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philoctetes |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 不是就是 |更新时间:2017-03-16
400 BCPHILOCTETESby Sophoclestranslated by Thomas FrancklinCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYULYSSES, King of IthacaNEOPTOLEMUS, son of AchillesPHILOCTETES, son of Poeas and Companion of HERCULESA SPYHERCULESCHORUS, composed of the companions of ULYSSES and NEOPTOLEMUSPHILOCTETESPHILOCTETES(SCENE:- A lonely region on the shore of Lemnos,... 
on the gait of animals |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
ON THE GAIT OF ANIMALSby Aristotletranslated by A. S. L. Farquharson1WE have now to consider the parts which are useful to animals formovement in place (locomotion); first, why each part is such as itis and to what end they possess them; and second, the differencesbetween these parts both in one and the same creature, and again bycomparison of the parts of creatures of different species with oneanother. First then let us lay down how many questions we have to... 
an old town by the sea |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 嘟嘟 |更新时间:2017-03-16
An Old Town By The Seaby Thomas Bailey AldrichPISCATAQUA RIVERThou singest by the gleaming isles,By woods, and fields of corn,Thou singest, and the sunlight smilesUpon my birthday morn.But I within a city, I,So full of vague unrest,Would almost give my life to lieAn hour upon upon thy breast.To let the wherry listless go,And, wrapt in dreamy joy,Dip, and surge idly to and fro,Like the red harbor-buoy;To sit in happy indolence,To rest upon the oars,And catch the heavy earthy scentsThat blow from summer shores;To see the rounded sun go down,... 
the double-dealer |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 谁与争疯 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Double-Dealerby William CongreveInterdum tamen et vocem Comoedia tollit.HOR. Ar. Po.Huic equidem consilio palmam do: hic me magnificeeffero, qui vim tantam in me et potestatem habeamtantae astutiae, vera dicendo ut eos ambos fallam.SYR. in TERENT. Heaut.TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES MONTAGUE,ONE OF THE LORDS OF THE TREASURY.Sir,I heartily wish this play were as perfect as I intended it,that it might be more worthy your acceptance, and that my dedicationof it to you might be more becoming that honour and esteem which I,... 
second april |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 希望之舟 |更新时间:2017-03-16
red eve |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-16
Red Eveby H. Rider HaggardDEDICATIONDitchingham,May 27, 1911.My dear Jehu:For five long but not unhappy years, seated or journeying side byside, we have striven as Royal Commissioners to find a meanswhereby our coasts may be protected from "the outrageous flowingsurges of the sea" (I quote the jurists of centuries ago), theidle swamps turned to fertility and the barren hills clothed withforest; also, with small success, how "foreshore" may be best... 
reformers |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 沸点123 |更新时间:2017-03-16
_New England Reformers__A Lecture read before the Society in Amory Hall,__on Sunday, 3 March, 1844_Whoever has had opportunity of acquaintance with society in NewEngland, during the last twenty-five years, with those middle andwith those leading sections that may constitute any justrepresentation of the character and aim of the community, will havebeen struck with the great activity of thought and experimenting.His attention must be commanded by the signs that the Church, orreligious party, is falling from the church nominal, and is appearing... 
men of iron |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 津股巡览 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Men of Ironby Ernie Howard PyleINTRODUCTIONThe year 1400 opened with more than usual peacefulness in England. Only a few months before, Richard IIweak, wicked, and treacherous had been dethroned, and Henry IV declared King in his stead. But it was only a seeming peacefulness, lasting but for a little while; for though King Henry proved himself a just and a merciful manas justice and mercy went with the men of iron of those daysand though he did not care to shed blood needlessly, there were many noble families who had been benefited by King Richard during his reign, and who had lost somewhat o 
sanditon(桑底顿) |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 童舟 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SanditonJane Austen- Page 2-ELECBOOK CLASSICSebc0050. Jane Austen: SanditonThis file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered or resold.Organisations wishing to use it must first obtain a licence.Low cost licenses are available. Contact us through our web site(C) The Electric Book Co 1998The Electric Book Company Ltd20 Cambridge Drive, London SE12 8AJ, UKwww.elecbook... 
the vicar of wakefield |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 热带雨淋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Vicar of Wakefieldby Oliver GoldsmithA TALESupposed to be written by HimselfSperate miseri, cavete faelicesADVERTISEMENTThere are an hundred faults in this Thing, and an hundred things might be said to prove them beauties. But it is needless. A book may be amusing with numerous errors, or it may be very dull without a single absurdity. The hero of this piece unites in himself the three greatest characters upon earth; he is a priest, an husbandman, and the father of a family. He is drawn as ready to teach, and ready to obey, as simple in affluence, and majestic in adversity. In this age of 
the iceberg express(冰山直通车 |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Iceberg ExpressThe Iceberg Expressby David Cory1- Page 2-The Iceberg ExpressThe Magic CombOne bright morning in August little Mary Louise put on her hat andwent trudging across the meadow to the beach.It was the first time she had been trusted out alone since the family hadmoved to the seashore for the summer; for Mary Louise was a little girl,nothing about her was large, except her round gray eyes.... 
the choir invisible |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 僻处自说 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Choir Invisibleby James Lane Allen"O may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence. . . . . . feed pure love, Beget the smiles that have no cruelty, Be the sweet presence of a good diffused And in diffusion evermore intense. So shall I join the choir invisible Whose music is the gladness of the world."GEORGE ELIOTTHE middle of a fragrant afternoon of May in the green wilderness of Kentucky: the year 1795.High overhead ridges of many-peaked cloudthe gleaming, wandering Alps of the blue ether; outstretched far below, the warming  
lady baltimore |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 雨霖铃 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Lady Baltimoreby Owen WisterToS. Weir MitchellWith the Affection and Memories of All My LifeTo the ReaderYou know the great text in Burns, I am sure, where he wishes he could see himself as others see him. Well, here lies the hitch in many a work of art: if its makerpoet, painter, or novelistcould but have become its audience too, for a single day, before he launched it irrevocably upon the uncertain ocean of publicity, how much better his boat would often sail! How many little touches to the rigging he would give, how many little drops of oil to the engines here and there, the need of which  
aeroplanes and dirigibles of w |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 希望之舟 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of Warby Frederick A. TalbotPREFACEEver since the earliest days of the great conquest of the air,first by the dirigible balloon and then by the aeroplane, theiruse in time of war has been a fruitful theme for discussion. Buttheir arrival was of too recent a date, their many utilities toounexplored to provide anything other than theories, manyobviously untenable, others avowedly problematical.Yet the part airships have played in the Greatest War has come asa surprise even to their most convinced advocates. For every... 
evergreens |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 冬恋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Evergreensby Jerome K. JeromeThey look so dull and dowdy in the spring weather, when the snow dropsand the crocuses are putting on their dainty frocks of white and mauveand yellow, and the baby-buds from every branch are peeping withbright eyes out on the world, and stretching forth soft little leavestoward the coming gladness of their lives. They stand apart, so coldand hard amid the stirring hope and joy that are throbbing all aroundthem.And in the deep full summer-time, when all the rest of nature dons itsrichest garb of green, and the roses clamber round the porch, and the... 
ivanoff |热度 52 | 英语 | 上传: 猜火车 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Ivanoffby Anton CheckovA PLAYCHARACTERSNICHOLAS IVANOFF, perpetual member of the Council of PeasantAffairsANNA, his wife. Nee Sarah AbramsonMATTHEW SHABELSKI, a count, uncle of IvanoffPAUL LEBEDIEFF, President of the Board of the ZemstvoZINAIDA, his wifeSASHA, their daughter, twenty years oldLVOFF, a young government doctorMARTHA BABAKINA, a young widow, owner of an estate and daughterof a rich merchantKOSICH, an excisemanMICHAEL BORKIN, a distant relative of Ivanoff, and manager of hisestateAVDOTIA NAZAROVNA, an old woman... 
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