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count bunker |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 插翅难飞 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Count Bunkerby J. Storer CloustenBEING A BALD YET VERACIOUS CHRONICLE CONTAINING SOME FURTHER PARTICULARS OF TWO GENTLEMEN WHOSE PREVIOUS CAREERS WERE TOUCHED UPON IN A TOME ENTITLED "THE LUNATIC AT LARGE"BY J. STORER CLOUSTONCOUNT BUNKERCHAPTER IIt is only with the politest affectation of interest, as a rule, that English Society learns the arrival in its midst of an ordinary Continental nobleman; but the announcement that the Baron Rudolph von Blitzenberg had been appointed attache to the German embassy at the Court of St. James was unquestionably received with a certain flutter of exciteme 
dreams(梦) |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 卡车 |更新时间:2017-03-16
DreamsDreamsby Jerome K. Jerome1- Page 2-DreamsThe most extraordinary dream I ever had was one in which I fanciedthat, as I was going into a theater, the cloak-room attendant stopped me inthe lobby and insisted on my leaving my legs behind me.I was not surprised; indeed, my acquaintanceship with theater harpieswould prevent my feeling any surprise at such a demand, even in my... 
ib and little christina |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 淘气 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENIB AND LITTLE CHRISTINAby Hans Christian AndersenIN the forest that extends from the banks of the Gudenau, in NorthJutland, a long way into the country, and not far from the clearstream, rises a great ridge of land, which stretches through thewood like a wall. Westward of this ridge, and not far from theriver, stands a farmhouse, surrounded by such poor land that the sandysoil shows itself between the scanty ears of rye and wheat whichgrow in it. Some years have passed since the people who lived here... 
laches |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 泰达魔王 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Lachesby PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettINTRODUCTION.Lysimachus, the son of Aristides the Just, and Melesias, the son of theelder Thucydides, two aged men who live together, are desirous of educatingtheir sons in the best manner. Their own education, as often happens withthe sons of great men, has been neglected; and they are resolved that theirchildren shall have more care taken of them, than they received themselvesat the hands of their fathers.... 
49 |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-16
49 Of SuitorsMany ill matters and projects are undertaken; and private suits do putrefy the publicgood. Many good matters are undertaken with bad minds; I mean not only corrupt minds, but crafty minds, that intend not performance. Some embrace suits, which never mean to deal effectually in them; but if they see there may be life in the matter, by some other mean, they will be content to win a thank, or take a second reward, or at least to make use, in the mean time, of the suitor's hopes.Some take hold of suits only for an occasion, to cross some other, or to make an information, whereof the 
the son of tarzan |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 一半儿 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE SON OF TARZANby Edgar Rice BurroughsTO HULBERT BURROUGHSChapter 1The long boat of the Marjorie W. was floating down the broad Ugambi with ebb tide and current. Her crew were lazily enjoying this respite from the arduous labor of rowing up stream. Three miles below them lay the Marjorie W. herself, quite ready to sail so soon as they should have clambered aboard and swung the long boat to its davits. Presently the attention of every man was drawn from his dreaming or his gossiping to the northern bank of the river. There, screaming at them in a cracked falsetto and with skinny arms out 
35-mogarzea |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 淘气 |更新时间:2017-03-16
MOGARZEA AND HIS SONThere was once a little boy, whose father and mother, when theywere dying, left him to the care of a guardian. But the guardianwhom they chose turned out to be a wicked man, and spent all themoney, so the boy determined to go away and strike out a path forhimself.So one day he set off, and walked and walked through woods andmeadows till when evening came he was very tired, and did notknow where to sleep. He climbed a hill and looked about him tosee if there was no light shining from a window. At first allseemed dark, but at length he noticed a tiny spark far, far off,.. 
his own people |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 人生几何 |更新时间:2017-03-16
His Own Peopleby Booth TarkingtonI. A Change of LodgingThe glass-domed "palm-room" of the Grand Continental Hotel Magnifiquein Rome is of vasty heights and distances, filled with a mellow greenlight which filters down languidly through the upper foliage of tallpalms, so that the two hundred people who may be refreshing ordisplaying themselves there at the tea-hour have something the lookof under-water creatures playing upon the sea-bed. They appear,however, to be unaware of their condition; even the ladies, most likeanemones of that gay assembly, do not seem to know it; and when the... 
twice-told tales- ethan brand |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 西门在线 |更新时间:2017-03-16
TWICE-TOLD TALESETHAN BRANDA CHAPTER FROM AN ABORTIVE ROMANCEby Nathaniel HawthorneBARTRAM THE LIME-BURNER, a rough, heavy-looking man, begrimedwith charcoal, sat watching his kiln, at nightfall, while his littleson played at building houses with the scattered fragments ofmarble, when, on the hill-side below them, they heard a roar oflaughter, not mirthful, but slow, and even solemn, like a wind shakingthe boughs of the forest."Father, what is that?" asked the little boy, leaving his play, and... 
01-the bronze ring |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 随便看看 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THE BRONZE RINGOnce upon a time in a certain country there lived aking whose palace was surrounded by a spacious garden.But, though the gardeners were many and the soil wasgood, this garden yielded neither flowers nor fruits, noteven grass or shady trees.The King was in despair about it, when a wise old mansaid to him:"Your gardeners do not understand their business: butwhat can you expect of men whose fathers were cobblersand carpenters? How should they have learned to cultivateyour garden?""You are quite right," cried the King.... 
the fatal boots |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Fatal Bootsby William Makepeace ThackerayJanuary.The Birth of the YearFebruary.Cutting WeatherMarch.ShoweryApril.FoolingMay.Restoration DayJune.Marrowbones and CleaversJuly.Summary ProceedingsAugust.Dogs have their DaysSeptember.Plucking a GooseOctober.Mars and Venus in OppositionNovember.A General Post DeliveryDecember."The Winter of Our Discontent"THE FATAL BOOTSJANUARY.THE BIRTH OF THE YEAR.Some poet has observed, that if any man would write down what has... 
the symposium |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 左思右想 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Symposiumby XenophonTranslation by H. G. DakynsXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave him land and property in Scillus, where he lived for many years before having to move once more, to settle in Corinth. He died in 354 B.C.The Symposium records the discussion of Socrates and company at a dinner given by Callias for the youth Autolycus. Dakyns believed that Plato knew of this work, and that it influenced him to some degree when he wrote his own "Symposium."THE SYMPOSIUM... 
a story |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 南方网 |更新时间:2017-03-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENA STORYby Hans Christian AndersenIN the garden all the apple-trees were in blossom. They hadhastened to bring forth flowers before they got green leaves, and inthe yard all the ducklings walked up and down, and the cat too: itbasked in the sun and licked the sunshine from its own paws. Andwhen one looked at the fields, how beautifully the corn stood andhow green it shone, without comparison! and there was a twittering anda fluttering of all the little birds, as if the day were a great... 
the golden road |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 换裁判 |更新时间:2017-03-16
The Golden Roadby L. M. Montgomery"Life was a rose-lipped comradeWith purple flowers dripping from her fingers."The Author.TOTHE MEMORY OFAunt Mary LawsonWHO TOLD ME MANY OF THE TALESREPEATED BY THESTORY GIRLFOREWORDOnce upon a time we all walked on the golden road. It was a fair highway, through the Land of Lost Delight; shadow and sunshine were blessedly mingled, and every turn and dip revealed a fresh charm and a new loveliness to eager hearts and unspoiled eyes.On that road we heard the song of morning stars; we drank in fragrances aerial and sweet as a May mist; we were rich in gossamer 
honore de balzac |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 热带雨淋 |更新时间:2017-03-16
Honore de Balzacby Albert Keim and Louis LumetTranslated from the French by FREDERIC TABER COOPERGENERAL NOTEOf all the books perhaps the one best designed for training the mind and forming the character is "Plutarch." The lives of great men are object-lessons. They teach effort, devotion, industry, heroism and sacrifice.Even one who confines his reading solely to biographies of thinkers, writers, inventors, poets of the spirit or poets of science, will in a short time have acquired an understanding of the whole History of Humanity.And what novel or what drama could be compared to such a hist 
three men on the bummel(三个闲 |热度 60 | 英语 | 上传: 生在秋天 |更新时间:2017-03-16
THREE MEN ON THE BUMMELTHREE MEN ON THEBUMMELby Jerome K. Jerome1- Page 2-THREE MEN ON THE BUMMELCHAPTER IThree men need changeAnecdote showing evil result of deceptionMoral cowardice of GeorgeHarris has ideasYarn of the AncientMariner and the Inexperienced YachtsmanA hearty crewDanger ofsailing when the wind is off the landImpossibility of sailing when the... 
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