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the works of edgar allan poe-1 |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 管他三七二 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Works of Edgar Allan PoeVolume 1 of the Raven EditionIN FIVE VOLUMESVOLUME I ContentsEdgar Allan Poe, An AppreciationLife of Poe, by James Russell LowellDeath of Poe, by N. P. WillisThe Unparalled Adventures of One Hans PfallThe Gold BugFour Beasts in OneThe Murders in the Rue MorgueThe Mystery of Marie Rog阾The Balloon HoaxMS. Found in a BottleThe Oval PortraitEDGAR ALLAN POEAN APPRECIATIONCaught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful DisasterFollowed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden boreTill the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore... 
18-conclusion |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 笑傲网络 |更新时间:2017-03-16
ConclusionTo the sick the doctors wisely recommend a change of air andscenery. Thank Heaven, here is not all the world. The buckeye doesnot grow in New England, and the mockingbird is rarely heard here.The wild goose is more of a cosmopolite than we; he breaks his fastin Canada, takes a luncheon in the Ohio, and plumes himself for thenight in a southern bayou. Even the bison, to some extent, keepspace with the seasons cropping the pastures of the Colorado onlytill a greener and sweeter grass awaits him by the Yellowstone. Yet... 
05-solitude |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 扑火 |更新时间:2017-03-16
SolitudeThis is a delicious evening, when the whole body is one sense,and imbibes delight through every pore. I go and come with astrange liberty in Nature, a part of herself. As I walk along thestony shore of the pond in my shirt-sleeves, though it is cool aswell as cloudy and windy, and I see nothing special to attract me,all the elements are unusually congenial to me. The bullfrogs trumpto usher in the night, and the note of the whip-poor-will is borneon the rippling wind from over the water. Sympathy with the... 
the essays of montaigne, v8 |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 溜溜 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Essays of Montaigne, V8by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 8.XLVIII. Of war-horses, or destriers.XLIX. Of ancient customs.L. Of Democritus and Heraclitus.LI. Of the vanity of words.LII. Of the parsimony of the Ancients.LIII. Of a saying of Caesar.LIV. Of vain subtleties.LV. Of smells.LVI. Of prayers.LVII. Of age.CHAPTER XLVIIIOF WAR HORSES, OR DESTRIERSI here have become a grammarian, I who never learned any language but by... 
25-the enchanted canary |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 垃圾王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE ENCHANTED CANARYIONCE upon a time, in the reign of King Cambrinus, there lived atAvesnes one of his lords, who was the finest manby which Imean the fattestin the whole country of Flanders. He ate fourmeals a day, slept twelve hours out of the twenty-four, and the onlything he ever did was to shoot at small birds with his bow andarrow.Still, with all his practice he shot very badly, he was so fat andheavy, and as he grew daily fatter, he was at last obliged to give upwalking, and be dragged about in a wheel-chair, and the people... 
26-the headless dwarfs |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 赖赖 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE HEADLESS DWARFSThere was once a minister who spent his whole time in trying tofind a servant who would undertake to ring the church bells atmidnight, in addition to all his other duties.Of course it was not everyone who cared to get up in the middleof the night, when he had been working hard all day; still, agood many had agreed to do it. But the strange thing was that nosooner had the servant set forth to perform his task than hedisappeared, as if the earth had swallowed him up. No bells wererung, and no ringer ever came back. The minister did his best to... 
epilogue |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 生在秋天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
EPILOGUEMOONSTONE again, in the year 1909. The Metho-dists are giving an ice-cream sociable in the groveabout the new court-house. It is a warm summer night offull moon. The paper lanterns which hang among thetrees are foolish toys, only dimming, in little lurid circles,the great softness of the lunar light that floods the blueheavens and the high plateau. To the east the sand hillsshine white as of old, but the empire of the sand is grad-ually diminishing. The grass grows thicker over the dunes... 
on horsemanship |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 风雅颂 |更新时间:2017-03-16
On Horsemanshipby XenophonTranslation by H. G. DakynsXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was apupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans,and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave him landand property in Scillus, where he lived for manyyears before having to move once more, to settlein Corinth. He died in 354 B.C.On Horsemanship advises the reader on how to buya good horse, and how to raise it to be either awar horse or show horse. Xenophon ends with some... 
pigs is pigs |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 漂亮格子 |更新时间:2017-03-16
"Pigs is Pigs"by Ellis Parker ButlerMike Flannery, the Westcote agent of the Interurban Express Company,leaned over the counter of the express office and shook his fist. Mr.Morehouse, angry and red, stood on the other side of the counter,trembling with rage. The argument had been long and heated, and at lastMr. Morehouse had talked himself speechless. The cause of the troublestood on the counter between the two men. It was a soap box across the topof which were nailed a number of strips, forming a rough but serviceablecage. In it two spotted guinea-pigs were greedily eating lettuce leaves.... 
part15 |热度 55 | 英语 | 上传: 淋雨 |更新时间:2017-03-16
A LAW BEYOND THE CONSTITUTION_To John B. Colvin__Monticello, September 20, 1810_SIR, Your favor of the 14th has been duly received, and Ihave to thank you for the many obliging things respecting myselfwhich are said in it. If I have left in the breasts of my fellowcitizens a sentiment of satisfaction with my conduct in thetransaction of their business, it will soften the pillow of my reposethrough the residue of life.The question you propose, whether circumstances do notsometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to... 
yeast |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 管他三七二 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Yeastby Thomas H. HuxleyI HAVE selected to-night the particular subject of Yeast for tworeasonsor, rather, I should say for three. In the first place,because it is one of the simplest and the most familiar objects withwhich we are acquainted. In the second place, because the facts andphenomena which I have to describe are so simple that it is possible toput them before you without the help of any of those pictures ordiagrams which are needed when matters are more complicated, and which,if I had to refer to them here, would involve the necessity of my... 
the lake gun |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 打倒一切 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Lake Gunby James Fenimore CooperThe Seneca is remarkable for its "Wandering Jew," and the"Lake Gun." The first is a tree so balanced that when itsroots are clear of the bottom it floats with its broken andpointed trunk a few feet above the surface of the water,driving before the winds, or following in the course of thecurrents. At times, the "Wandering Jew" is seen offJefferson, near the head of this beautiful sheet; and next itwill appear anchored, as it might be, in the shallow waternear the outlet.{"Wandering Jew" = The medieval legend of Ahasueras,... 
betty zane |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 孤悟 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Betty Zaneby Zane GreyTO THE BETTY ZANE CHAPTER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHORNOTEIn a quiet corner of the stately little city of Wheeling, West Va., stands a monument on which is inscribed:"By authority of the State of West Virginia to commemorate the siege of Fort Henry, Sept 11, 1782, the last battle of the American Revolution, this tablet is here placed."Had it not been for the heroism of a girl the foregoing inscription would never have been written, and the city of Wheeling would never have existed. From time to time I have read shor 
on the sacred disease |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 独来读网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
400 BCON THE SACRED DISEASEby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsON THE SACRED DISEASEIt is thus with regard to the disease called Sacred: it appears tome to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, buthas a natural cause from the originates like other affections. Menregard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder,because it is not at all like to other diseases. And this notion of... 
ballads |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 溜溜 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Balladsby Robert Louis StevensonTHE SONG OF RAHEROA LEGEND OF TAHITITO ORI A ORIORI, my brother in the island mode,In every tongue and meaning much my friend,This story of your country and your clan,In your loved house, your too much honoured guest,I made in English. Take it, being done;And let me sign it with the name you gave.TERIITERA.I. THE SLAYING OF TAMATEAIT fell in the days of old, as the men of Taiarapu tell,A youth went forth to the fishing, and fortune favoured him well.... 
napoleon bonaparte, v1 |热度 54 | 英语 | 上传: 美丽心点 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, V1by ConstantTRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARKCONTENTS:CHAPTER I. to CHAPTER VI.PREFACEThough this work was first published in 1830, it has never before beentranslated into English. Indeed, the volumes are almost out of print.When in Paris a few years ago the writer secured, with much difficulty,a copy, from which this translation has been made. Notes have been addedby the translator, and illustrations by the publishers, which, it isbelieved, will enhance the interest of the original work by Constant.... 
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