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best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼尔德历史小说故事精选).-第16节

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Roman History; those books of Professor A。 J。 Church which are entered 

in   my    Pre…Christian      section   may     be  safely    remended;        while    the 

pictures of First Century life given in Wallace's 〃Ben Hur;〃 Lytton's 〃Last 

Days of Pompeii;〃 and Whyte Melville's 〃The Gladiators〃 are; perhaps; as 

likely to interest an intelligent boy or girl in the 〃teen〃 stage as any similar 

productions that could be mentioned。              Turning to the Early History of our 

own   isle;   I   would   specially   mention   Mr。   Henty's   〃Beric   the   Briton〃;   the 

〃Aescendune〃   series   of   tales   (〃Edwy   the   Fair;〃   〃Alfgar   the   Dane;〃   and 

〃The   Rival   Heirs〃)   by   the   late   Rev。 A。   D。   Crake;   Mr。   C。   W。   Whistler's 

〃Havelok   the   Dane;〃   〃A  Thane   of   Wessex;〃   &c。;   and   the   various   books 

chosen to represent Alfred and his times。 

     In preparing the following lists; I have had in view; for the most part; 

the   average   Juvenile   taste;   doubtless   many  of   the   more   advanced   works 

might   be   offered   in   special   cases;   but;   in   regard   to   that;   the   Parent   or 

Teacher   can   alone   judge。      Some   of   the   tales   entered   in   (I。)   reappear   in 

(II。); but a parison will disclose important differences。                A reference to 

the General List will; in most cases; reveal a more exact specification; for 

the sake   of  convenience; the  tales   are  here grouped   according to   Reigns 


     Of   the   romances   dealing   with   American   and   Foreign   History   to   be 

found in the foregoing pages; many are suitable for young readers; but the 


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                       A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

sequence not being very close (for   any lengthy period at least);  separate 

lists would appear superfluous。         Such writers (to mention only a few) as 

Fennimore Cooper; Mrs。 J。 G。 Austin; G。 C。 Eggleston; Kirk Munroe; and 

Elbridge     S。  Brooks;   may    be  particularly   remended       for  American 

History; while Scott; Dumas; Charlotte M。 Yonge; Miss Roberts (author of 

〃Mademoiselle   Mori〃);   and   G。 A。   Henty;   have   all   illustratedin   more   or 

less   adequate   fashionthe   course   of   events   in   Foreign   Countries。 The 

novels of Dumas are not infrequently considered somewhat 〃strong meat;〃 

but   his   〃   She…   Wolves   of   Machecoul〃   and   〃Black   Tulip〃   may   be   safely 

placed in any hands。 


       HAROLD          Lytton  Norman      Conquest;    HaroldWilliam      I。  Geo。 

Routledge & Sons 

    THE      CAMP      OF   REFUGE          C。  Macfarlane     Norman     Conquest; 

HaroldWilliam I。 Constable & Co。 

    HEREWARD   THE   WAKE      Charles   Kingsley   Norman   Conquest; 

HaroldWilliam I。 Macmillan & Co。 

    WULF       THE    SAXON         G。  A。  Henty   Norman     Conquest;    Harold 

William I。 Blackie & Son 

    IN THE DAYS OF ST。 ANSELM  G。 Hollis William II。 Society for 

Promoting Christian Knowledge 

    COUNT ROBERT OF PARIS  Scott William II。 A。 & C。 Black 

     *PABO THE PRIEST  S。 Baring…Gould Henry I。 Methuen & Co。 

       *   This;   the   only   substantial   tale   dealing   directly   with   the   reign   of 

Henry I。; is hardly suitable for very young folk; but it will interest those 

with older tastes。 

       THE   LEGEND   OF   READING   ABBEY      C。   Macfarlane   Stephen 

Constable & Co。 

    THE      KNIGHT       OF   THE     GOLDEN       CHAIN        R。  D。   Chetwode 

Stephen C。 A。 Pearson 

    THE BETROTHED  Scott Henry II。 A。 & C。 Black 

    FOREST OUTLAWS  E。 Gilliat Henry II。 Seeley & Co。 

    THE TALISMAN  Scott Richard I。 A。 & C。 Black 


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                    A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

    IVANHOE  Scott Richard I。 A。 & C。 Black 

    RUNNYMEDE AND LINCOLN FAIR  J。 G。 Edgar John Ward; Lock; 

& Co。 

    A STOUT ENGLISH BOWMAN  E。 Pickering Henry III。 Blackie & 


    HOW I WON MY SPURS  J。 G。 Edgar Henry III。 Ward; Lock; & Co。 

    THE KING'S REEVE  E。 Gilliat Edward I。 Seeley & Co。 

    IN FREEDOM'S CAUSE  G。 A。 Henty Wallace and Bruce; Edward 

I。Edward II。 Blackie & Son 

    THE     CHEVALIER       OF   THE   SPLENDID       CREST      Sir  Herbert 

Maxwell   Wallace   and   Bruce;   Edward   I。Edward   II。   W。   Blackwood   & 


    THE WHITE PANY  Conan Doyle Edward III。 Smith; Elder; & 


    THE   LANCES   OF   LYNWOOD      Charlotte   M。   Yonge   Edward   III。 

Macmillan & Co。 

    CRECY AND POICTIERS  J。 G。 Edgar Edward III。 Ward; Lock; & 


    ST。 GEORGE FOR ENGLAND  G。 A。 Henty Edward III。 Blackie & 


    JOHN STANDISH  E。 Gilliat Richard II。 Seeley & Co。 

    A MARCH ON LONDON  G。 A。 Henty Richard II。 Blackie & Son 

    BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER  G。 A。 Henty Henry IV。 Blackie & 


    IN THE DAYS OF PRINCE HAL  H。 Elrington Henry V。 Blackie & 


    AT AGINCOURT  G。 A。 Henty Henry V。 Blackie & Son 

    AGINCOURT  G。 P。 R。 James Henry V。 Warne & Co。 

    THE   LAST  OF THE   BARONS      Lytton Wars   of   the   Roses;   Henry 

VI。Edward IV。 Geo。 Routledge & Sons 

    THE BLACK ARROW  R。 L。 Stevenson Wars of the Roses; Henry 

VI。Edward IV。 Cassell & Co。 

    THE CHANTRY PRIEST OF BARNET  A。 J。 Church Wars of the 

Roses; Henry VI。Edward IV。 Seeley & Co。 


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                    A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 


SEVERN   FLOWS      Harold   Frederic   Wars   of   the   Roses;   Henry   VI。 

Edward IV。 Lothrop Publishing Co。 

    RED ROSE AND WHITE  A。 Armitage Richard III。 J。 Macqueen 

    THE WOODMAN  G。 P。 R。 James Richard III。 Warne & Co。 

    THE HEIR OF HASBE HALL  E。 Everett Green Henry VII。 T。 

Nelson & Sons 

    THE CAPTAIN OF THE WIGHT  F。 Cowper Henry VII。 Seeley & 


    WINDSOR        CASTLE        Harrison   Ainsworth   Henry    VIII。  Geo。 

Routledge & Sons 

    THE ARMOURER'S 'PRENTICES  Charlotte M。 Yonge Henry VIII。 

Macmillan & Co。 

    THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER  Mark Twain Edward VI。 Chatto 

& Windus 

    THE     COLLOQUIES        OF   EDWARD       OSBORNE         A。  Manning 

Edward VI。 J。 C。 Nimmo 

    THE     TOWER      OF  LONDON         Harrison  Ainsworth    Mary   Geo。 

Routledge & Sons 

    SEETHING DAYS  Caroline C。 Holroyd Mary A。 D。 Innes & Co。 

    KENILWORTH  Scott Elizabeth A。 & C。 Black 

    WESTWARD HO!  Charles Kingsley Elizabeth Macmillan & Co。 

    MASTER SKYLARK  J。 Bennett Elizabeth Macmillan & Co。 

    SIR LUDAR  T。 Baines Reed Elizabeth Sampson Low & Co。 

    THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL  Scott James I。 A。 & C。 Black 

    THE LANCASHIRE WITCHES  Harrison Ainsworth James I。 Geo。 

Routledge & Sons 

    THE BLACK TOR  G。 Manville Fenn James I。 W。 & R。 Chambers 

    HOLMBY HOUSE  Whyte Melville Charles I。 Ward; Lock; & Co。 

    THE SPLENDID SPUR  〃Q〃 Charles I。 Cassell & Co。 

    WITH THE KING AT OXFORD  A。 J。 Church Charles I。 Seeley & 


    WHEN CHARLES I。 WAS KING  J。 S。 Fletcher Charles I。 Gay & 



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                     A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

    HUGH GWYETH  B。 M。 Dix Charles I。 Macmillan & Co。 

    JOHN MARMADUKE  S。 H。 Church monwealth G。 P。 Putnam's 


    WOODSTOCK  Scott monwealth A。 & C。 Black 

    CAPTAIN JACOBUS  L。 Cope Cornford monwealth Methuen 

& Co。 

    OLD ST。 PAUL'S  Harrison Ainsworth Charles II。 Geo。 Routledge & 


    WHITEFRIARS  Anonymous Charles II。 Geo。 Routledge & Sons 

    TRAITOR OR PATRIOT?  M。 C。 Rowsell Charles II。 Blackie & Son 

    SILAS VERNEY  Edgar Pickering Charles II。 Blackie & Son 

    OLD MORTALITY  Scott Charles II。 A。 & C。 Black 

    LORNA DOONE  R。 D。 Blackmore James II。 Sampson Low & Co。 

    MICAH CLARKE  Conan Doyle James II。 Longmans; Green; & Co。 

    FOR   FAITH AND   FREEDOM      Walter   Besant   James   II。   Chatto   & 



II。 Macmillan & Co。 

    BLUE PAVILIONS  〃Q〃 William III。 Cassell & Co。 

    A MAN'S FOES  E。 H。 Strain William III。 Ward; Lock; & Co。 

    ST。 JAMES'S  Harrison Ainsworth Anne Geo。 Routledge & Sons 

    THE CORNET OF HORSE  G。 A。 Henty Anne Sampson Low & Co。 

    THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE  G。 A。 Henty Anne Blackie & Son 

    TOM     TUFTON'S      TRAVELS      and   TOM    TUFTON'S      TOLL      E。 

Everett Green Anne T。 Nelson & Sons 

    ROB ROY  Scott George I。 A。 & C。 Black 

    DOROTHY FORSTER  W。 Besant George I。 Chatto & Windus 

    THE   MISER'S   DAUGHTER      Harrison Ainsworth   George   II。   Geo。 

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