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the wreck of the golden mary |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Wreck of the Golden Maryby Charles DickensTHE WRECKI was apprenticed to the Sea when I was twelve years old, and I haveencountered a great deal of rough weather, both literal andmetaphorical. It has always been my opinion since I first possessedsuch a thing as an opinion, that the man who knows only one subjectis next tiresome to the man who knows no subject. Therefore, in thecourse of my life I have taught myself whatever I could, andalthough I am not an educated man, I am able, I am thankful to say,to have an intelligent interest in most things.... 
22-the boy and the wolves |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 冬恋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE BOY AND THE WOLVES, OR THE BROKEN PROMISE[18][18] A North American Indian story.Once upon a time an Indian hunter built himself a house in themiddle of a great forest, far away from all his tribe; for hisheart was gentle and kind, and he was weary of the treachery andcruel deeds of those who had been his friends. So he left them,and took his wife and three children, and they journeyed on untilthey found a spot near to a clear stream, where they began to cutdown trees, and to make ready their wigwam. For many years theylived peacefully and happily in this sheltered place, never... 
the quest of the golden girl |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 孤独半圆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
口语8000句-39谚语惯用语 |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 生在秋天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
不管张三李四。Every Tom, Dick and Harry. *举出常用的男孩名,表示“不论谁都……”、“不管张三还是李四”。虽然没有女孩名,但男女都可用。My daughter had a homestay in America. (我女儿为体验当地生活,去美国了。)So did every Tom, Dick and Harry. (不管谁都能去啊。)I like sexy girls. (我喜欢性感的女人。)So does every Tom, Dick and Harry. (无论谁都是这样的。)一波未平一波又起。Out of the frying pan into the fire. *frying pan “平底炒菜锅”,直译是菜从锅里炒出来又掉进了火里。舍名求实。I live to eat.Pudding rather than praise. *不太常用的说法。瞎猫碰上了死耗子。Every dog has his day.... 
the children of the night |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 开了 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Children of the Nightby Edwin Arlington RobinsonA Book of PoemsTo the Memory of my Father and MotherContentsThe Children of the NightThree QuatrainsThe WorldAn Old StoryBallade of a ShipBallade by the FireBallade of Broken FlutesBallade of Dead FriendsHer EyesTwo MenVillanelle of ChangeJohn EvereldownLuke HavergalThe House on the HillRichard CoryTwo OctavesCalvaryDear FriendsThe Story of the Ashes and the FlameFor Some Poems by Matthew Arnold... 
10-the five boons of life |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 指点迷津 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE FIVE BOONS OF LIFEChapter IIn the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket, and said:"Here are gifts. Take one, leave the others. And be wary,chose wisely; oh, choose wisely! for only one of them is valuable."The gifts were five: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure, Death.The youth said, eagerly:"There is no need to consider"; and he chose Pleasure.He went out into the world and sought out the pleasures that youthdelights in. But each in its turn was short-lived and disappointing,vain and empty; and each, departing, mocked him. In the end he said:... 
the countess of saint geran |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 插翅难飞 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Countess of Saint GeranBy Alexander Dumas, pereAbout the end of the year 1639, a troop of horsemen arrived, towardsmidday, in a little village at the northern extremity of the provinceof Auvergne, from the direction of Paris. The country folk assembledat the noise, and found it to proceed from the provost of the mountedpolice and his men. The heat was excessive, the horses were bathedin sweat, the horsemen covered with dust, and the party seemed on itsreturn from an important expedition. A man left the escort, andasked an old woman who was spinning at her door if there was not an... 
war and the future |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 博搏 |更新时间:2017-03-16
War and the Futureby H. G. WellsItaly, France and Britain at WarContentsThe Passing of the EffigyThe War in Italy (August, 1916)I. The Isonzo FrontII. The Mountain WarIII. Behind the FrontThe Western War (September, 1916)I. RuinsII. The Grades of WarIII. The War LandscapeIV. New Arms for Old OnesV. TanksHow People Think About the WarI. Do they Really Think at all?II. The Yielding Pacifist and the Conscientious ObjectorIII. The Religious RevivalIV. The Riddle of the BritishV. The Social Changes in ProgressVI. The Ending of the War... 
the boscombe valley mystery |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 小秋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERYby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleWe were seated at breakfast one morning, my wife and I, when themaid brought in a telegram. It was from Sherlock Holmes and ran inthis way:Have you a couple of days to spare? Have just been wired for fromthe west of England in connection with Boscombe Valley tragedy.Shall be glad if you will come with me. Air and scenery perfect. LeavePaddington by the 11:15."What do you say, dear?" said my wife, looking across at me. "Will... 
lecture ii |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 恐龙王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime KovalevskyLecture IIThe State of the Modern Russian Family, and Particularly that ofthe Joint or Household Community of Great RussiaWe believe that the theory of the matriarchate finds a solidbasis in the past history of the Russian family. The presentcondition of the latter seems to prove that the next stage in itsevolution was the household community, composed of persons unitedby descent from a common forefather and accompanied by thatworship of ancestors which usually resulted from it. The completesubjection of the wife to the husband, and 
30-trusty john |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 点绛唇 |更新时间:2017-03-16
TRUSTY JOHNONCE upon a time there was an old king who was soill that he thought to himself, "I am most likely on mydeath-bed." Then he said, "Send Trusty John to me."Now Trusty John was his favorite servant, and was socalled because all his life he had served him so faithfully.When he approached the bed the King spake to him:"Most trusty John, I feel my end is drawing near, and Icould face it without a care were it not for my son. Heis still too young to decide everything for himself, andunless you promise me to instruct him in all he should... 
coriolanus |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 瞎说呗 |更新时间:2017-03-16
CORIOLANUSLegendary, 5th Century B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHE patrician house of the Marcii in Rome produced many men ofdistinction, and among the rest, Ancus Marcius, grandson to Numa byhis daughter, and king after Tullus Hostilius; of the same family werealso Publius and Quintus Marcius, which two conveyed into the city thebest and most abundant supply of water they have at Rome. Aslikewise Censorinus, who, having been twice chosen censor by the... 
the scouts of the valley |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 打倒一切 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Scouts of the Valleyby Joseph A. AltshelerCHAPTER ITHE LONE CANOEA light canoe of bark, containing a single human figure, moved swiftly up one of the twin streams that form the Ohio. The water, clear and deep, coming through rocky soil, babbled gently at the edges, where it lapped the land, but in the center the full current flowed steadily and without noise.The thin shadows of early dusk were falling, casting a pallid tint over the world, a tint touched here and there with living fire from the sun, which was gone, though leaving burning embers behind. One glowing shaft, piercing straig 
main street and other poems |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 片片 |更新时间:2017-03-17
Main Street and Other Poemsby Joyce KilmerTo Mrs. Edmund LeamyContentsMain StreetRoofsThe Snowman in the YardA Blue ValentineHousesIn MemoryApologyThe Proud PoetLionel JohnsonFather Gerard Hopkins, S. J.Gates and DoorsThe Robe of ChristThe Singing GirlThe AnnunciationRosesThe VisitationMultiplicationThanksgivingThe ThornThe Big TopQueen Elizabeth SpeaksMid-ocean in War-timeIn Memory of Rupert BrookeThe New SchoolEaster WeekThe Cathedral of Rheims... 
euthydemus |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 北方刷刷 |更新时间:2017-03-17
Euthydemusby PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettINTRODUCTION.The Euthydemus, though apt to be regarded by us only as an elaborate jest, has also a very serious purpose. It may fairly claim to be the oldest treatise on logic; for that science originates in the misunderstandings which necessarily accompany the first efforts of speculation. Several of the fallacies which are satirized in it reappear in the Sophistici Elenchi of Aristotle and are retained at the end of our manuals of logic. But if the order of history were followed, they should be placed not at the end but at the beginning of t 
more2-6 |热度 70 | 英语 | 上传: 江暖 |更新时间:2017-03-17
BOOK II: OF THE TRAVELLING OF THE UTOPIANSIF any man has a mind to visit his friends that live in some othertown, or desires to travel and see the rest of the country, heobtains leave very easily from the syphogrant and tranibors whenthere is no particular occasion for him at home: such as travel,carry with them a passport from the Prince, which both certifiesthe license that is granted for travelling, and limits the time oftheir return. They are furnished with a wagon, and a slave who... 
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