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小说: 魔法英语课文译注(高二·下) 字数: 每页4000字

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    glimpse 作名词,意为“short look”,即“一瞥;一看”。    
    One glimpse at himself in the mirror was enough。让他照着镜子瞧上自己一眼就够了。    
    6。The many tall office buildings remind you visitors that Rio is an important commercial city。 很多高层写字楼在提醒着旅客:里约还是一座重要的商业城市。    
    remind 是动词,意为“提醒”,可用于remind sb。 to do或remind sb。 that句型。    
    I remind her how much the fare was。 我提醒她车票的价钱。     
    remind还可表示“使某人回想起或意识到某人或某物”,可用于remind sb。 of sth。句型。    
    He reminds me of his brother。 我见到他便回想起他的哥哥。     
    7。Visitors who get tired of the sand and the sun can cool off in one of the many cafes; shops; and restaurants on Copacabanas main avenue。 旅游者如果厌倦了海滩和阳光,可以在科帕卡巴纳的主街的咖啡馆、商店或餐馆里凉快一下。    
    (1) be/get tired of sth/sb 意为“对……厌烦;厌倦”。    
    I’m so tired of doing the same job; day after day。我厌烦了日复一日地做同一个工作。    
    I’m sick and tired of you telling me what to do all the time。我病了,不要老是和我说做什么事。    
    (2) cool off是“使变凉”之意。    
    Let the hot pie cool off before serving。 热馅饼凉了再吃。    
    8。Well; there is something for everyone here and few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed。 在这里每一个人都可以找到自己的乐趣,而且很少有人是带着失望离开里约的。    
    句中的feeling disappointed是动词ing短语,伴随状语。disappointed是“使失望的,沮丧的”之意,可用于be disappointed to do sth。,be disappointed about/at sth或be disappointed that句型。    
    We were deeply disappointed at/about the result。 我们对结果都很沮丧。    
    She was disappointed (that) they hadn’t phoned her。他们没给她打电话,她很失望。    
    He was disappointed to find theyd already gone。他发现他们走了觉得很失望。    
    disappointing 也是形容词,但其主语一般是物,表示“令人失望的……”;而disappointed的主语一般是人,表示人的心理活动等,意为“使人失望的”。    
    What a disappointing result! 多么令人失望的结果!    
    The response to our advertisement has been somewhat disappointing。对我们广告的回应令人颇为失望。    
    9。Even though the altitude of the city and its surrounding alps is not enough to guarantee snow; the good weather and breathtaking scenery make Kitzbuhel a worldclass ski resort。 尽管这个城市的纬度和周围的阿尔卑斯山的存在不确保能下雪,但其适宜的气候和令人叹为观止的美景使基茨比厄尔成为世界一流的滑雪胜地。    
    (1) surrounding在句中是形容词,意为“周围附近的”。作名词时,表示“周围的物体、条件;环境”,可用其复数形式。    
    A lot of children at the school do not live in the town; but come from the surrounding countryside。    
    They live in very comfortable surroundings。 他们居住的环境很舒适。    
    (2) guarantee 在句中是动词,意为“保证……使其免受损失或伤害;保证”,后可接that从句。    
    This fridge is guaranteed for three years。 这个冰箱保修三年。    
    European Airlines guarantees its customers topquality service。欧洲航空公司保证给顾客高质量的服务。    
    guarantee 作名词时,表示“保证;保修;担保;保证人”。    
    There is no guarantee (that) the discussions will lead to a deal。这些讨论能否达成协议没有保证。    
    The shop said they would replace the television as it was still under guarantee。    
    Are you willing to be a guarantee of your friends good behavior?你愿意担保你朋友品行良好吗?    
    10。The worlds best and fastest skiers gather here once a year to compete in the downhill race that everyone wants to win。 But there is no need to worry if you have never skied before。 世界上最优秀的和最快的滑雪者每年都聚集在这里一决胜负,每个人都想在比赛中获胜。    
    gather 是动词,在句中意为“聚集;集合”,它也有“收集;采集;收拢”之意。    
    A crowd had gathered to hear her speak。 一群人聚集过来听她说。    
    I went to several libraries to gather information about the scheme。我去图书馆收集关于这个主题的一些资料。    
    She gathered up the newspapers that were scattered around the floor。她把散落在地板上的报纸收拢起来。    
    The hosts are gathered in the adjoining lounge。许多人聚集在隔壁的休息室里。    
    11。Should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes; you could take a dip in the pool; work out at the gym or go dancing in one of the city's many hotels and clubs。 如果在山坡上玩了一天后,你还有足够的精力,就可以在游泳池里泡泡,在体育馆里训练,或到城里找一个宾馆或俱乐部去跳舞。(此句的结构与分析请见前文)    
    句中的work out是“锻炼”之意。    
    I work out regularly to keep fit。 我经常努力锻炼以保持健康。    
    除此之外,work out还有如下的含义:    
    ① 结果    
    How will things work out?事情将成什么样子呢?    
    ② 计算,算出    
    I’ve work out your share of he expenses at $10。我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10元。    
    ③ 解决,处理    
    Can you work out what these squiggles mean?你能辨认出这些潦草的字迹是什么意思吗?    
    The general worked out a new plan of attack。 将军设计出了新的进攻方案。

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