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redgauntlet |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 片片 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Redgauntletby Sir Walter ScottCONTENTS.Introduction Text Letters I - XIII Chapters I - XXIII Conclusion Notes GlossaryINTRODUCTIONThe Jacobite enthusiasm of the eighteenth century, particularly during the rebellion of 1745, afforded a theme, perhaps the finest that could be selected for fictitious composition, founded upon real or probable incident. This civil war and its remarkable events were remembered by the existing generation without any degree of the bitterness of spirit which seldom fails to attend internal dissension. The Highlanders, who formed the principal strength o 
list4 |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 片片 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Fourth BookThe PoliticsChapter 33The Insular Supremacy and the Continental Powers North Americaand FranceIn all ages there have been cities or countries which have beenpre-eminent above all others in industry, commerce, and navigation;but a supremacy such as that which exists in our days, the worldhas never before witnessed. In all ages, nations and powers havestriven to attain to the dominion of the world, but hitherto notone of them has erected its power on so broad a foundation. How... 
the georgics |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2017-03-16
29 BCTHE GEORGICSby VirgilGEORGIC IWhat makes the cornfield smile; beneath what starMaecenas, it is meet to turn the sodOr marry elm with vine; how tend the steer;What pains for cattle-keeping, or what proofOf patient trial serves for thrifty bees;-Such are my themes.O universal lightsMost glorious! ye that lead the gliding yearAlong the sky, Liber and Ceres mild,If by your bounty holpen earth once changed... 
a06 |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 北方刷刷 |更新时间:2017-03-16
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SUNBEAM AND THE CAPTIVEby Hans Christian AndersenIT is autumn. We stand on the ramparts, and look out over the sea.We look at the numerous ships, and at the Swedish coast on theopposite side of the sound, rising far above the surface of the waterswhich mirror the glow of the evening sky. Behind us the wood issharply defined; mighty trees surround us, and the yellow leavesflutter down from the branches. Below, at the foot of the wall, standsa gloomy looking building enclosed in palisades. The space betweenis dark and narrow, but still more dismal m 
epeters.amorbidtasteforbones |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 青涩春天 |更新时间:2019-09-30
 On the fine, bright morning in early May when the whole sensational affair of the Gwytherin relics may properly be considered to have begun, Brother Cadfael had been up long before Prime, pricking out cabbage seedlings before the day was aired, and his thoughts were all on birth, growth and fertility, not at all on graves and reliquaries and violent deaths, whether of saints, sinners or ordinary decent, fallible men like himself. Nothing troubled his peace but the necessity to take himself indoors for Mass, and the succeeding half-hour of chapter, which was always liable to stray over by an  
amccaffrey.theskiesofpern |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 双曲线 |更新时间:2019-11-20
Anne McCaffreyIntroductionOurs not to ponder what were fair in Life,But, finding what may be,Make it fair up to our means.  When mankind first discovered Pern, third planet of the sun Rukbat, in the Sagittarian Sector, they paid little attention to the eccentric orbit of another satellite in the system.  Settling the new planet, adjusting to its differences, the colonists spread out across the southern, most hospitable continent. Then disaster struck in the form of a rain of mycorrhizoid organisms, which voraciously devoured all but stone, metal, and water. The initial losses were staggering. 
cc.themediterraneancaper2 |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 老是不进球 |更新时间:2020-08-07
  It was oven hot, and it was Sunday. In the air traffic tower, the control operator at Brady Air Force Base lit a cigarette from a still glowing butt, propped his stocking feet on top of a portable air conditioner and waited for something to happen. He was totally bored, and for good reason. Air traffic was slow on Sundays. In fact, it was nearly nonexistent Military pilots and their aircraft rarely flew on that day in the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, particularly since no international political trouble was brewing at the moment. Occasionally a plane might set down or take of 
rj.thegreathunt |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 蝴蝶的出走 |更新时间:2020-08-07
shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more layhis hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations ofthe earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide...Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born beforeand shall be born again, time without end. The Dragon shall be Reborn, and thereshall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashesshall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his ing,tearing apart all ties that bind. Like the unfettered 
eben holden |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: 套牢 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Eben Holden, a Tale of the North Countryby Irving BachellerPREFACEEarly in the last century the hardy wood-choppers began to come west, out of Vermont. They founded their homes in the Adirondack wildernesses and cleared their rough acres with the axe and the charcoal pit. After years of toil in a rigorous climate they left their sons little besides a stumpy farm and a coon-skin overcoat. Far from the centres of life their amusements, their humours, their religion, their folk lore, their views of things had in them the flavour of the timber lands, the simplicity of childhood. Every son was nur 
the sportsman(运动员) |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: 连过十一人 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The SportsmanThe Sportsmanby XenophonTranslation by H. G. Dakyns1- Page 2-The SportsmanXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil ofSocrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens.Sparta gave him land and property in Scillus, where he lived for manyyears before having to move once more, to settle in Corinth. He died in... 
agis |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: 垃圾王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
AGIS264-241 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHE fable of Ixion, who, embracing a cloud instead of Juno, begotthe Centaurs, has been ingeniously enough supposed to have beeninvented to represent to us ambitious men, whose minds, doting onglory, which is a mere image of virtue, produce nothing that isgenuine or uniform, but only, as might be expected of such aconjunction, misshapen and unnatural actions. Running after their... 
north america-1 |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-16
North America-Volume 1by Anthony TrollopeCONTENTS OF VOL. I.CHAPTER I.INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER II.NewportRhode IslandCHAPTER III.Maine, New Hampshire, and VermontCHAPTER IV.Lower CanadaCHAPTER V.Upper CanadaCHAPTER VI.The Connection of the Canadas with Great BritainCHAPTER VII.NiagaraCHAPTER VIII.North and WestCHAPTER IX.From Niagara to the MississippiCHAPTER X.The Upper MississippiCHAPTER XI.Ceres AmericanaCHAPTER XII.Buffalo to New YorkCHAPTER XIII.An Apology for the WarCHAPTER XIV.New YorkCHAPTER XV.The Constitution of the State of New York... 
a question of latitude |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: 南方网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
A Question of Latitudeby Richard Harding DavisOf the school of earnest young writers at whom the word muckrakerhad been thrown in opprobrium, and by whom it had been caught up asa title of honor, Everett was among the younger and lessconspicuous. But, if in his skirmishes with graft and corruptionhe had failed to correct the evils he attacked, from the contestshe himself had always emerged with credit. His sincerity and hismethods were above suspicion. No one had caught him inmisstatement, or exaggeration. Even those whom he attacked,admitted he fought fair. For these reasons, the editor 
amphitryon(安菲特利翁) |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: 击水三千 |更新时间:2018-05-10
AmphitryonAmphitryonTranslated by A.R. Waller, M.A.1- Page 2-AmphitryonPREFACEAmphitryon was played for the first time in Paris, at the Theatre duPalais-Royal, January 13, 1668. It was successfully received, holding theboards until the 18th of March, when Easter intervened. After the re-opening of the theatre, it was played half a dozen times more the same... 
erlestanleygardner.the.caseoft |热度 115 | 英语 | 上传: 赖赖 |更新时间:2020-08-07
   THE girl walked past the secretary who held the door open, and surveyed the law office with eyes that showed just a trace of panic.  The secretary gently closed the door and the girl selected an old fashioned, high-backed, black leather chair. She sat down in it, crossed her legs, pulled her skirt down over her knees, and sat facing the door. After a moment, she pulled the skirt up for an inch or two, taking some pains to get just the effect she wanted. Then she leaned back so that her spun-gold hair showed to advantage against the shiny black leather of the big chair.  She loo 
aucassin and nicolete |热度 114 | 英语 | 上传: 团团 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Aucassin and NicoleteTranslated by Andrew LangINTRODUCTIONThere is nothing in artistic poetry quite akin to "Aucassin andNicolete."By a rare piece of good fortune the one manuscript of the Song-Storyhas escaped those waves of time, which have wrecked the bark ofMenander, and left of Sappho but a few floating fragments. The veryform of the tale is peculiar; we have nothing else from the twelfthor thirteenth century in the alternate prose and verse of the cante-fable. {1} We have fabliaux in verse, and prose Arthurian romances.... 
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