The Fifth StringThe Fifth StringBy John Philip Sousa1- Page 2-The Fifth StringIThe coming of Diotti to America had awakened more than usualinterest in the man and his work. His marvelous success as violinist in theleading capitals of Europe, together with many brilliant contributions tothe literature of his instrument, had long been favorably commented on by...
THE UNDERGROUND WORKERSOn a bitter night somewhere between Christmas and the New Year, aman set out to walk to the neighbouring village. It was not manymiles off, but the snow was so thick that there were no roads, orwalls, or hedges left to guide him, and very soon he lost his wayaltogether, and was glad to get shelter from the wind behind athick juniper tree. Here he resolved to spend the night,thinking that when the sun rose he would be able to see his pathagain.So he tucked his legs snugly under him like a hedgehog, rolledhimself up in his sheepskin, and went to sleep. How long he...
THE ALHAMBRAby Washington IrvingPreface to the Revised Edition.Rough draughts of some of the following tales and essays wereactually written during a residence in the Alhambra; others weresubsequently added, founded on notes and observations made there. Carewas taken to maintain local coloring and verisimilitude; so that thewhole might present a faithful and living picture of that microcosm,that singular little world into which I had been fortuitously...
IN THE CARQUINEZ WOODSIN THE CARQUINEZWOODSby Bret Harte1- Page 2-IN THE CARQUINEZ WOODSCHAPTER I.The sun was going down on the Carquinez Woods. The few shaftsof sunlight that had pierced their pillared gloom were lost in unfathomabledepths, or splintered their ineffectual lances on the enormous trunks of theredwoods. For a time the dull red of their vast columns, and the dull red...
IN A HOLLOW OF THE HILLSIN A HOLLOW OF THEHILLSBret Bret Harte1- Page 2-IN A HOLLOW OF THE HILLSCHAPTERI.It was very dark, and the wind was increasing. The last gust hadbeen preceded by an ominous roaring down the whole mountain-side,which continued for some time after the trees in the little valley had lapsed...
THE TWO FROGSOnce upon a time in the country of Japan there lived two frogs,one of whom made his home in a ditch near the town of Osaka, onthe sea coast, while the other dwelt in a clear little streamwhich ran through the city of Kioto. At such a great distanceapart, they had never even heard of each other; but, funnilyenough, the idea came into both their heads at once that theyshould like to see a little of the world, and the frog who livedat Kioto wanted to visit Osaka, and the frog who lived at Osakawished to go to Kioto, where the great Mikado had his palace....
MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTYFrom the English edition of 1888, edited by Friedrich EngelsTranscribed by allen lutinswith assistance from Jim TarziaA spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of Communism.All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance toexorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot,French Radicals and German police-spies.Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried asCommunistic by its opponents in power? Where the Opposition...
The Great War Syndicateby Frank StocktonIn the spring of a certain year, not far from theclose of the nineteenth century, when the politicalrelations between the United States and Great Britainbecame so strained that careful observers on both sidesof the Atlantic were forced to the belief that aserious break in these relations might be looked for atany time, the fishing schooner Eliza Drum sailed froma port in Maine for the banks of Newfoundland.It was in this year that a new system of protectionfor American fishing vessels had been adopted in...
The Man Who Knew Too Muchby Gilbert K. ChestertonCONTENTSTHE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH:I. THE FACE IN THE TARGETII. THE VANISHING PRINCEIII. THE SOUL OF THE SCHOOLBOYIV. THE BOTTOMLESS WELLV. THE FAD OF THE FISHERMANVI. THE HOLE IN THE WALLVII. THE TEMPLE OF SILENCEVIII. THE VENGEANCE OF THE STATUETHE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCHI. THE FACE IN THE TARGETHarold March, the rising reviewer and social critic, was walking vigorously across a great tableland of moors and commons, the horizon of which was fringed with the far-off woods of the famous estate of Torwood Park. He was a good-looking young man in t
INTRODUCTION TO THE METAPHYSIC OF MORALSby Immanuel Kanttranslated by W. HastieDIVISIONSGENERAL DIVISIONS OF THE METAPHYSIC OF MORALSI. DIVISION OF THE METAPHYSIC OF MORALS AS A SYSTEM OFDUTIES GENERALLY.1. All duties are either duties of right, that is, juridicalduties (officia juris), or duties of virtue, that is, ethical duties(officia virtutis s. ethica). Juridical duties are such as may bepromulgated by external legislation; ethical duties are those for...
Alexandria and her Schoolsby Charles KingsleyPREFACEI should not have presumed to choose for any lectures of mine such a subject as that which I have tried to treat in this book. The subject was chosen by the Institution where the lectures were delivered. Still less should I have presumed to print them of my own accord, knowing how fragmentary and crude they are. They were printed at the special request of my audience. Least of all, perhaps, ought I to have presumed to publish them, as I have done, at Cambridge, where any inaccuracy or sciolism (and that such defects exist in these pages,
Louis Lambertby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Clara Bell and James WaringDEDICATION"Et nunc et semper dilectoe dicatum."LOUIS LAMBERTLouis Lambert was born at Montoire, a little town in the Vendomois,where his father owned a tannery of no great magnitude, and intendedthat his son should succeed him; but his precocious bent for studymodified the paternal decision. For, indeed, the tanner and his wifeadored Louis, their only child, and never contradicted him inanything.At the age of five Louis had begun by reading the Old and NewTestaments; and these two Books, including so many books, had seal
At the Sign of the Cat and Racketby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Clara BellDEDICATIONTo Mademoiselle Marie de MontheauAT THE SIGN OF THE CAT AND RACKETHalf-way down the Rue Saint-Denis, almost at the corner of the Rue duPetit-Lion, there stood formerly one of those delightful houses whichenable historians to reconstruct old Paris by analogy. The threateningwalls of this tumbledown abode seemed to have been decorated withhieroglyphics. For what other name could the passer-by give to the Xsand Vs which the horizontal or diagonal timbers traced on the front,...
Part 6It may be proper to ask here how long it may be supposed menmight have the seeds of the contagion in them before it discovereditself in this fatal manner, and how long they might go aboutseemingly whole, and yet be contagious to all those that came nearthem. I believe the most experienced physicians cannot answer thisquestion directly any more than I can; and something an ordinaryobserver may take notice of, which may pass their observations. Theopinion of physicians abroad seems to be that it may lie dormant inthe spirits or in the blood-vessels a very considerable time. Why else...
THE MONKEY AND THE JELLY-FISHChildren must often have wondered why jelly-fishes have noshells, like so many of the creatures that are washed up everyday on the beach. In old times this was not so; the jelly-fishhad as hard a shell as any of them, but he lost it through hisown fault, as may be seen in this story.The sea-queen Otohime, whom you read of in the story ofUraschimatoro, grew suddenly very ill. The swiftest messengerswere sent hurrying to fetch the best doctors from every countryunder the sea, but it was all of no use; the queen grew rapidlyworse instead of better. Everyone had al