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the spirit of place and other |热度 107 | 英语 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2017-03-19
The Spirit of Place and Other Essaysby Alice MeynellContents:The Spirit of PlaceMrs. DingleySolitudeThe Lady of the LyricsJulyWellsThe FootHave Patience, Little SaintThe Ladies of the IdyllA DerivationA CounterchangeRainLetters of Marceline ValmoreThe Hours of SleepThe HorizonHabits and ConsciousnessShadowsTHE SPIRIT OF PLACEWith mimicry, with praises, with echoes, or with answers, the poetshave all but outsung the bells. The inarticulate bell has found too... 
09-the ponds |热度 422 | 英语 | 上传: 空白协议书 |更新时间:2017-03-19
The PondsSometimes, having had a surfeit of human society and gossip, andworn out all my village friends, I rambled still farther westwardthan I habitually dwell, into yet more unfrequented parts of thetown, "to fresh woods and pastures new," or, while the sun wassetting, made my supper of huckleberries and blueberries on FairHaven Hill, and laid up a store for several days. The fruits do notyield their true flavor to the purchaser of them, nor to him whoraises them for the market. There is but one way to obtain it, yet... 
kwaidan |热度 133 | 英语 | 上传: 一意孤行 |更新时间:2017-03-19
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange ThingsBy Lafcadio HearnA Note On Japanese PronunciationAlthough simplified, the following general rules will help the readerunfamiliar with Japanese to come close enough to Japanese pronunciation.There are five vowels: a (as in fAther), i (as in machIne), u (as infOOl), e (as in fEllow), and o (as in mOle). Although certain vowels becomenearly "silent" in some environments, this phenomenon can be safely ignoredfor the purpose at hand.Consonants roughly approximate their corresponding sounds in English,... 
the young king |热度 126 | 英语 | 上传: 天净沙 |更新时间:2017-03-18
THE YOUNG KING[TO MARGARET LADY BROOKE - THE RANEE OF SARAWAK]It was the night before the day fixed for his coronation, and theyoung King was sitting alone in his beautiful chamber. Hiscourtiers had all taken their leave of him, bowing their heads tothe ground, according to the ceremonious usage of the day, and hadretired to the Great Hall of the Palace, to receive a few lastlessons from the Professor of Etiquette; there being some of themwho had still quite natural manners, which in a courtier is, I needhardly say, a very grave offence.... 
we two |热度 113 | 英语 | 上传: 热带雨淋 |更新时间:2017-03-18
We Twoby Edna LyallCHAPTER I. Brian Falls in LoveStill humanity grows dearer, Being learned the more. Jean Ingelow.There are three things in this world which deserve no quarter Hypocrisy, Pharisaism, and Tyranny. F. RobertsonPeople who have been brought up in the country, or in small places where every neighbor is known by sight, are apt to think that life in a large town must lack many of the interests which they have learned to find in their more limited communities. In a somewhat bewildered way, they gaze at the shifting crowd of strange faces, and wonder whether it would be possible to 
heartbreak house |热度 86 | 英语 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2017-03-18
Heartbreak Houseby George Bernard ShawA FANTASIA IN THE RUSSIAN MANNER ON ENGLISH THEMESHEARTBREAK HOUSE AND HORSEBACK HALLWhere Heartbreak House StandsHeartbreak House is not merely the name of the play which followsthis preface. It is cultured, leisured Europe before the war.When the play was begun not a shot had been fired; and only theprofessional diplomatists and the very few amateurs whose hobbyis foreign policy even knew that the guns were loaded. A Russianplaywright, Tchekov, had produced four fascinating dramaticstudies of Heartbreak House, of which three, The Cherry Orchard,... 
history of friedrich ii of pru |热度 135 | 英语 | 上传: 无组织 |更新时间:2017-03-18
History of Friedrich II of Prussia V 16By Thomas CarlyleBOOK XVI.THE TEN YEARS OF PEACE.1746-1756.Chapter I.SANS-SOUCI.Friedrich has now climbed the heights, and sees himself on the upper table-land of Victory and Success; his desperate life-and- death struggles triumphantly ended. What may be ahead, nobody knows; but here is fair outlook that his enemies and Austria itself have had enough of him. No wringing of his Silesia from this "bad Man." Not to be overset, this one, by never such exertions; oversets US, on the contrary, plunges us heels-over-head into the ditch, so often as we like to  
twice-told tales- the celestia |热度 99 | 英语 | 上传: 冬儿 |更新时间:2017-03-18
TWICE-TOLD TALESTHE CELESTIAL RAILROADby Nathaniel HawthorneNOT A GREAT WHILE AGO, passing through the gate of dreams, Ivisited that region of the earth in which lies the famous city ofDestruction. It interested me much to learn that, by the public spiritof some of the inhabitants, a railroad has recently been establishedbetween this populous and flourishing town, and the Celestial City.Having a little time upon my hands, I resolved to gratify a liberalcuriosity to make a trip thither. Accordingly, one fine morning, after... 
27-the young man |热度 74 | 英语 | 上传: 交通工具类 |更新时间:2017-03-18
THE YOUNG MAN WHO WOULD HAVE HIS EYES OPENEDOnce upon a time there lived a youth who was never happy unlesshe was prying into something that other people knew nothingabout. After he had learned to understand the language of birdsand beasts, he discovered accidentally that a great deal tookplace under cover of night which mortal eyes never saw. Fromthat moment he felt he could not rest till these hidden secretswere laid bare to him, and he spent his whole time wandering fromone wizard to another, begging them to open his eyes, but foundnone to help him. At length he reached an old magician  
captains of the civil war |热度 125 | 英语 | 上传: 京文 |更新时间:2017-03-18
by William WoodPREFACESixty years ago today the guns that thundered round Fort Sumterbegan the third and greatest modern civil war fought byEnglish-speaking people. This war was quite as full of politicsas were the other twothe War of the American Revolution andthat of Puritan and Cavalier. But, though the present Chroniclenever ignores the vital correlations between statesmen andcommanders, it is a book of warriors, through and through.I gratefully acknowledge the indispensable assistance of ColonelG. J. Fiebeger, a West Point expert, and of Dr. Allen Johnson,... 
the lifted veil(揭起的面纱) |热度 190 | 英语 | 上传: 指点迷津 |更新时间:2017-03-18
THE LIFTED VEILTHE LIFTED VEILby George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans]1- Page 2-THE LIFTED VEILCHAPTER IThe time of my end approaches. I have lately been subject to attacksof angina pectoris; and in the ordinary course of things, my physician tellsme, I may fairly hope that my life will not be protracted many months.Unless, then, I am cursed with an exceptional physical constitution, as I... 
indian boyhood(尤孩提时代) |热度 157 | 英语 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2017-03-18
INDIAN BOYHOOD BY OHIYESAINDIAN BOYHOOD BYOHIYESA(CHARLES A. EASTMAN)1- Page 2-INDIAN BOYHOOD BY OHIYESAI Earliest RecollectionsI: Hadakah, "The Pitiful Last"WHAT boy would not be an Indian for a while when he thinks of thefreest life in the world? This life was mine. Every day there was a realhunt. There was real game. Occasionally there was a medicine dance... 
r. f. murray |热度 85 | 英语 | 上传: 博搏 |更新时间:2017-03-18
R. F. Murray: His Poems with a Memoir by Andrew Langby R. F. Murray/Andrew LangMuch is written about success and failure in the career of literature, about the reasons which enable one man to reach the front, and another to earn his livelihood, while a third, in appearance as likely as either of them, fails and, perhaps, faints by the way. Mr. R. F. Murray, the author of The Scarlet Gown, was among those who do not attain success, in spite of qualities which seem destined to ensure it, and who fall out of the ranks. To him, indeed, success and the rewards of this world, money, and praise, d 
chants for socialists |热度 82 | 英语 | 上传: 九米 |更新时间:2017-03-18
Chants for Socialistsby William MorrisContents:Chants for SocialistsThe Day is ComingThe Voice of ToilNo MasterAll for the CauseThe March of the WorkersDown Among the Dead MenA Death SongMay Day [1892]May Day, 1894The Message of the March WindTHE DAY IS COMINGCome hither, lads, and hearken, for a tale there is to tell,Of the wonderful days a-coming, when all shall be better than well.And the tale shall be told of a country, a land in the midst of the sea,And folk shall call it England in the days that are going to be.... 
part05 |热度 74 | 英语 | 上传: 希望之舟 |更新时间:2017-03-18
Mementos of Boabdil.WHILE my mind was still warm with the subject of the unfortunateBoabdil, I set forth to trace the mementos of him still existing inthis scene of his sovereignty and misfortunes. In the Tower ofComares, immediately under the Hall of Ambassadors, are two vaultedrooms, separated by a narrow passage; these are said to have beenthe prisons of himself and his mother, the virtuous Ayxa la Horra;indeed, no other part of the tower would have served for thepurpose. The external walls of these chambers are of prodigious... 
10,000 dreams interpreted |热度 133 | 英语 | 上传: 空白协议书 |更新时间:2017-03-18
10,000 Dreams Interpretedby Gustavus Hindman Miller``In a dream, in a vision of the night, whendeep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings uponthe bed; then he openeth the ears of men andsealeth their instruction that he may withdrawman from his purpose, and hide pride from man.'Job xxxiii., 15.PREFACE.``Dreams are rudiments of the great state to come.We dream what is about to happen.'BAILEY,The Bible, as well as other great books of historical andrevealed religion, shows traces of a general and substantial... 
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