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小说: 208个外企面试难题 字数: 每页4000字

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Q:Why didnt you participate more in extracurricularactivities?  
A:I wanted to give as much effort as possible to my studies。 I came from a high school in a very small town; where I received a lot of As; but this didn't prepare me very well for college。 So I studied very hard。 I have; however; found time to explore the city and make new friends; and I do socialize informally on weekends。                  
Q:Why do you want to leave your current position?  
A:I've learned quite a bit about the plastics industry in my current position and am very glad to have had the opportunities I've had at Fiske; Inc。 However; Ive found that my interests really lie in research and development; which Fiske has recently decided to phase out over the next two years。 And that's why I'm so interested in this organization; because; as I understand; Randy Corporation places a great deal of emphasis on R&D; and is also a highly respected leader in the industry。  
Q:Why would you want to leave an established career at an employment agency for an essentially entrylevel position in marketing?  
A:Ive enjoyed my work at the agency and have gained many valuable skills from it。 At the same time; however; I feel as if I've stopped growing。 Im no longer challenged by my work。 Ive thought about this for a long time; and I'm confident that it's time for a change。  
As for my interest in marketing; last year my teenage children and some of the other neighborhood kids decided to design and sell Tshirts to benefit a local family whod lost their home to a fire。 I pitched in by designing and distributing posters; placing advertisements in local newspapers; and selling shirts outside grocery stores and shopping malls。 At first I really didn't give the project a lot of thought; but when I saw the fruits of my labor; I began to get very excited about it。 I learned that you can have a great product and a great cause; but if nobody knows about it; you're dead in the water。 I finally felt as if I was making a difference—and I was good at it; too。 Since then I've taken two introductory marketing courses and am planning to enroll in a parttime degree program this fall。  
Furthermore; I'll be able to use many of the skills and abilities I've gained at the employment agency in the marketing field。 After all; working for an employment agency is marketing—marketing the agency to corporate clients and job seekers; and marketing job seekers to corporate clients。                 
Q:Your resume doesnt list any job experience in the past few years。 Why not?  
A:I took five years off to raise my son; Jason; who's now in kindergarten。 It was a difficult decision for me; but at the time; I decided I wouldnt be able to mit myself 100 percent to my career with such tremendous responsibilities at home。 And I didnt think it would be fair to my employer to give any less than my plete and total mitment。 I believe it was the right decision for me at the time; but now I feel refreshed and ready to devote myself fulltime to my career。  
Q:I see youve been out of work for a while。 What difficulties have you had in finding a job that's patible with your interests?A:Its true that Ive been out of my field for the last four years; but I've had a number of tempting offers to jump back in。 However; I thought it was important to stay home with my new baby and also continue a parttime family business; which I ran out of our home while my husband was pleting law school。 Now that that's behind us; I'm ready to return to my career in the entertainment industry。  
Q:Your resume indicates that youve been working for the past two years as a parttime clerk at Reliable Insurance Brokers。 How will this experience help you in your banking career?  
A:Reliable was in the process of puterizing its files; and I was hired primarily to check the puterized files for accuracy visàvis the manual files。 I recorded premium payments; prepared bank deposits; and sorted payables。 Not only did this work help me keep my accounting skills current; I also learned valuable puter skills that will certainly help me bee even more efficient and productive in my next position in banking。  
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