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glinda of oz |热度 75 | 英语 | 上传: 辛苦 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Glinda of Ozby L. Frank BaumIn which are related the Exciting Experiences of PrincessOzma of Oz, and Dorothy, in their hazardous journeyto the home of the Flatheads, and to the MagicIsle of the Skeezers, and how they wererescued from dire peril by thesorcery of Glinda theGoodby L. FRANK BAUM"Royal Historian of Oz"This Bookis Dedicated toMy SonRobert Stanton BaumLIST OF CHAPTERS... 
lucasta |热度 56 | 英语 | 上传: 男孩不逛街 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Lucastaby Richard LovelaceTOWILLIAM HAZLITT, ESQ., OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, A REGISTRAR OFTHE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY IN LONDON,This Little VolumeIS INSCRIBED AS A SLIGHT TESTIMONY OF THE GREATEST RESPECT,BY HIS AFFECTIONATE SON, THE EDITOR.CONTENTS.PART I.PAGEDedication 3Verses addressed to the Author 5I. Poems Addressed or Relating To Lucasta.Song. To Lucasta. Going beyond the Seas 25... 
philebus |热度 57 | 英语 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2017-03-16
360 BCPHILEBUSby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettPHILEBUSPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: SOCRATES; PROTARCHUS; PHILEBUS.Socrates. Observe, Protarchus, the nature of the position whichyou are now going to take from Philebus, and what the other positionis which I maintain, and which, if you do not approve of it, is tobe controverted by you. Shall you and I sum up the two sides?Protarchus. By all means.... 
the origins of contemporary fr |热度 86 | 英语 | 上传: 辣椒王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Ancient RegimeThe Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1by Hippolyte A. TainePREFACE.BOOK FIRST. The Structure of the Ancient Society.CHAPTER I. The Origin of Privileges.CHAPTER II. The Privileged Classes.CHAPTER III. Local Services Due by the Privileged Classes.CHAPTER IV. Public services due by the privileged classes.BOOK SECOND. Habits and Characters.CHAPTER I. Social Habits.CHAPTER II. Drawing room Life .CHAPTER III. Disadvantages of this Drawing room Life.... 
lecture iv |热度 62 | 英语 | 上传: 上访不如上 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime Kovalevsky1891Lecture IVOld Russian FolkmotesIt is a common saying among the Russian Conservatives, whohave lately been dignified in France by the name of"Nationalists," that the political aspirations of the Liberalsare in manifest contradiction with the genius and with thehistorical past of the Russian people.Sharing these ideas, the Russian Minister of Publicinstruction Count Delianov, a few years ago ordered theProfessors of Public Law and of Legal History to make theirteaching conform to a programme in which Tzarism, the unlimited... 
the discovery of guiana |热度 81 | 英语 | 上传: 双曲线 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Discovery of Guianaby Walter RaleighINTRODUCTORY NOTESir Walter Raleigh may be taken as the great typical figure of theage of Elizabeth. Courtier and statesman, soldier and sailor,scientist and man of letters, he engaged in almost all the mainlines of public activity in his time, and was distinguished inthem all.His father was a Devonshire gentleman of property, connected withmany of the distinguished families of the south of England. Walterwas born about 1552 and was educated at Oxford. He first sawmilitary service in the Huguenot army in France in 1569, and in... 
the buckwheat |热度 83 | 英语 | 上传: 溜溜 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BUCKWHEATby Hans Christian AndersenVERY often, after a violent thunder-storm, a field of buckwheatappears blackened and singed, as if a flame of fire had passed overit. The country people say that this appearance is caused bylightning; but I will tell you what the sparrow says, and thesparrow heard it from an old willow-tree which grew near a field ofbuckwheat, and is there still. It is a large venerable tree, thougha little crippled by age. The trunk has been split, and out of the... 
the little match-seller |热度 85 | 英语 | 上传: 猫王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE LITTLE MATCH-SELLERby Hans Christian AndersenIT was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of theold year, and the snow was falling fast. In the cold and the darkness,a poor little girl, with bare head and naked feet, roamed throughthe streets. It is true she had on a pair of slippers when she lefthome, but they were not of much use. They were very large, so large,indeed, that they had belonged to her mother, and the poor littlecreature had lost them in running across the street to avoid two... 
honore de balzac |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 热带雨淋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Honore de Balzacby Albert Keim and Louis LumetTranslated from the French by FREDERIC TABER COOPERGENERAL NOTEOf all the books perhaps the one best designed for training the mind and forming the character is "Plutarch." The lives of great men are object-lessons. They teach effort, devotion, industry, heroism and sacrifice.Even one who confines his reading solely to biographies of thinkers, writers, inventors, poets of the spirit or poets of science, will in a short time have acquired an understanding of the whole History of Humanity.And what novel or what drama could be compared to such a hist 
the old bachelor |热度 63 | 英语 | 上传: 风雅颂 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Old Bachelorby William CongreveQuem tulit ad scenam ventoso Gloria curru, Exanimat lentus spectator; sedulus inflat: Sic leve, sic parvum est, animum quod laudis avarum Subruit, and reficit.HORAT. Epist. I. lib. ii.To the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Clifford of Lanesborough, etc.My Lord,It is with a great deal of pleasure that I lay hold on this first occasion which the accidents of my life have given me of writing to your lordship: for since at the same time I write to all the world, it will be a means of publishing (what I would have everybody know) the respect and duty which I owe 
a modest proposal |热度 75 | 英语 | 上传: 匆匆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
A Modest Proposalby Jonathan SwiftA Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people inIreland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and formaking them beneficial to the publick.by Dr. Jonathan Swift. 1729It is a melancholy object to those, who walk through this greattown, or travel in the country, when they see the streets, theroads and cabbin-doors crowded with beggars of the female sex,followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, andimportuning every passenger for an alms. These mothers instead of... 
why go to college(为什么上大学 |热度 108 | 英语 | 上传: 理性的思索 |更新时间:2017-03-16
WHY GO TO COLLEGE?WHY GO TOCOLLEGE?ALICE FREEMAN PALMERFormerly President of Wellesley College1- Page 2-WHY GO TO COLLEGE?To a largely increasing number of young girls college doors areopening every year. Every year adds to the number of men who feel as afriend of mine, a successful lawyer in a great city, felt when in talking ofthe future of his four little children he said, "For the two boys it is not so... 
the comparison of sertorius wi |热度 100 | 英语 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE COMPARISON OF SERTORIUS WITH EUMENESby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHESE are the most remarkable passages that are come to ourknowledge concerning Eumenes and Sertorius. In comparing theirlives, we may observe that this was common to them both; that beingaliens, strangers, and banished men, they came to be commanders ofpowerful forces, and had the leading of numerous and warlike armies,made up of divers nations. This was peculiar to Sertorius, that thechief command was, by his whole party, freely yielded to him, as to... 
26-the goose-girl |热度 59 | 英语 | 上传: 寻找山吹 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE GOOSE-GIRLONCE upon a time an old queen, whose husband hadbeen dead for many years, had a beautiful daughter.When she grew up she was betrothed to a prince who liveda great way off. Now, when the time drew near for herto be married and to depart into a foreign kingdom, herold mother gave her much costly baggage, and manyornaments, gold and silver, trinkets and knicknacks, and,in fact, everything that belonged to a royal trousseau, forshe loved her daughter very dearly. She gave her a waiting-maid also, who was to ride with her and hand her over... 
labour defended against the cl |热度 78 | 英语 | 上传: 乐乐陶陶 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Labour Defended against the Claims of CapitalOr the Unproductiveness of Capital proved with Reference to thePresent Combinations amongst Journeymenby Thomas Hodgskin1825NOTEIN all the debates on the law passed during the late session ofParliament, on account of the combinations of workmen, muchstress is laid on the necessity of protecting capital. Whatcapital performs is therefore a question of considerableimportance, which the author was, on this account, induced toexamine. As a result of this examination, it is his opinion thatall the benefits attributed to capital arise from co-existing an 
the swiss twins |热度 62 | 英语 | 上传: 笑傲网络 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Swiss TwinsBy Lucy Fitch PerkinsCONTENTSI. THE RESPONSIBLE CUCKOOII. THE TWINS LEARN A NEW TRADEIII. A MOUNTAIN STORMIV. THE LONELY HERDSMANV. THE PASSVI. NEW FRIENDS AND OLDThis book belongs toI. THE RESPONSIBLE CUCKOOTHE RESPONSIBLE CUCKOOHigh on the kitchen wall of an old farm-house on a mountainsidein Switzerland there hangs a tiny wooden clock. In the tinywooden clock there lives a tiny wooden cuckoo, and every hour hehops out of his tiny wooden door, takes a look about to see whatis going on in the world, shouts out the time of day, and pops... 
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