The Essays of Montaigne, V2by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877ESSAYS OF MONTAIGNEBOOK THE FIRSTCONTENTS OF VOLUME 2.I. That Men by Various Ways Arrive at the Same End.II. Of Sorrow.III. That our affections carry themselves beyond us .IV. That the soul discharges her passions upon false objects, wherethe true are wanting.V. Whether the governor of a place besieged ought himself to goout to parley.VI. That the hour of parley is dangerous....
Adventure VThe Musgrave RitualAn anomaly which often struck me in the character ofmy friend Sherlock Holmes was that, although in hismethods of thought he was the neatest and mostmethodical of mankind, and although also he affected acertain quiet primness of dress, he was none the lessin his personal habits one of the most untidy men thatever drove a fellow-lodger to distraction. Not that Iam in the least conventional in that respect myself.The rough-and-tumble work in Afghanistan, coming onthe top of a natural Bohemianism of disposition, has...
Polyuecteby Pierre CorneilleTranslated by Thomas ConstableINTRODUCTORY NOTEPierre Corneille was born in Rouen in 1606, the son of an official;was educated by the Jesuits, and practised unsuccessfully as a lawyer.His dramatic career began with the comedy of "Melite," but it was byhis "Medee" that he first proved his tragic genius. "The Cid" appearedin 1636, and a series of masterpieces followed"Horace," "Cinna,""Polyeucte," "Le Menteur." After a failure in "Pertharite" he retiredfrom the stage, deeply hurt by the disapproval of his audience. Six...
WHAT IS MAN?Ia. Man the Machine. b. Personal Merit[The Old Man and the Young Man had been conversing. The OldMan had asserted that the human being is merely a machine, andnothing more. The Young Man objected, and asked him to go intoparticulars and furnish his reasons for his position.]Old Man. What are the materials of which a steam-engine is made?Young Man. Iron, steel, brass, white-metal, and so on.O.M. Where are these found?Y.M. In the rocks.O.M. In a pure state?Y.M. Noin ores....
Grass of Parnassusby Andrew LangContents:Grass of ParnassusDeeds of men:Seekers for a cityThe white pachaMidnight, January 25, 1886Advance, AustraliaColonel BurnabyMelville and CoghillRhodocleia:To rhodocleia - on her melancholy singingAve:Clevedon churchTwilight on Tweed *Metempsychosis *Lost in Hades *A star in the night *A sunset on yarrow *Another wayHesperothen:The seekers for PhaeaciaA song of PhaeaciaThe departure from Phaeacia...
by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenHAVING mentioned the most memorable actions of these great men, ifwe now compare the whole life of the one with that of the other, itwill not be easy to discern the difference between them, lost as it isamongst such a number of circumstances in which they resemble eachother. If, however, we examine them in detail, as we might somepiece of poetry, or some picture, we shall find this common to themboth, that they advanced themselves to great honour and dignity in thecommonwealth by no other means than their own virtue and industry. But...
Christian Scienceby Mark TwainCHRISTIAN SCIENCEPREFACEBOOK I of this volume occupies a quarter or a third of the volume,and consists of matter written about four years ago, but not hithertopublished in book form. It contained errors of judgment and of fact.I have now corrected these to the best of my ability and later knowledge.Book II was written at the beginning of 1903, and has not until nowappeared in any form. In it my purpose has been to present a character-portrait of Mrs. Eddy, drawn from her own acts and words solely, not fromhearsay and rumor; and to explain the nature and scope o
The Writings of Abraham Lincolnby Abraham LincolnVOLUME 5.TO SYDNEY SPRING, GRAYVILLE, ILL.SPRINGFIELD, June 19, 1858.SYDNEY SPRING, Esq.MY DEAR SIR:Your letter introducing Mr. Faree was duly received.There was no opening to nominate him for Superintendent of PublicInstruction, but through him Egypt made a most valuable contributionto the convention. I think it may be fairly said that he came off thelion of the dayor rather of the night. Can you not elect him to theLegislature? It seems to me he would be hard to beat. What...
SOUTH SEA TALESSOUTH SEA TALESby Jack London1- Page 2-SOUTH SEA TALESTHE HOUSE OF MAPUHIDespite the heavy clumsiness of her lines, the Aorai handled easily inthe light breeze, and her captain ran her well in before he hove to justoutside the suck of the surf. The atoll of Hikueru lay low on the water, acircle of pounded coral sand a hundred yards wide, twenty miles in...
SHERLOCK HOMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE NORWOOD BUILDERby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTHE ADVENTURE OF THE NORWOOD BUILDER"From the point of view of the criminal" said Mr. Sherlock Holmes,"London has become a singularly uninteresting city since the deathof the late lamented Professor Moriarty.""I can hardly think that you would find many decent citizens toagree with you," I answered."Well, well, I must not be selfish," said he, with a smile, as bepushed back his chair from the breakfast-table. "The community is...
Cratylusby PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettINTRODUCTION.The Cratylus has always been a source of perplexity to the student ofPlato. While in fancy and humour, and perfection of style and metaphysicaloriginality, this dialogue may be ranked with the best of the Platonicwritings, there has been an uncertainty about the motive of the piece,which interpreters have hitherto not succeeded in dispelling. We need notsuppose that Plato used words in order to conceal his thoughts, or that hewould have been unintelligible to an educated contemporary. In the...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE RACESby Hans Christian AndersenA PRIZE, or rather two prizes, a great one and a small one, hadbeen awarded for the greatest swiftness in running,- not in a singlerace, but for the whole year."I obtained the first prize," said the hare. "Justice must stillbe carried out, even when one has relations and good friends among theprize committee; but that the snail should have received the secondprize, I consider almost an insult to myself"...
A History of Science, Volume 4by Henry Smith Williams, M.D., LL.D.ASSISTED BY EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, M.D.IN FIVE VOLUMES VOLUME IV.MODERN DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESA HISTORY OF SCIENCEBOOK IVMODERN DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAS regards chronology, the epoch covered in the present volume is identical with that viewed in the preceding one. But now as regards subject matter we pass on to those diverse phases of the physical world which are the field of the chemist, and to those yet more intricate processes which have to do with living organisms. So
Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of EnglandEdited by Robert BellINTRODUCTION.IN 1846, the Percy Society issued to its members a volume entitled ANCIENT POEMS, BALLADS, AND SONGS OF THE PEASANTRY OF ENGLAND, edited by Mr. James Henry Dixon. The sources drawn upon by Mr. Dixon are intimated in the following extract from his preface:-He who, in travelling through the rural districts of England, has made the road-side inn his resting-place, who has visited the lowly dwellings of the villagers and yeomanry, and been present at their feasts and festivals, must have observed
Muratby Alexander Dumas, pereITOULONOn the 18th June, 1815, at the very moment when the destiny of Europewas being decided at Waterloo, a man dressed like a beggar wassilently following the road from Toulon to Marseilles.Arrived at the entrance of the Gorge of Ollioulles, he halted on alittle eminence from which he could see all the surrounding country;then either because he had reached the end of his journey, orbecause, before attempting that forbidding, sombre pass which iscalled the Thermopylae of Provence, he wished to enjoy themagnificent view which spread to the southern horizon a littl
Hunted Downby Charles DickensI.Most of us see some romances in life. In my capacity as ChiefManager of a Life Assurance Office, I think I have within the lastthirty years seen more romances than the generality of men, howeverunpromising the opportunity may, at first sight, seem.As I have retired, and live at my ease, I possess the means that Iused to want, of considering what I have seen, at leisure. Myexperiences have a more remarkable aspect, so reviewed, than theyhad when they were in progress. I have come home from the Play...