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a psychological counter-curren |热度 87 | 英语 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2017-03-16
A Psychological Counter-Current in Recent Fictionby William Dean HowellsIt is consoling as often as dismaying to find in what seems acataclysmal tide of a certain direction a strong drift to theopposite quarter. It is so divinable, if not so perceptible,that its presence may usually be recognized as a beginning of theturn in every tide which is sure, sooner or later, to come. Inreform, it is the menace of reaction; in reaction, it is thepromise of reform; we may take heart as we must lose heart fromit. A few years ago, when a movement which carried fiction to... 
the musgrave ritual |热度 141 | 英语 | 上传: 匆匆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE MUSGRAVE RITUALby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleAn anomaly which often struck me in the character of my friendSherlock Holmes was that, although in his methods of thought he wasthe neatest and most methodical of mankind, and although also heaffected a certain quiet primness of dress, he was nonetheless inhis personal habits one of the most untidy men that ever drove afellow-lodger to distraction. Not that I am in the leastconventional in that respect myself. The rough-and-tumble work in... 
greville fane |热度 51 | 英语 | 上传: 保时捷 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Greville Faneby Henry JamesComing in to dress for dinner, I found a telegram: "Mrs. Stormerdying; can you give us half a column for to-morrow evening? Let heroff easy, but not too easy." I was late; I was in a hurry; I hadvery little time to think, but at a venture I dispatched a reply:"Will do what I can." It was not till I had dressed and was rollingaway to dinner that, in the hansom, I bethought myself of thedifficulty of the condition attached. The difficulty was not ofcourse in letting her off easy but in qualifying that indulgence. "I... 
the adventure of the red circl |热度 59 | 英语 | 上传: 一半儿 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE RED CIRCLEby Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"Well, Mrs. Warren, I cannot see that you have any particularcause for uneasiness, nor do I understand why I, whose time is of somevalue, should interfere in the matter. I really have other things toengage me." So spoke Sherlock Holmes and turned back to the greatscrapbook in which he was arranging and indexing some of his recentmaterial.But the landlady had the pertinacity and also the cunning of her... 
bluebeard |热度 2022 | 英语 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2017-03-16
BluebeardA Musical Fantasyby Kate Douglas WigginDedication: To my friend Walter DamroschMaster of the art form so irreverently treated in these pages.Kate Douglas WigginPREFACEMore than a dozen years ago musical scholars and critics began toilluminate the musical darkness of New York with lecture-recitalsexplanatory of the more abstruse German operas. Previous to this era no onehad ever thought, for instance, of unfolding the story, or the "_Leit__motive_" (if there happened to be any!), in "The Bohemian Girl,""Maritana," or "Martha." These and many other delightful but thoroughly... 
eryxias |热度 2144 | 英语 | 上传: 丢丢 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Eryxiasby a Platonic Imitator (see Appendix II)Translated by Benjamin JowettAPPENDIX II.The two dialogues which are translated in the second appendix are notmentioned by Aristotle, or by any early authority, and have no claim to beascribed to Plato. They are examples of Platonic dialogues to be assignedprobably to the second or third generation after Plato, when his writingswere well known at Athens and Alexandria. They exhibit considerableoriginality, and are remarkable for containing several thoughts of the sortwhich we suppose to be modern rather than ancient, and which therefore have... 
pageant of summer |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 冬冬 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Pageant of Summerby Richard JefferiesI.GREEN rushes, long and thick, standing up above the edge of theditch, told the hour of the year as distinctly as the shadow on thedial the hour of the day. Green and thick and sappy to the touch,they felt like summer, soft and elastic, as if full of life, mererushes though they were. On the fingers they left a green scent;rushes have a separate scent of green, so, too, have ferns, verydifferent from that of grass or leaves. Rising from brown sheaths,the tall stems enlarged a little in the middle, like classical... 
alcibiades ii(阿尔西比亚德斯) |热度 187 | 英语 | 上传: 冬恋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
ALCIBIADES IIALCIBIADES IIPlatonic ImitatorTranslated by Benjamin Jowett1- Page 2-ALCIBIADES IIAPPENDIX II.The two dialogues which are translated in the second appendix are notmentioned by Aristotle, or by any early authority, and have no claim to beascribed to Plato. They are examples of Platonic dialogues to be assignedprobably to the second or third generation after Plato, when his writings... 
adventure11 |热度 87 | 英语 | 上传: 负债赌博 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Adventure XIThe Final ProblemIt is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen towrite these the last words in which I shall everrecord the singular gifts by which my friend Mr.Sherlock Holmes was distinguished. In an incoherentand, as I deeply feel, an entirely inadequate fashion,I have endeavored to give some account of my strangeexperiences in his company from the chance which firstbrought us together at the period of the "Study inScarlet," up to the time of his interference in thematter of the "Naval Treaty"and interference which... 
adventure09 |热度 50 | 英语 | 上传: 一米八 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Adventure IXThe Greek InterpreterDuring my long and intimate acquaintance with Mr.Sherlock Holmes I had never heard him refer to hisrelations, and hardly ever to his own early life.This reticence upon his part had increased thesomewhat inhuman effect which he produced upon me,until sometimes I found myself regarding him as anisolated phenomenon, a brain without a heart, asdeficient in human sympathy as he was pre-eminent inintelligence. His aversion to women and hisdisinclination to form new friendships were bothtypical of his unemotional character, but not more so... 
the stolen white elephant |热度 58 | 英语 | 上传: 水王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Stolen White Elephantby Mark Twain[Left out of A Tramp Abroad, because it was feared that some of theparticulars had been exaggerated, and that others were not true. Beforethese suspicions had been proven groundless, the book had gone to press.M.T.]The following curious history was related to me by a chance railwayacquaintance. He was a gentleman more than seventy years of age, and histhoroughly good and gentle face and earnest and sincere manner imprintedthe unmistakable stamp of truth upon every statement which fell from hislips. He said:... 
the travelling companion |热度 123 | 英语 | 上传: 两块 |更新时间:2017-05-28
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE TRAVELLING COMPANIONby Hans Christian AndersenPOOR John was very sad; for his father was so ill, he had nohope of his recovery. John sat alone with the sick man in the littleroom, and the lamp had nearly burnt out; for it was late in the night."You have been a good son, John," said the sick father, "and Godwill help you on in the world." He looked at him, as he spoke, withmild, earnest eyes, drew a deep sigh, and died; yet it appeared asif he still slept.... 
on ancient medicine |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 旅游巴士 |更新时间:2017-03-16
400 BCON ANCIENT MEDICINEby HippocratesTranslated by Francis AdamsWHOEVER having undertaken to speak or write on Medicine, havefirst laid down for themselves some hypothesis to their argument, suchas hot, or cold, or moist, or dry, or whatever else they choose(thus reducing their subject within a narrow compass, and supposingonly one or two original causes of diseases or of death amongmankind), are all clearly mistaken in much that they say; and this... 
marjorie daw |热度 110 | 英语 | 上传: 南方网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Majorie Dawby Thomas Bailey AldrichI.DR. DILLON TO EDWARD DELANEY, ESQ., AT THE PINES.NEAR RYE, N.H.August 8, 1872.My Dear Sir: I am happy to assure you that your anxiety is withoutreason. Flemming will be confined to the sofa for three or fourweeks, and will have to be careful at first how he uses his leg. Afracture of this kind is always a tedious affair. Fortunately thebone was very skilfully set by the surgeon who chanced to be in thedrugstore where Flemming was brought after his fall, and Iapprehend no permanent inconvenience from the accident. Flemming is... 
a question of latitude |热度 112 | 英语 | 上传: 南方网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
A Question of Latitudeby Richard Harding DavisOf the school of earnest young writers at whom the word muckrakerhad been thrown in opprobrium, and by whom it had been caught up asa title of honor, Everett was among the younger and lessconspicuous. But, if in his skirmishes with graft and corruptionhe had failed to correct the evils he attacked, from the contestshe himself had always emerged with credit. His sincerity and hismethods were above suspicion. No one had caught him inmisstatement, or exaggeration. Even those whom he attacked,admitted he fought fair. For these reasons, the editor 
the celeatial railroad |热度 58 | 英语 | 上传: 保时捷 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE CELESTIAL RAILROADNot a great while ago, passing through the gate of dreams, Ivisited that region of the earth in which lies the famous City ofDestruction. It interested me much to learn that by the publicspirit of some of the inhabitants a railroad has recently beenestablished between this populous and flourishing town and theCelestial City. Having a little time upon my hands, I resolved togratify a liberal curiosity by making a trip thither.Accordingly, one fine morning after paying my bill at the hotel,and directing the porter to stow my luggage behind a coach, I... 
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