am thankful to say,to have an intelligent interest in most things.... 
the quest of the golden girl |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 孤独半圆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
口语8000句-39谚语惯用语 |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 生在秋天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
不管张三李四。Every Tom, Dick and Harry. *举出常用的男孩名,表示“不论谁都……”、“不管张三还是李四”。虽然没有女孩名,但男女都可用。My daughter had a homestay in America. (我女儿为体验当地生活,去美国了。)So did every Tom, Dick and Harry. (不管谁都能去啊。)I like sexy girls. (我喜欢性感的女人。)So does every Tom, Dick and Harry. (无论谁都是这样的。)一波未平一波又起。Out of the frying pan into the fire. *frying pan “平底炒菜锅”,直译是菜从锅里炒出来又掉进了火里。舍名求实。I live to eat.Pudding rather than praise. *不太常用的说法。瞎猫碰上了死耗子。Every dog has his day.... 
noto, an unexplored corner of |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 连过十一人 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Noto, an unexplored corner of Japanby Percival LowellFrom you, my dear Basil, the confidant of my hopes toward Noto, Iknow I may look for sympathy now that my advances have met with suchhappy issue, however incomplete be my account. And so I ask you tobe my best man in the matter before the world.Ever yours,Percival Lowell.Basil Hall Chamberlain, Esq.Contents.I. An Unknown.II. Off and On.III. The Usui Pass.IV. Zenkoji.V. No.VI. On a New Cornice Road.... 
10-the five boons of life |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 指点迷津 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE FIVE BOONS OF LIFEChapter IIn the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket, and said:"Here are gifts. Take one, leave the others. And be wary,chose wisely; oh, choose wisely! for only one of them is valuable."The gifts were five: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure, Death.The youth said, eagerly:"There is no need to consider"; and he chose Pleasure.He went out into the world and sought out the pleasures that youthdelights in. But each in its turn was short-lived and disappointing,vain and empty; and each, departing, mocked him. In the end he said:... 
the dore lectures on mental sc |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 指环王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Dore Lectures on Mental Scienceby Thomas TrowardENTERING INTO THE SPIRIT OF ITINDIVIDUALITYTHE NEW THOUGHT AND THE NEW ORDERTHE LIPS OF THE SPIRITALPHA AND OMEGATHE CREATIVE POWER OF THOUGHTTHE GREAT AFFIRMATIVECHRIST THE FULFILLING OF THE LAWTHE STORY OF EDENTHE WORSHIP OF ISHITHE SHEPHERD AND THE STONESALVATION IS OF THE JEWSFOREWORD.The addresses contained in this volume were delivered by me at the Dore Gallery, Bond Street, London, on the Sundays of the first three months of the present year, and are now published at the kind request of many of my hearers, hence their title of "The Do 
the chateau of prince polignac |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 曾氏六合网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Chateau of Prince Polignacby Anthony TrollopeFew Englishmen or Englishwomen are intimately acquainted with thelittle town of Le Puy. It is the capital of the old province of LeVelay, which also is now but little known, even to French ears, forit is in these days called by the imperial name of the Department ofthe Haute Loire. It is to the south-east of Auvergne, and is nearlyin the centre of the southern half of France.But few towns, merely as towns, can be better worth visiting. Inthe first place, the volcanic formation of the ground on which it... 
the essays of montaigne, v15 |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 孤独半圆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Essays of Montaigne, V15by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 15.V. Upon Some verses of Virgil.CHAPTER VUPON SOME VERSES OF VIRGILCHAPTER V.By how much profitable thoughts are more full and solid, by so much arethey also more cumbersome and heavy: vice, death, poverty, diseases, aregrave and grievous subjects. A man should have his soul instructed inthe means to sustain and to contend with evils, and in the rules ofliving and believing well: and often rouse it up, and exercise it in this... 
the old house |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 白寒 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE OLD HOUSEby Hans Christian AndersenA VERY old house stood once in a street with several that werequite new and clean. The date of its erection had been carved on oneof the beams, and surrounded by scrolls formed of tulips andhop-tendrils; by this date it could be seen that the old house wasnearly three hundred years old. Verses too were written over thewindows in old-fashioned letters, and grotesque faces, curiouslycarved, grinned at you from under the cornices. One story projected... 
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