FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE STORY OF THE WINDby Hans Christian Andersen"NEAR the shores of the great Belt, which is one of the straitsthat connect the Cattegat with the Baltic, stands an old mansionwith thick red walls. I know every stone of it," says the Wind. "I sawit when it was part of the castle of Marck Stig on the promontory. Butthe castle was obliged to be pulled down, and the stone was used againfor the walls of a new mansion on another spot- the baronial residence...
Bureaucracyby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo the Comtesse Seraphina San Severino, with the respectfulhomage of sincere and deep admiration.De Balzac.BUREAUCRACYCHAPTER ITHE RABOURDIN HOUSEHOLDIn Paris, where men of thought and study bear a certain likeness toone another, living as they do in a common centre, you must have metwith several resembling Monsieur Rabourdin, whose acquaintance we areabout to make at a moment when he is head of a bureau in one of our...
440 BCAJAXby Sophoclestranslated by R. C. TrevelyanCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYATHENAODYSSEUSAJAXCHORUS OF SALAMINIANSTECMESSA, concubine of AJAXMESSENGERTEUCER, half-brother of AJAXMENELAUSAGAMEMNONMute PersonsEURYSACES, child of AJAX and TECMESSAAttendants, Heralds, etc.AJAXAJAX(SCENE:-Before the tent of AJAX in the Greek camp at Troy. It is...
Flying Machines: Construction and OperationW.J. Jackman and Thos. H. RussellA Practical Book Which Shows, in Illustrations,Working Plans and Text, How to Build and Navigate theModern Airship.ByW.J. Jackman, M.E.,Author of "A B C of the Motorcycle,""Facts for Motorists," etc. etc.ANDTHOS. H. RUSSELL, A.M., M.E.,Charter Member of the Aero Club of Illinois, Author of"History of the Automobile," "Motor Boats: Constructionand Operation," etc. etc.WITH INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER BYOCTAVE CHANUTE, C.E.,...
THUVIA, MAID OF MARSTHUVIA, MAID OFMARS1- Page 2-THUVIA, MAID OF MARSCHAPTER ICARTHORIS AND THUVIAUpon a massive bench of polished ersite beneath the gorgeousblooms of a giant pimalia a woman sat. Her shapely, sandalled foot tappedimpatiently upon the jewel-strewn walk that wound beneath the statelysorapus trees across the scarlet sward of the royal gardens of Thuvan Dihn,...
THE STAR-CHILD[TO MISS MARGOT TENNANT - MRS. ASQUITH]Once upon a time two poor Woodcutters were making their way homethrough a great pine-forest. It was winter, and a night of bittercold. The snow lay thick upon the ground, and upon the branches ofthe trees: the frost kept snapping the little twigs on either sideof them, as they passed: and when they came to the Mountain-Torrent she was hanging motionless in air, for the Ice-King hadkissed her.So cold was it that even the animals and the birds did not knowwhat to make of it....
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE OLD STREET LAMPby Hans Christian AndersenDID you ever hear the story of the old street lamp? It is notremarkably interesting, but for once in a way you may as well listento it. It was a most respectable old lamp, which had seen many, manyyears of service, and now was to retire with a pension. It was thisevening at its post for the last time, giving light to the street. Hisfeelings were something like those of an old dancer at the theatre,who is dancing for the last time, and knows that on the morrow she...
Daisy Millerby Henry JamesIN TWO PARTSPART IAt the little town of Vevey, in Switzerland, there is aparticularly comfortable hotel. There are, indeed, many hotels,for the entertainment of tourists is the business of the place,which, as many travelers will remember, is seated upon the edgeof a remarkably blue lakea lake that it behooves every touristto visit. The shore of the lake presents an unbroken arrayof establishments of this order, of every category, from the"grand hotel" of the newest fashion, with a chalk-white front,...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE FLAXby Hans Christian AndersenTHE flax was in full bloom; it had pretty little blue flowers asdelicate as the wings of a moth, or even more so. The sun shone, andthe showers watered it; and this was just as good for the flax as itis for little children to be washed and then kissed by their mother.They look much prettier for it, and so did the flax."People say that I look exceedingly well," said the flax, "andthat I am so fine and long that I shall make a beautiful piece of...
450 BCAGAMEMNONby Aeschylustranslated by E.D.A. MorsheadCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYA WATCHMANCHORUS OF ARGIVE ELDERSCLYTEMNESTRA, wife of AGAMEMNONA HERALDAGAMEMNON, King of ArgosCASSANDRA, daughter of Priam, and slave of AGAMEMNONAEGISTHUS, son of Thyestes, cousin of AGAMEMNONServants, Attendants, SoldiersAGAMEMNON(SCENE:-Before the palace of AGAMEMNON in Argos. In front of the...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SNAIL AND THE ROSE-TREEby Hans Christian AndersenROUND about the garden ran a hedge of hazel-bushes; beyond thehedge were fields and meadows with cows and sheep; but in the middleof the garden stood a Rose-tree in bloom, under which sat a Snail,whose shell contained a great deal- that is, himself."Only wait till my time comes," he said; "I shall do more thangrow roses, bear nuts, or give milk, like the hazel-bush, the cows andthe sheep.""I expect a great deal from you," said the rose-tree. "May I ask...
THE FORGED COUPONAnd Other StoriesTHE FORGEDCOUPON And OtherStoriesBY LEO TOLSTOY1- Page 2-THE FORGED COUPONAnd Other StoriesPART FIRSTIFEDOR MIHAILOVICH SMOKOVNIKOV, the president of the localIncome Tax Department, a man of unswerving honestyand proud of it,too a gloomy Liberal, a free-thinker, and an enemy to every...
The Writings of Abraham Lincolnby Abraham LincolnVOLUME THREETHE LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATES IPOLITICAL SPEECHES & DEBATES of LINCOLN WITH DOUGLASIn the Senatorial Campaign of 1858 in IllinoisSPEECH AT SPRINGFIELD, JUNE 17, 1858[The following speech was delivered at Springfield, Ill., at theclose of the Republican State Convention held at that time andplace, and by which Convention Mr. LINCOLN had been named astheir candidate for United States Senator. Mr. DOUGLAS was notpresent.]...
Original Short Stories, Vol. 13.By Guy de MaupassantVOLUME XIII.OLD JUDASTHE LITTLE CASKBOITELLEA WIDOWTHE ENGLISHMEN OF ETRETATMAGNETISMA FATHERS CONFESSIONA MOTHER OF MONSTERSAN UNCOMFORTABLE BEDA PORTRAITTHE DRUNKARDTHE WARDROBETHE MOUNTAIN POOLA CREMATIONMISTIMADAME HERMETTHE MAGIC COUCHOLD JUDASThis entire stretch of country was amazing; it was characterized by agrandeur that was almost religious, and yet it had an air of sinisterdesolation.A great, wild lake, filled with stagnant, black water, in which thousands...
Shelley : AN ESSAYby Francis ThompsonThe Church, which was once the mother of poets no less than ofsaints, during the last two centuries has relinquished to aliens thechief glories of poetry, if the chief glories of holiness she haspreserved for her own. The palm and the laurel, Dominic and Dante,sanctity and song, grew together in her soil: she has retained thepalm, but forgone the laurel. Poetry in its widest sense, {1} andwhen not professedly irreligious, has been too much and too longamong many Catholics either misprised or distrusted; too much and...
50 Bab Balladsby W. S. GilbertPREFACE.THE "BAB BALLADS" appeared originally in the columns of "FUN,"when that periodical was under the editorship of the late TOM HOOD.They were subsequently republished in two volumes, one called "THEBAB BALLADS," the other "MORE BAB BALLADS." The period duringwhich they were written extended over some three or four years;many, however, were composed hastily, and under the discomfortingnecessity of having to turn out a quantity of lively verse by acertain day in every week. As it seemed to me (and to others) that...