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best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼尔德历史小说故事精选).-第18节

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    CATRIONA  R。 L。 Stevenson George II。 Cassell & Co。 

    THE CHAPLAIN OF THE FLEET  W。 Besant George II。 Chatto & 


    AMYOT BROUGH  E。 Vincent Briton George II。 Seeley & Co。 

    BARNABY RUDGE  Dickens George III。 Chapman & Hall 

    MISS ANGEL  Miss Thackeray George III。 Smith; Elder; & Co。 

    THE MAID OF SKER  R。 D。 Blackmore George III。 Sampson Low 

& Co。 

    ALICE LORRAINE  R。 D。 Blackmore George III。 Sampson Low & 


    THE PARSON'S DAUGHTER  Emma Marshall George III。 Seeley 

& Co。 

    FACE     TO   FACE    WITH     NAPOLEON       and   IN  THE    YEAR    OF 


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                        A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

WATERLOO  O。 V。 Caine George III。 J。 Nisbet & Co。 

     UNDER THE MENDIPS  Emma Marshall William IV。 Seeley & Co。 

     CASTLE DALY  Miss Keary Victoria Macmillan & Co。 

       In connection with this subject of Juvenile Literature; I would draw 

attention     to  Messrs。     Constable's     〃Library    of   Historical    Novels    and 

Romances〃so   admirably   edited   by   Mr。   G。   Laurence   Gomme。   Readers 

(old   as   well   as   young)   are   still   further   indebted   to   Mr。   Gomme   for   his 

well…arranged series of extracts taken from Romantic Literature in the four 

volumes   entitled;   〃The   King's   Story   Book;〃   〃The   Queen's   Story   Book;〃 

〃The Prince's Story Book;〃 and 〃The Princess's Story Book。〃                   (Constable 

& Co。) 


       Although   I   have   adopted   the   heading   〃Bibliography;〃   it   should   be 

understood that; in offering the subjoined list; I do not claim for it absolute 

prehensiveness。            There      are;    of   course;     almost     innumerable 

Biographies; Literary Studies; Histories of Literature and Fiction; &c。; in 

which   indirect   references   to   our   subject   may   be   traced。   Moreover;   in 

preparing this little volume; it has been found necessary to consult largely 

〃The   Dictionary   of   National   Biography;〃   the   Enyclopaedias   (especially 

Chambers';   1901);   and   other   Standard   Works   of   the   Dictionary   type。      I 

confine myself below to noteworthy writings which deal directly with the 

subject of Historical Romance。 

       Article on Historical Romance in The Quarterly Review。 Vol。 XXXV。; 

page 518。      (March; 1827。) 

     Article on historical Romance (〃Sir Walter Scott and his Imitators〃) in 

Fraser's Magazine。 Vol。 V。; pages 6 (Part I。) and 207 (Part II。)。              (February 

and March; 1832。) 

     Article    on    〃The    Picturesque      Style   of   Historical    Romance〃       in 

Blackwood's Magazine。 Vol。 XXXIII。; page 621。                 (April; 1833。) 

     Article   on   〃Historical   Romance   in   Italy;〃   by   G。   W。   Greene;   in   the 

North American Review。 Vol。 XLVI。; page 325。                (April; 1838。) 

     Article on Historical Romance in Blackwood's Magazine。 Vol。 LVIII。; 

page 341。      (September; 1845。) 


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                        A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

     Article on   Historical   Romance;  by  G。 H。  Lewes;  in The Westminster 

Review。 Vol。 XLV。; page 34。          (March; 1846。) 

     Article on 〃History in Fiction;〃 in The Dublin Review。 Vol。 XLV。; page 

328。    (December; 1858。) 

     Lecture   III。   (〃Scott   and   his   Influence〃)   in   David   Masson's   〃British 

Novelists and their Styles。〃        (Macmillan; 1859。) 

     Article on 〃Historical Novels;〃 by H。 James; jun。; in The Nation。 Vol。 

V。; page 126。      (August 15th; 1867。) 

     Article on   Historical Romance   in The Argosy。 Vol。 XVII。;  page   364。 

(May; 1874。) 

     Chapter   X。   (〃The   Waverley   Novels〃);   in   R。   H。   Hutton's   〃Sir   Walter 

Scott。〃    (Macmillan's English Men of Letters Series; 1878。) 

     The Essay on 〃The Waverley Novels;〃 in Vol。 II。 of Walter Bagehot's 

〃Literary Studies。〃       (Longmans; 1879) 

     〃A Descriptive Catalogue of Historical Novels and Tales。                For the use 

of School Libraries and Teachers of History。               Enlarged from the List in 

the 'Journal of Education;' March; 1882。〃            piled and described by H。 

Courthope Bowen; M。A。            (Edward Stanford; 1882。) 

     The    section    on   〃The    Historical    Novel;〃    in   Bayard    Tuckerman's 

〃History of English Prose Fiction。〃           (Putnams; 1882。) 

     The Chapter on 〃Courses of Reading in History;〃 in James Baldwin's 

〃The Book Lover。〃         (Putnams; 1886。) 

     The   list   of   Historical   Novels   given   in   W。   F。   Allen's   〃The   Reader's 

Guide to English History。          With Supplement; extending the plan to other 

countries and periods。〃        (Ginn & Co。; 1888。) 

     'A useful; but very unequal list。' 

     The partially…selective list of Historical Novels in 〃A Guide Book to 

Books;〃 by E。 B。 Sargant and B。 Whishaw。               (H。 Frowde; 1891。) 

     The essay on 〃Sir Walter Scott;〃 in Vol。 I。 of Leslie Stephen's 〃Hours 

in    a  Library。〃     (Smith;     Elder;    &   Co。;   1892。     New      edition;   with 


     'Mr。 Leslie Stephen is one of the most formidable critics with whom 

the lover of Historical Romance has to deal。             That which it is possible to 

say   against   such   fiction   is   said   more   forcibly   by   him;   perhaps;   than   by 


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                        A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

anyone else。' 

     The series of articles dealing with 〃History in Fiction;〃 &c。; by J。 B。 

Carlile; in Great Thoughts; October; 1892; to March; 1894。 

     Article 〃The Historical Novel;〃 by Prof。 A。 J。 Church; in Atalanta for 

April; 1893。 

     The   useful   and   partially…selective   lists   of   Historical   Tales   given   in 

〃The Intermediate Textbook of English History;〃 by C。 S。 Fearenside and 

A。 Johnson   Evans。        (W。  B。  Clive; University Tutorial   Press;  Ltd。;  1893; 


     The   short   selective   list   of   Historical   Tales   given   in   the   appendix   to 

John Fiske's 〃History of the United States for Schools。〃                (James Clarke & 

Co。; 1894。) 

     Article on 〃The Historical Novel as illustrated by Sir Walter Scott;〃 by 

Edwin Lester Arnold; in Atalanta for March; 1894。 

     The    essay   on   〃The    Historical    Novel〃    in  W。   P。  James's    〃Romantic 

Professions   and   other   papers。〃      (Elkin   Mathews   and   John   Lane;   1894。) 

'A re…print; in somewhat revised form; of the suggestive article appearing 

in Macmillan's Magazine; November; 1887。' 

     Chapter     X。    (〃Sir   Walter    Scott〃)    in  Prof。   Raleigh's    〃The   English 

Novel。〃      (John Murray; 1894。) 

     Chapters   X。;   XI。;   and   XII。   in   Prof。   Saintsbury's   〃Essays   in   English 

Literature; 1780…1860。         Second series。〃       (J。 M。 Dent & Co。; 1895。) 

     'Originally   appeared   in   Macmillan's   Magazine;   August;   September; 

and   October;   1894。      A   contribution   to   the   subject   of   quite   exceptional 

brilliance and value。' 

     〃A  Descriptive   List   of   Novels   and   Tales   dealing   with   the   History   of 

North America;〃 by W。 M。 Griswold。               (Cambridge; U。S。A。; 1895。) 

     The    Section    headed     〃Historical    Tales〃   in  〃Guide     to  the  Study    of 

American History;〃 by E。 Channing and A。 B。 Hart。 (Ginn and Co。; 1896。) 

     A  Letter   on   〃Historical   Novels;   Past   and   Present;〃   by   〃Mazarin;〃   in 

The Bookman; October; 1896。 

     Article on 〃The Indian Mutiny in Fiction;〃 in Blackwood's Magazine; 

February; 1897。 

     Article on 〃The Importance of Illustrating New England History by a 


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                        A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

series of   Romances;〃   by  Rufus   Choate;  in The   New   England   Magazine; 

November; 1897。 

     Paper read before the College of Preceptors; on 〃The Use of Historical 

Romances        in  the   Teaching      of  History;〃    by    R。   F。  Charles    in   The 

Educational Times; November; 1897。 

     Article on 〃The American Historical Novel;〃 by Paul Lester Ford; in 

The Atlantic Monthly; December; 1897。 

     'In this article a definition of the 〃Historical Novel〃 at variance with 

my own; has been suggested。             In spite of Mr。 Fords argument; I am still 

of   opinion    that  the   line  of  demarcation      between    the   Historical   Novel 

proper   and   the   Novel   of   Character   or   Adventure   can   be   more   clearly 

drawn than he allows。          I was careful; when dealing with this qu

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