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gns.throwback |热度 91 | 英语 | 上传: 绚烂冬季 |更新时间:2020-08-07
SUMMERCHAPTER ONE    GRADUALLY THE girl came to the conclusion that she was ill. It could not be anything else.    She pushed her way across the pavement, stood with her back against a brick wall, felt the rough surface scraping her skin through her blouse and jeans. The brickwork seemed to move, like a piece of automatically operated emery paper. Up, down, up, down. Her groping fingers found a doorpost, gripped it; it was moving too. Up, down, up, down, gyrating.    People pushed past her, bumped into her. A woman clutched at her, almost pulled her down, but somehow she held on. Everybody 
johngardner.rollofhonor |热度 91 | 英语 | 上传: 冥王 |更新时间:2020-08-07
 Neither do they expect trouble with a cargo that is sewn up tight. Only a privileged few knew exactly when the Kruxator Collection would arrive in the country. That it was due to e to Britain was mon knowledge, and you had only to read a newspaper to discover that March 15th was the day on which the fabled group of paintings and jewellery were to go on display - for two weeks - at the Victoria and Albert Museum. The Kruxator Collection is called after its founder, the late Niko Kruxator, whose fabulous wealth arose from sources unknown, for he had arrived penniless in the United States at a 
uleg.thetombsofatuan |热度 91 | 英语 | 上传: 随便看看 |更新时间:2020-08-10
 Prologue   "e home, Tenar! e home!"  In the deep valley, in the twilight, the apple trees were on the eve of blossoming; here and there among the shadowed boughs one flower had opened early, rose and white, like a faint star. Down the orchard aisles, in the thick, new, wet grass, the little girl ran for the joy of running; hearing the call she did not e at once, but made a long circle before she turned her face towards home. The mother waiting in the doorway of the hut, with the firelight behind her, watched the tiny figure running and bobbing like a bit of thistledown blown over the darkeni 
ragged lady, v1 |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 抵制日货 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Ragged Lady, v1by William Dean HowellsPart 1.I.It was their first summer at Middlemount and the Landers did not know theroads. When they came to a place where they had a choice of two, shesaid that now he must get out of the carry-all and ask at the housestanding a little back in the edge of the pine woods, which road theyought to take for South Middlemount. She alleged many cases in whichthey had met trouble through his perverse reluctance to find out wherethey were before he pushed rashly forward in their drives. Whilst sheurged the facts she reached forward from the back seat where she  
marie antoinette and her son |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 北方网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Marie Antoinette And Her Sonby Louise MuhlbachBOOK I.CHAPTER I.A HAPPY QUEEN.It was the 13th of August, 1785. The queen, Marie Antoinette, had atlast yielded to the requests and protestations of her dear subjects.She had left her fair Versailles and loved Trianon for one day, andhad gone to Paris, in order to exhibit herself and the young princewhom she had borne to the king and the country on the 25th of March,and to receive in the cathedral of Notre Dame the blessing of theclergy and the good wishes of the Parisians.She had had an enthusiastic reception, this beautiful and much loved... 
a leaf from heaven |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 浮游云中 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENA LEAF FROM HEAVENby Hans Christian AndersenHIGH up in the clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flowerplucked from the garden of heaven. As he was kissing the flower a verylittle leaf fell from it and sunk down into the soft earth in themiddle of a wood. It immediately took root, sprouted, and sent outshoots among the other plants."What a ridiculous little shoot!" said one. "No one will recognizeit; not even the thistle nor the stinging-nettle."... 
the prince(王子) |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 津夏 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The PrinceThe Princeby Nicolo MachiavelliTranslated by W. K. Marriott1- Page 2-The PrinceNicolo Machiavelli, born at Florence on 3rd May 1469. From 1494 to1512 held an official post at Florence which included diplomatic missionsto various European courts. Imprisoned in Florence, 1512; later exiled andreturned to San Casciano. Died at Florence on 22nd June 1527.2... 
the financier |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 连过十一人 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Financierby Theodore DreiserChapter IThe Philadelphia into which Frank Algernon Cowperwood was born was a city of two hundred and fifty thousand and more. It was set with handsome parks, notable buildings, and crowded with historic memories. Many of the things that we and he knew later were not then in existencethe telegraph, telephone, express company, ocean steamer, city delivery of mails. There were no postage-stamps or registered letters. The street car had not arrived. In its place were hosts of omnibuses, and for longer travel the slowly developing railroad system still largely 
preface-1 |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 冥王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
PREFACETOTHE THIRD EDITION.OCTOBER 1814.To this slight attempt at a sketch of ancient Scottish manners thepublic have been more favourable than the Author durst have hopedor expected. He has heard, with a mixture of satisfaction andhumility, his work ascribed to more than one respectable name.Considerations, which seem weighty in his particular situation, preventhis releasing those gentlemen from suspicion by placing his ownname in the title-page; so that, for the present at least, it must remainuncertain whether Waverley be the work of a poet or acritic, a lawyer or a clergyman, or whether t 
00 |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 理性的思索 |更新时间:2017-03-16
To the Right Honourable my very good lord the Dukeof Buckingham his Grace, Lord High Admiral of EnglandEXCELLENT LORD - Solomon says; a good name is as a precious ointment; and I assure my self, such will your Grace's name be, with posterity. For your fortune, and merit both, have been eminent And you have planted things, that are like to last I do now publish my essays; which, of all my other works, have been most current: for that, as it seems, they come home, to men's business, and bosoms. I have enlarged them, both in number, and weight; so that they are indeed a new work. I thought it  
the diary of a man of fifty |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 那年夏天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Diary of a Man of Fiftyby Henry JamesFlorence, April 5th, 1874.They told me I should find Italy greatlychanged; and in seven-and-twenty years there is room for changes.But to me everything is so perfectly the same that I seem to beliving my youth over again; all the forgotten impressions of thatenchanting time come back to me. At the moment they were powerfulenough; but they afterwards faded away. What in the world became ofthem? Whatever becomes of such things, in the long intervals ofconsciousness? Where do they hide themselves away? in what unvisited... 
the bab ballads(巴布民谣) |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 世纪史诗 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Bab BalladsThe Bab BalladsW. S. Gilbert1- Page 2-The Bab BalladsBallad: Captain ReeceOf all the ships upon the blue, No ship contained a better crew Thanthat of worthy CAPTAIN REECE, Commanding of THEMANTELPIECE.He was adored by all his men, For worthy CAPTAIN REECE, R.N.,Did all that lay within him to Promote the comfort of his crew.... 
marquise de brinvilliers |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 悟来悟去 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Marquise de Brinvilliersby Alexandre Dumas, PereTowards the end of the year 1665, on a fine autumn evening, there was a considerable crowd assembled on the Pont-Neuf where it makes a turn down to the rue Dauphine. The object of this crowd and the centre of attraction was a closely shut, carriage. A police official was trying to force open the door, and two out of the four sergeants who were with him were holding the horses back and the other two stopping the driver, who paid no attention to their commands, but only endeavoured to urge his horses to a gallop. The struggle had been going on  
abraham lincoln and the union |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 青词 |更新时间:2018-05-04
Abraham Lincoln and the UnionA Chronicle of the Embattled Northby Nathaniel W. StephensonPREFACEIn spite of a lapse of sixty years, the historian who attempts to portray the era of Lincoln is still faced with almost impossible demands and still confronted with arbitrary points of view. It is out of the question, in a book so brief as this must necessarily be, to meet all these demands or to alter these points of view. Interests that are purely local, events that did not with certainty contribute to the final outcome, gossip, as well as the mere caprice of the scholarthese must obviously be s 
the duchesse de langeais |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 美丽心点 |更新时间:2018-05-10
The Duchesse de Langeaisby Honore de BalzacTHE DUCHESS OF LANGEAISIIn a Spanish city on an island in the Mediterranean, there stands a convent of the Order of Barefoot Carmelites, where the rule instituted by St. Theresa is still preserved with all the first rigour of the reformation brought about by that illustrious woman. Extraordinary as this may seem, it is none the less true.Almost every religious house in the Peninsula, or in Europe for that matter, was either destroyed or disorganised by the outbreak of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars; but as this island was protected th 
p&c.brimstone |热度 90 | 英语 | 上传: 悟来悟去 |更新时间:2019-09-30
 dedicates this book to Barry and Jody Turkus.  Lincoln Child dedicates this book to his daughter, Veronica.  Acknowledgments  Lincoln Child would like to thank Bruce Swanson, Mark Mendel, Pat Allocco, Chris and Susan Yango, Jerry and Terry Hyland, Anthony Cifelli, M.D., Norman San Agustin, M.D., and Lee Suckno, M.D., for their friendship and assistance. Ongoing thanks to Special Agent Douglas Margini for his advice on New York, New Jersey, and federal law enforcement matters. Thanks to Jill Nowak for an insightful reading of the text. Bob Przybylski was very useful in nailing down some of th 
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