The Courtship of Susan Bellby Anthony TrollopeJohn Munroe Bell had been a lawyer in Albany, State of New York, andas such had thriven well. He had thriven well as long as thrift andthriving on this earth had been allowed to him. But the Almightyhad seen fit to shorten his span.Early in life he had married a timid, anxious, pretty, good littlewife, whose whole heart and mind had been given up to do his biddingand deserve his love. She had not only deserved it but hadpossessed it, and as long as John Munroe Bell had lived, HenriettaBellHetta as he called herhad been a woman rich in blessings
PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of TemptationPADRE IGNACIO OrThe Song of TemptationBY OWEN WISTER1- Page 2-PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of TemptationIAt Santa Ysabel del Mar the season was at one of those momentswhen the air rests quiet over land and sea. The old breezes were gone; thenew ones were not yet risen. The flowers in the mission garden opened...
"THE SPIRIT OF 1776"_To Thomas Lomax__Monticello, Mar. 12, 1799_DEAR SIR, Your welcome favor of last month came to my handsin Philadelphia. So long a time has elapsed since we have beenseparated by events, that it was like a letter from the dead, andrecalled to my memory very dear recollections. My subsequent journeythrough life has offered nothing which, in comparison with those, isnot cheerless & dreary. It is a rich comfort sometimes to look backon them.I take the liberty of enclosing a letter to mr. Baylor, open,...
460 BCPROMETHEUS BOUNDby AeschylusCharacters in the PlayKratosBiaHephaestusPrometheusChorus of the OceanidesOceanusIoHermesMountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock,towards which KRATOS and BIA carry the gigantic form OF PROMETHEUS.HEPHAESTUS follows dejectedly with hammer, nails, chains, etc.KRATOSNow have we journeyed to a spot of earth...
Lecture VIThe Chief and the LandThe Brehon law-tracts strongly suggest that, among the thingswhich we in modern times have most forgotten, is the importanceof horned cattle, not merely in the infancy of society, but at aperiod when it had made some considerable advance towardsmaturity It is scarcely possible to turn over a page withoutfinding some allusion to beeves, to bulls, cows, heifers, andcalves. Horses appear, sheep, swine, and dogs; and bees, the...
THE $30,000 BEQUESTCHAPTER ILakeside was a pleasant little town of five or six thousand inhabitants,and a rather pretty one, too, as towns go in the Far West.It had church accommodations for thirty-five thousand, which isthe way of the Far West and the South, where everybody is religious,and where each of the Protestant sects is represented and has a plantof its own. Rank was unknown in Lakesideunconfessed, anyway;everybody knew everybody and his dog, and a sociable friendlinesswas the prevailing atmosphere.Saladin Foster was book-keeper in the principal store, and the only...
The Ethics [Part 5](Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata)by Benedict de SpinozaTranslated by R. H. M. ElwesPART V: Of the Power of the Understanding, or of Human FreedomPREFACEAt length I pass to the remaining portion of my Ethics, which is concernedwith the way leading to freedom. I shall therefore treat therein of thepower of the reason, showing how far the reason can control the emotions,and what is the nature of Mental Freedom or Blessedness; we shall then be...
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE PRIORY SCHOOLby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTHE ADVENTURE OF THE PRIORY SCHOOLWe have had some dramatic entrances and exits upon our small stageat Baker Street, but I cannot recollect anything more sudden andstartling than the first appearance of Thorneycroft Huxtable, M.A.,Ph.D., etc. His card, which seemed too small to carry the weight ofhis academic distinctions, preceded him by a few seconds, and thenhe entered himself- so large, so pompous, and so dignified that he was...
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF WISTERIA LODGEby Sir Arthur Conan Doyle1. The Singular Experience of Mr. John Scott EcclesI find it recorded in my notebook that it was a bleak and windy day,towards the end of March in the year 1892. Holmes had received atelegram while we sat at our lunch, and he had scribbled a reply. Hemade no remark, but the matter remained in his thoughts, for hestood in front of the fire afterwards with a thoughtful face,smoking his pipe, and casting an occasional glance at the message....
430 BCALCESTISby Euripidestranslated by Richard AldingtonCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYAPOLLODEATHCHORUS OF OLD MENA WOMAN SERVANTALCESTIS, the Queen, wife of ADMETUSADMETUS, King of ThessalyEUMELUS, their childHERACLESPHERES, father of ADMETUSA MAN SERVANT(SCENE:-At Pherae, outside the Palace of ADMETUS, King ofThessaly. The centre of the scene represents a portico with columns...
Aaron Trowby Anthony TrollopeI would wish to declare, at the beginning of this story, that Ishall never regard that cluster of islets which we call Bermuda asthe Fortunate Islands of the ancients. Do not let professionalgeographers take me up, and say that no one has so accounted them,and that the ancients have never been supposed to have gottenthemselves so far westwards. What I mean to assert is thisthat,had any ancient been carried thither by enterprise or stress ofweather, he would not have given those islands so good a name. Thatthe Neapolitan sailors of King Alonzo should have been w
SERTORIUS130?-72 Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenIT is no great wonder if in long process of time, while fortunetakes her course hither and thither, numerous coincidences shouldspontaneously occur. If the number and variety of subjects to bewrought upon be infinite, it is all the more easy for fortune, withsuch an abundance of material, to effect this similarity of results.Or if, on the other hand, events are limited to the combinations of...
THE ALHAMBRAby Washington IrvingPreface to the Revised Edition.Rough draughts of some of the following tales and essays wereactually written during a residence in the Alhambra; others weresubsequently added, founded on notes and observations made there. Carewas taken to maintain local coloring and verisimilitude; so that thewhole might present a faithful and living picture of that microcosm,that singular little world into which I had been fortuitously...
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime Kovalevsky1891Lecture IVOld Russian FolkmotesIt is a common saying among the Russian Conservatives, whohave lately been dignified in France by the name of"Nationalists," that the political aspirations of the Liberalsare in manifest contradiction with the genius and with thehistorical past of the Russian people.Sharing these ideas, the Russian Minister of Publicinstruction Count Delianov, a few years ago ordered theProfessors of Public Law and of Legal History to make theirteaching conform to a programme in which Tzarism, the unlimited...
400 BCAPHORISMSby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsAPHORISMSSECTION ILife is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experienceperilous, and decision difficult. The physician must not only beprepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient,the attendants, and externals cooperate.2. In disorders of the bowels and vomitings, occurringspontaneously, if the matters purged be such as ought to be purged,...