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      Q:Why have you changed jobs so frequently?    
      A:My frequent job changes over the last five years have been due to the rapid changes in my profession。 My jobs have been based on government contracts; and over the last several years congressional appropriations have been up and down; cau    
      sing some panies contracts to be canceled; while other panies land huge; unexpected contracts。 This volatility creates some good opportunities; but it also creates a lot of uncertainty。 Because your business is based mostly on consumer products; and not on government products; I wele the opportunity to work in an environment where the business cycle is more stable and predictable。    
      Q:Why did you stay in your last job so long?    
      A:I was in my last job over seven years。 During that time; I pleted an advanced technical degree and also had two sixmonth assignments in which I was loaned out to different departments。 As a result; I acquired some additional skills th    
      at normally arent associated with that particular job。 Therefore; I think I've made good progress and am ready to accept the next challenge。    


      Q:Tell me about your leastfavorite manager or professor。    
      A:Well; Ive been pretty fortunate as far as managers go; and I didnt have any problems with my professors。 In my first job out of college I worked with a manager who was pretty inaccessible。 If you walked into his office to ask a question; you got the sense that you were bothering him; so we just learned to get help from each other instead。 I wouldn't say he was my leastfavorite manager; because he was a good manager in a lot of ways; but I would have preferred that he'd made himself more available to us and given us more direction。    
      Q:Who's the toughest employer youve ever had; and why?    
      A:That would be Ms。 Henson at Franklin Associates。 She'd push people to their limits when things got busy; and she was a stickler for detail。 But she was always fair; and she rewarded good; hard work。 I'd call her a tough boss; but a good boss。    
      Q:How do you handle tension with your boss?    
      A:The only tension Ive ever felt was once when we both got too busy to keep each other informed。My boss overmitted me with a short deadline;not knowing that I was bogged down with another client problem。I believe firmly in the importance of staff meetings so that coworkers can respect the demands on each other's time。    


      Q:Why werent your grades better?    
      A:School was a wonderful experience for me。 I really enjoyed learning new ideas; I studied consistently; and I was attentive in class。 But I never believed in cramming before the night of an exam just to get a higher grade or staying up all night to finish a term paper。 I really believe I learned just as much as many students who went for the grades。    
      Q:Why did you decide to major in history?    
      A:It was a difficult chocice because I was also attracted to government; international relations; and economics。 But the study of history allowed me to bine all three; especially by focusing on economic history。 Whats more; I found several of the professors in the department to be exceptionally knowledgeable and stimulating。    


      Q:Was there a course that you found particularly challenging?    
      A:Initially I was pletely overwhelmed by the introductory chemistry course that I took last year。 No matter how hard I studied; I seemed to be getting nowhere。 I failed the first three quizzes。 So I tried a new approach。 Instead of just studying by myself; I asked a friend whos a chemistry major to help me with my studies。 I also began seeking help from the professor after class。 And I found that more time spent in the lab was critical。 I ended up with a Bplus in the course and thought I achieved a solid understanding of the material。 More than that; I learned that tackling a new field of study sometimes requires a new approach; not just hard work; and that the help of others can be crucial!    
      Q:Why didnt you participate more in extracurricularactivities?    
      A:I wanted to give as much effort as possible to my studies。 I came from a high school in a very sma

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