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小说: 208个外企面试难题 字数: 每页4000字

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Q:Describe a leader you admire。  
A:Ive always admired the president of my pany。He's visible;he doesnt want a special parking place or table in the afeteria;and he gives you the feeling that hes just another member of the team。  
Q:How have you handled criticism of your work?  
A:The first time I had a plaint from a client; I found it difficult to keep the plaint separate from my professional service of the account。 The client was upset about the downtime on ATM machines。 I learned that showing empathy usually calms an unpleasant situation; I also learned that no client is going to be happy with everything; even if that client's overall experience is positive。  
Q:Tell me about the last time you put your foot in your mouth。  
A:I told my friend Lisa that Id no longer be attending yearbookclub meetings because I thought the editor was a plete idiot。 I later found out that the editor was her cousin。 As soon as I found out; I apologized and asked her why she didn't say anything when I made that foolish ment。 Luckily; she and I are still friends today。  
Q:Tell me about a problem youve had getting along with a work associate。  
A:Im pretty easygoing and tend to get along with most people。 But I remember one time when we brought in a new associate who was very bossyto the point where he offended one of our interns with his attitude。 I actually pulled him aside and told him that I found it more productive to ask people for help than to give orders。 Unfortunately; my advice didnt seem to help much; but we were more careful when we hired new staff after that。                 
Q:How have your technical skills been an asset?  
A:Although I never planned on a career as a writer or publisher;much of my job in marketing has depended on good writing and creative layout skills。My parttime college job with a newspaper taught me a lot about desktop publishing;how to position something on a page effectively;and how to write short sentences with maximum impact。In all of my marketing jobs;Ive been able to explain my goals clearly to graphic designers;which has helped me avoid costly design revisions。  
Q:Describe a situation in which youve applied technical skills to solve a problem。  
A:One of our ponents kept arriving at distribution points with stress cracks。My materialsscience background helped me to diagnose the problem as one of storage temperature during shipping。Although our equipment was safely stored at both end points;it had been sitting in unairconditioned cargo space for up to thirty hours before reaching its destination。 We're now using a different shipping pany;and we've improved our labeling on large shipments to reflect the users warning about temperature extremes。   
Q:How do your technical skills;bined with other skills;add to your effectiveness on the job?  
A:My strong economics background;along with my putersales experience;provide a balanced set of skills to perform financial research on the puter industry。  
Most of my contacts and hobbies are also related to high tech;so I offer a natural curiosity that helps me stay abreast of changes in the industry。   
Q:Describe how youve used a problemsolving process。  
A:We once had several customers who'd arranged numerous free hotel stays around the country using our 100 percent atisfaction guarantee。I suggested leading a PC task force to set up a warning system that flags any guest name corresponding to a revious reported plaint or free service。Now when a guest checks in and we type in a name;we know immediately that the person has had an unpleasant experience at one of our hotels。We proactively approach the guest;acknowledge were aware of the problem;and offer our mitment to do everything possible to provide them with impeccable service。This practice warns the potentially fraudulent guest;at the same time;it warns our staff to be especially careful with any guest whos giving our hotel a second chance。Our satisfaction rate has improved;and fraudulent cases have decreased。  
Q:How do you usually go about solving a problem?  
A:When I need to solve a problem;I generally start by writing down as many ideas as I can think of about possible causes。Next I look for relationships among causes so I can group together symptoms of bigger problems。Usually;after I study these groups of problems;the real cause bees readily apparent。                 
Q:How do you measure the success of your work?  
A:I measure reactions of customers。When my customers call me with a referral;I know theyre happy。And I have to say that repeat business to me is more satisfying than winning a new account。People have a tendency to try a new pany because of that panys reputation or product;but they e back because of the relationship theyve learned to trust。  

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