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best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼尔德历史小说故事精选).-第9节

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    MAELCHO  Emily Lawless Irish Rebellion Methuen & Co。 

    GUAVAS THE TINNER  S。 Baring…Gould The Devonshire Tinneries 

Methuen & Co。 

    THE WHITE KING OF MANOA  Joseph Hatton Sir Walter Raleigh; 

&c。 Hutchinson & Co。 

    PENSHURST CASTLE  Emma Marshall Sir Philip Sydney Seeley 

& Co。 

    MASTER SKYLARK  John Bennett Shakespeare Macmillan & Co。 

    THE     OUTLAWS        OF   THE   MARCHES          Lord  Ernest   Hamilton 


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                       A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

Scotland (1587) Fisher Unwin 

     THE   FLIGHT   OF   THE   EAGLE                Standish   O'Grady   Ireland;   late 

Sixteenth Century Lawrence & Bullen 

     WITH      ESSEX       IN   IRELAND          Emily     Lawless    Ireland    (1599) 

Methuen & Co。 


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                      A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 


       THE   FORTUNES   OF   NIGEL      Scott   Time   of   James   I。   A。   &   C。 


     *THE     LANCASHIRE         WITCHES          Harrison   Ainsworth    Time    of 

James I。 Geo。 Routledge & Sons 

     *   Ainsworth's   two   novels;   〃Guy   Fawkes〃   and   〃The   Star   Chamber;〃 

also   deal   with   James    I。;  but  they  are  distinctly  inferior   in  literary 


       THE BLACK TOR    G。   Manville   Fenn Time   of   James I。 W。  &   R。 


    IN THE DAYS OF KING JAMES  S。 H。 Burchell Time of James I。 

Gay & Bird 

    ROMANCE   OF   THE   LADY  ARBELL      Alastor   Graeme   Time   of 

James I。 F。 V。 White 

    JUDITH       SHAKESPEARE              William    Black    Time   of   James   I。 

Sampson Low & Co。 

    THE LOST TREASURE OF TREVLYN  E。 Everett Green Time of 

the Gunpowder Plot T。 Nelson & Sons 

     *STANDISH  OF   STANDISH      J。   G。 Austin AmericaPeriod   of   the 

Pilgrim Fathers Ward; Lock; & Co。 

       *   This   is   the   first   of   a   series   of   tales   dealing   with   Early American 

history   by   the   same   author;   viz。:〃Betty   Alden〃   (sequel   to   above);   〃A 

Nameless     Nobleman〃      (half…century   later  than  〃Standish   of  Standish〃); 

with    its  sequel;  〃Dr。  Le  Baron   and   his  Daughters〃    (all  published   by 

Houghton; Mifflin; & Co。) 

       SOLDIER   RIGDALE      B。   M。   Dix AmericaPeriod   of   the   Pilgrim 

Fathers Macmillan & Co。 

    LONGFEATHER   THE   PEACEMAKER      Kirk   Monroe   America 

Period of the Pilgrim Fathers George Newnes 

    BY  ORDER   OF   THE   PANY   (TO   HAVE AND   TO   HOLD)    

Mary Johnston Old Virginia; 1622 Constable & Co。 

    MERRY…MOUNT  J。 L。 Motley Plymouth Colony James Monroe & 

Co。 Boston 1849 


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                     A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

    MISTRESS       BRENT        Lucy  M。   Thruston   Maryland;   1636   Little; 

Brown; & Co。; U。S。A。 

    ANTONIA  Jessie Van Zile Belden Dutch Colonists in Hudson River 

Districts; 1640…50 John Murray 

    THE DUKE'S SERVANTS  S。 H。 Burchell The Duke of Buckingham 

(1624…8) Gay & Bird 

    IN    HIGH    PLACES       Miss   Braddon    Earlier  years  of  Charles  I。 

Hutchinson & Co。 

    WHITEHALL            Anonymous      Earlier  years   of  Charles   I。  Geo。 

Routledge & Sons 

    MEMOIRS OF A CAVALIER  Defoe Civil War Period J。 M。 Dent & 


    THE CAVALIERS  S。 R。 Keightley Civil War Period Hutchinson & 


    WHEN CHARLES   I。 WAS   KING    J。 S。   Fletcher Civil War   Period 

Gay & Bird 

    HOLMEY   HOUSE            G。  J。  Whyte  Melville   Civil  War  Period   W。 

Thacker & Co。 and Ward; Lock; & Co。 

    THE SPLENDID SPUR  〃Q〃 Civil War Period Cassell & Co。 

    WITH   THE   KING   AT   OXFORD     A。   J。   Church   Civil   War   Period 

Seeley & Co。 

    MISTRESS SPITFIRE  J。 S。 Fletcher Civil War Period J。 M。 Dent & 


    CROMWELL'S          OWN       A。  Paterson  Civil  War  Period   Harper   & 


    ST。 GEORGE AND   ST。  MICHAEL   George   Macdonald   Civil War 

Period H。 S。 King; 1876 

    HUGH GWYETH  B。 M。 Dix Civil War Period Macmillan & Co。 

    MIRIAM       CROMWELL          Dora   McChesney     Civil  War  Period   W。 

Blackwood & Sons 

    THE CHILDREN OF NEW FOREST  Marryatt Civil War Period J。 

M。 Dent & Co。 

    *FOR KING AND KENT  Col。 Colomb Civil War Period Remington 

      * This book well represents the extreme Royalist point of view。 


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                      A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

       TO RIGHT THE WRONG  Edna Lyall Hampden Hurst & Blackett 

    IN    SPITE    OF   ALL      Edna   Lyall  Falkland;   Laud;   &c。   Hurst   & 


    JOHN INGLESANT  J。 H。 Shorthouse England (Charles I。) and Italy 

(the Molinists)。 Macmillan & Co。 

    UNDER       SALISBURY        SPIRE       Emma    Marshall   George    Herbert 

Seeley & Co。 

    A HAUNT OF ANCIENT PEACE  Emma Marshall Nicholas Ferrar 

Seeley & Co。 


Manning John Milton (1643) J C。 Nimmo 

    OLD BLACKFRIARS  Beatrice Marshall Van Dyck Seeley & Co。 

    THE      THREE      MUSKETEERS             Dumas     (translation)   France 

Richelieu; &c。 J。 M。 Dent & Co。 

    UNDER THE RED ROBE  Stanley Weyman FranceRichelieu; &c。 

Methuen & Co。 

    THE   MAN   IN   BLACK      Stanley   Weyman   FranceRichelieu;   &c。 

Cassell & Co。 

    CINQ   MARS           A。  de   Vigny   (trans。)   FranceRichelieu;  &c。  Geo。 

Routledge & Sons; 1877 

    RICHELIEU  G。 P。 R。 James FranceRichelieu; &c。 G。 P。 Putnam's 


    CAPTAIN        FRACASSE         Theophile   Gautier   (translation)  Strolling 

Players; in time of Louis XIII。 Duckworth & Co。 and J。 Macqueen 

    A DAUGHTER  OF  FRANCE     Eliza Pollard   France  and Acadia T。 

Nelson & Sons 

    *THE      BETROTHED         LOVERS         Manzoni   (translation)   Italythe 

Plague in Milan; 1630 Ward; Lock; & Co。 (〃Minerva Library;〃 1889) 

       * Also published by George Bell   & Sons (Bohn's Series) under   the 

title   〃The   Betrothed。〃  I   adopt   the   fuller   title   to   prevent   confusion   with 

Scott's romance。 

       RUPERT   BY   THE   GRACE   OF   GOD      Dora   McChesney   Prince 

Rupert's time Macmillan & Co。 

    STRAY       PEARLS         Charlotte   M。   Yonge     Prince   Rupert's   time 


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                      A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

Macmillan & Co。 

    THE   LION   OF   THE   NORTH      G。   A。       Henty   Gustavus    Adolphus 

Blackie & Son 

    A    BRAVE      RESOLVE         J。  B。  de  Liefde   Wallenstein   Hodder     & 


    BARON   AND   SQUIRE      Noeldechen   (translated   by   Mrs。   Pereira) 

Thirty Years War J。 Nisbet & Co。 

    WON BY THE SWORD  G。 A。 Henty Thirty Years War Blackie & 


    MY LADY ROTHA  Stanley Weyman Thirty Years War A。 D。 Innes 

& Co。 

    RED AXE  S。 R。 Crockett Thirty Years War Smith; Elder; & Co。 

    *THE KING'S RING  Zacharias Topelius (translation) Thirty Years 

War Jarrold & Sons 

       * The first of a series covering the 17th and 18th Centuries。 Under the 

general    title  of  〃The  Surgeon's   Stories;〃  the  remaining    volumes    were 

published by  Messrs。   Jansen   &   Co。;   of   Chicago   (1883…   4);   one   of   these 

appears in my list later on。 

       DER   DEUTSCHE   KRIEG   (Collective   Title   of   Series)      Heinrich 

Laube Thirty Years War H。 Haeffel; 1863 

    PHILLIP ROLLO  James Grant Thirty Years War Geo。 Routledge & 


    TWENTY   YEARS   AFTER      Dumas   (translation)   FranceTime   of 

Mazarin; &c。 (1648…9) J。 M。 Dent & Co。 

    THE     WAR     OF   WOMEN          Dumas    (translation)   FranceTime     of 

Mazarin; &c。 (1650) J。 M。 Dent & Co。 

    MARIE DE MANCINI  Madame Sophie Gay (translation) France 

Time of Mazarin; &c。 Lawrence & Bullen 

    THE   SILVER   CROSS      S。   R。   Keightley   FranceTime   of   Mazarin 

Hutchinson & Co。 

    HENRY   MASTERTON      G。   P。   R。   James   England   (Civil   War)   and 

France    (the  Fronde)。   Warne    &   Co。   PRETTY       MICHAL         M。  Jokai 

(translation) Hungary; middle Seventeenth Century Jarrold & Sons 

    WITH FIRE AND SWORD  H。 Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and 


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                     A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

Russia; from middle of the Seventeenth Century J。 M。 Dent & Co。 

    THE   DELUGE      H。   Sienkiewicz   (translation)   Poland   and   Russia; 

from middle of the Seventeenth Century J。 M。 Dent & Co。 

    PAN   MIC

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