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小说: 208个外企面试难题 字数: 每页4000字

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Q:How practical or pragmatic are you?  
A:I can usually pick up on an underlying problem;even of its not too obvious。I recall an investment banker who visited our realestatefinance class and asked us what might cause the Tokyo investment munity a problem in attracting local investment dollars。A number of finance M。B。A。s in the class started trying to think of some plicated set of reasons。I decided it would have to do with getting out of a bad market quickly;and that a nonliquid investment would create problems。I said investors would be unsettled if the primary investment is local real setate and inflation has caused the paper value to exaggerate the real street value。As it ended up;that was the answer he wanted。  
Q:How do you balance your reliance on facts with your reliance on intuition?  
A:Facts are important but often neglect pointb intime influences;especially with market research。One survey that I was unfortable with involved pricing data that was collected just after a major presidential election。The timing caused me  
to doubt that consumers would really spend as much as the survey indicated they would for new cars。So we ended up holding on to the last quarters pricing structure。We sold more cars while;as interest rates climbed;some of our petitors had expensive inventory carryover。  
Q:What was your greatest problem in your last job?  
A:I had to get longtime employees with few or no puter skills to embrace a new email system。I started by explaining the need for less paper in everyones job。Then I decided to create a temporary email account with one daily riddle on the system;everyone who responded correctly got their name put in a weekly drawing。Each week for one month a person from the drawing got dinner for four at a nice local restaurant。This approach went over well as a device to get people to use the system。  
Q:Tell me about a problem that you failed to anticipate。  
A:My boss asked me to solve an ongoing scheduling problem。I failed to realize that the person who had lived with the problem would see me as an antagonist。By the time I realized it;Id already done some of the groundwork。If I'd started by asking for the persons opinion;I would have been able to get him on my side early on。                 
Q:Have you ever resolved a longstanding problem?  
A:We used to batch our guests personal faxes sometimes as many as ten outgoing fax requests per hourto put less strain on our administrative staff。We had guests who werent happy about that。I arranged a lease deal on an outgoing fax machine for guest selfserve access。This freed up more time for staff;and they were able to maintain control of ining axes;protecting ining information until they could locate the appropriate guest in person。  
Q:Describe a time you found it necessary to make an unpopular decision。  
A:I had to start a policy of no food in work areas;including private offices;because the production workers were unhappy with the inequity。For safety reasons workers couldnt have food anywhere near expensive equipment。Now its forgotten;but at the time a number of supervisors were angry at me。I thought the matter was important and that the solution was consistent with other new policies;like doing away with assigned parking spaces for highlevel employees。So far we've been progressive enough to keep unions out of our pany。  
Q:Tell me about the most difficult problem you've ever dealt with。  
A:I was promoted to manage a new department。A coworker in that group resented me from the beginning。I soon learned that her best friend had been turned down for the position。I actually confronted her about it;I explained that I had once put a friendship to the test because Id worked too closely with someone and we found that we spent our leisure time talking about work。A few weeks after our talk;she admitted that shed never thought about the potential results of working too closely with a personal friend。Our working relationship was fine after that。  
Q:Describe a time when a problem wasnt resolved to your satisfaction。  
A:I thought once that wed let a customer down by not responding quickly enough to resolve a problem;our production capacity wasnt sufficient to deliver the customers plete order during the holiday season。That customer ended up asking for a discount;and I thought we should have offered the discount first;without waiting to be asked。The sense of goodwill would have been stronger。  
Q:Tell me about a time when there was no rule or precedent to help you attack a problem。  
A:I was the first employee in a newly created position。I spent the first week developing an understanding of the history that had led to creation of the position。Only then did a method for setting priorities on the job bee clear。                 
Q:When do you have difficulty making choices?  
A:Im not particularly good at interpreting survey data。Ive really worked to get to know our research staff and librarians。I rely on them and am careful to thank them formally in front of my vice president。Were definitely a team;and

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