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guess—lit the hallway dimly from the ground。 It cast strange shadows on the features of the men; turning
them into scowling monster faces。
I took a step toward them again; turning my back to Jared。
“I’m what you want;” I said directly to Kyle。 “Leave him alone。”
No one said anything for a long second。
“Tricky bugger;” Ian finally muttered; eyes wide with horror。
“I said get back in there;” Jared hissed behind me。
I turned halfway; not wanting Kyle out of my sight。 “It’s not your duty to protect me at your own
Jared grimaced; one hand rising to push me back toward the cell again。
I skipped out of the way; the motion moved me toward the ones who wanted to kill me。
Ian grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me。 I struggled instinctively; but he was very strong。 He
bent my joints too far back and I gasped。
“Get your hands off her!” Jared shouted; charging。
Kyle caught him and spun him around into a wrestling hold; forcing his neck forward。 The other man
grabbed one of Jared’s thrashing arms。
“Don’t hurt him!” I screeched。 I strained against the hands that imprisoned me。
Jared’s free elbow rammed into Kyle’s stomach。 Kyle gasped and lost his grip。 Jared twisted away from
his attackers and then lunged back; his fist connecting with Kyle’s nose。 Dark red blood spattered the
wall and the lamp。
“Finish it; Ian!” Kyle yelled。 He put his head down and hurtled into Jared; throwing him into the other
“No!” Jared and I cried at the same moment。
Ian dropped my arms; and his hands wrapped around my throat; choking off my air。 I clawed at his
hands with my useless; stubby nails。 He gripped me tighter; dragging my feet off the floor。
Click; click。
I’d only heard the sound once before; but I recognized it。 So did everyone else。 They all froze; Ian with
his hands locked hard on my neck。
“Kyle; Ian; Brandt—back off!” Jeb barked。
No one moved—just my hands; still clawing; and my feet; twitching in the air。
Jared suddenly darted under Kyle’s motionless arm and sprang at me。 I saw his fist flying toward my
face; and closed my eyes。
A loudthwack sounded inches behind my head。 Ian howled; and I dropped to the floor。 I crumpled
there at his feet; gasping。 Jared retreated after an angry glance in my direction and went to stand at Jeb’s
“You’re guests here; boys; and don’t forget it;” Jeb growled。 “I told you not to go looking for the girl。
She’s my guest; too; for the moment; and I don’t take kindly to any of my guests killing any of the
“Jeb;” Ian moaned above me; his voice muffled by the hand held to his mouth。 “Jeb。 This is insane。”
“What’s your plan?” Kyle demanded。 His face was smeared with blood; a violent; macabre sight。 But
there was no evidence of pain in his voice; only controlled and simmering anger。 “We have a right to
know。 We have to decide whether this place is safe or if it’s time to move on。 So… how long will you
keep this thing as your pet? What will you do with it when you’re finished playing God? All of us deserve
to know the answers to these questions。”
Kyle’s extraordinary words echoed behind the pulse thudding in my head。 Keep me as a pet? Jeb had
called me hisguest 。… Was that another word for prisoner? Was it possible thattwo humans existed that
did not demand either my death or my torture…wrung confession? If so; it was nothing less than a miracle。
“Don’t have your answers; Kyle;” Jeb said。 “It’s not up to me。”
I doubted any other response Jeb could have given would have confused them more。 All four men;
Kyle; Ian; the one I didn’t know; and even Jared; stared at him with shock。 I still crouched gasping at
Ian’s feet; wishing there was some way I could climb back into my hole unnoticed。
“Not up to you?” Kyle finally echoed; still disbelieving。 “Who; then? If you’re thinking of putting it to a
vote; that’s already been done。 Ian; Brandt; and I are the duly designated appointees of the result。”
Jeb shook his head—a tight movement that never took his eyes off the man in front of him。 “It’s not up
for a vote。 This is still my house。”
“Who; then?”Kyle shouted。
Jeb’s eyes finally flickered—to another face and then back to Kyle。 “It’s Jared’s decision。”
He gaped at Jeb; just as astonished as the rest; and then his teeth ground together with an audible sound。
He threw a glare of pure hate in my direction。
“Jared?” Kyle asked; facing Jeb again。 “That makes no sense!” He was not in control of himself now;
almost spluttering in rage。 “He’s more biased than anyone else! Why? How can he be rational about
“Jeb; I don’t…” Jared muttered。
“She’s your responsibility; Jared;” Jeb said in a firm voice。 “I’ll help you out; of course; if there’s any
more trouble like this; and with keeping track of her and all that。 But when it es to making decisions;
that’s all yours。” He raised one hand when Kyle tried to protest again。 “Look at it this way; Kyle。 If
somebody found your Jodi on a raid and brought her back here; would you want me or Doc or a vote
deciding what we did with her?”
“Jodi is dead;” Kyle hissed; blood spraying off his lips。 He glared at me with much the same expression
Jared had just used。
“Well; if her body wandered in here; it would still be up to you。 Would you want it any other way?”
“The majority —”
“My house; my rules;” Jeb interrupted harshly。 “No more discussion on this。 No more votes。 No more
execution attempts。 You three spread the word—this is how it works from now on。 New rule。”
“Anotherone?” Ian muttered under his breath。
Jeb ignored him。 “If; unlikely as it may be; somehow this ever happens again; whoever the body belongs
to makes the call。” Jeb poked the barrel of the gun toward Kyle; then jerked it a few inches toward the
hall behind him。 “Get out of here。 I don’t want to see you anywhere around this place again。 You let
everyone know that this corridor is off…limits。 No one’s got any reason for being here except Jared; and if
I catch someone skulking around; I’m asking questions second。 You got that? Move。 Now。” He jabbed
the gun at Kyle again。
I was amazed that the three assassins immediately stalked back up the hallway; not even pausing to give
me or Jeb a parting grimace。
I deeply wanted to believe that the gun in Jeb’s hands was a bluff。
From the first time I’d seen him; Jeb had shown every outward appearance of kindness。 He had not
touched me once in violence; he had not even looked at me with recognizable hostility。 Now it seemed
that he was one of only two people here who meant me no harm。 Jared might have fought to keep me
alive; but it was plain that he was intensely conflicted about that decision。 I sensed that he could change
his mind at any time。 From his expression; it was clear that part of him wanted this over with—especially
now that Jeb had put the decision on his shoulders。 While I made this analysis; Jared glowered at me with
disgust in every line of his expression。
However; as much as I wanted to believe that Jeb was bluffing; while I watched the three men disappear
into the darkness away from me; it was obvious there was no way he could be。 Under the front he
Desperate times;Melanie whispered。We can’t afford to be kind in the world you’ve created。 We’re
fugitives; an endangered species。 Every choice is life…or…death。
Shh。 I don’t have time for a debate。 I need to focus。
Jared was facing Jeb now; one hand held out in front of him; palm up; fingers curled limply。 Now that the
others were gone; their bodies slumped into a looser stance。 Jeb was even grinning under his thick beard;
as though he’d enjoyed the standoff at gunpoint。 Strange human。
“Please don’t put this on me; Jeb;” Jared said。 “Kyle is right about one thing—Ican’t make a rational
“No one said you had to decide this second。 She’s not going anywhere。” Jeb glanced down at me; still
grinning。 The eye closest to me—the one Jared couldn’t see—closed quickly and opened again。 A wink。
“Not after all the trouble she took to get here。 You’ve got plenty of time to think it through。”
“There’s nothing to think through。 Melanieis dead。 But I can’t—I can’t—Jeb; I can’t just…” Jared
couldn’t seem to finish the sentence。
Tell him。
I’m not ready to die right this second。
“Don’t think about it; then;” Jeb told him。 “Maybe you’ll figure something out later。 Give it some time。”
“What are we going todo with it? We can’t keep watch on it round the clock。”
Jeb shook his head。 “That’sexactly what we’re going to have to do for a while。 Things will calm down。
Even Kyle can’t preserve a murderous rage for more than a few weeks。”
“A fewweeks? We can’t afford to play guard down here for a fewweeks。 We have other things —”
“I know; I know。” Jeb sighed。 “I’ll figure something out。”
“And that’s only half the problem。” Jared looked at me again; a vein in his forehead pulsed。 “Where do