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小说: 魔法英语课文译注(高二·下) 字数: 每页4000字

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    1。Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China; it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing 无论中国将来会有什么样的伟大成就,其中许多很有可能就诞生在北京的西北部。    
    (1) whatever…= no matter what…为“无论……”之意,可以当名词或形容词。此处相当于形容词修饰achievement。    
    Whatever reason he gives me; I will not forgive him。    
    Whatever he does; his father always supports him。    
    (2) in store=keep ready for future use; about to happen; coming to;固定短语表示“准备着,备将来之用;就要到来的,必将发生的”之意。    
    Squirrel has enough nuts in store for his winter hibernation。     
    Who knows what the future has in store for us?谁知道我们将来注定会如何?    
    The bully has his answers in store because of his bad deeds。     
    (3) likely与friendly; lonely; lively; orderly等词一样是以 ly为结尾的形容词,不要误用为副词,表示“可能的,预期的”。常用于sb。/sth。 be likely to do sth。     
    A hurricane is likely to come。 一场飓风就要来了。    
    Our game is likely to win the game。 我们队很可能会赢得比赛。    
    固定句式It is likely that…表示“很有可能……”。相同的句式还有    
    It is possible that…     
    It is probable that…    
    It is possible ( likely; probable) that the sports meeting will be put off because of the bad weather。    
    He is likely to come late。=It is likely( possible; probable) that he will come late。他很有可能来得晚。    
    2。Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China’s hi…tech industry。 中关村在20世纪90年代成为经济特区并很快成为中国高科技产业的先锋。    
    (1) set up“搭起,建起,竖立”之意。    
    They set up their own state。 他们建立起自己的政权。    
    A new hospital was set up in our town last year。    
    辨析: set up;build; put up    
    都有“建立”之意。build一般用于建立房屋、桥梁、道路等,也可用于抽象的事物。put up用于建造临时性的房子,在现在英语里和build没有多大的区别。set up用于把某物竖起来或架起来,意为“竖立”。    
    They set up a red flag on the square。 他们在广场上竖起了红旗。    
    (2) hi…tech 为 high的 technology的混合词的缩略形式,意为“高科技”。英语中有许多这类词可以采用缩略的形式。    
    e…mail=electric mail 电子邮件    
    pop…singer=pop song singer流行歌曲歌手    
    Three…D=three…dimensional film立体感电影    
    e…school=electronic school电子学校    
    3。They all have their own characteristics; but they all share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhongguancun a success。 他们虽然各具特色,但是他们共有的创新精神和科学能力使中关村的发展获得了成功。    
    make sth。/sb。 a success为“使得某人、某物成功”之意。此处的success为可数名词,表示“成功的人或成功的事”,当“成功”解时为不可数名词。    
    He is a great success。 他是一位非常成功的人士。    
    The army has had three successes recently。 军队最近曾获得数次胜利。    
    4。The science park is also home to a growing number of overseas Chinese who have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home。 随着日益增多的海外人士想找机会回国发展,这个高科技园区也就成为了这些海归派的家园。     
    He was born in England but now he looked on Paris as his home。    
    When I retire I shall make my home in country。    
    (2)grasp 用作及物或不及物动词,表示“抓住,紧握,领悟”之意。短语grasp at sth。表示“欲抓住,急欲接受”之意。    
    He grasped at a branch but failed。 他想抓住树枝却没抓着。    
    It was lucky that when he fell down he grasped a rope。    
    5。I knew it was perfect for me。 我知道它非常适合我。    
    She tried her best to make her work perfect。    
    The artist perfected the drawing for several times。那位画家把图画修改了好多次。    
    6。Yufang talked to some friends from his university in Beijing and they helped arrange for his return。 玉方和在北京的大学朋友交谈,他们帮助安排他的回归。    
     arrange vt。;vi。 为“安排,布置,筹备”之意。其名词形式为arrangement。    
    He has arranged her business before she left。在离开之前她已经把业务都安排好了。    
    I arranged the books on the shelves。 我整理了书架上的书。    
    7。I will never forget how happy I was when I set foot in China again and was back with my friends and family。 我永远不会忘记当再次踏上中国的土地和我的朋友、亲人团聚时,那种感觉有多幸福。    
    set foot in(on)为“到达,踏入,进入”之意。    
    He was filled with complex feelings when he set foot in his hometown after 30 years。    
    8。Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science。中关村无论对商业还是科学都产生了积极的影响。    
    (1) have effect on sth 为“对……产生影响”之意。    
    His deed has effect on his children directly。 他的行为直接影响着孩子们。    
    (2) as well as=not only …but also…,“不但……而且;和……一样”。此句可以换为Zhongguancun has had a positive effect not only on science but also on business    
    9。One of the mottos for the park—“Relying on science; technology; and knowledge to increase economic power”—make it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future。园区的口号之一是——“依靠科学技术发展经济,”——它表明了科学技术和商业能够且必须结合在一起共创未来。    
    (1) rely on (upon)为“信赖,依赖”之意。    
    He can be always relied on at any time for help。无论何时他的帮助都是可信赖的。    
    (2 ) make …clear为“使得……清楚,讲明白”之意。    
    We must make them clear that we are right。我们必须让他们明白我们是正确的。    
    10。The research and scientists at Zhongguancun know that they can only reach the top if they are ready to deal with and learn from failure。中关村的研究人员和科学家们知道,他们只有愿意接受失败并从失败中总结经验才有可能到达科学的顶端。    
    (1) be (get) ready to do sth。 / for sth 意为“准备好了干……,愿意干……”。    
    He is always ready to help others。 他愿意帮助别人。    
    All the students are ready to have the final examination。=All the students are ready for the final examination。 学生们都为期末考试作好了准备。     
    (2) failure名词,表示“失败的事或人”时为可数,作“失败”解时为不可数名词。    
    Failure is the mother of success。 失败乃成功之母。    
    He was a failure as a teacher。 他不是一个好老师。    
    11。“We are not making that much money yet; but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguancun。 正像玉方所说的那样:“我们目前还没有挣到那么多的钱,但是我们为所有这些在中关村富有活力的新技术和卓越的想法感到激动。    
    (1) that much=so much,此处的that为副词,表示程度,相当于so,为“那么,到达那么个程度”之意。    
    I can’t walk that far 我不能走那么远。    
    (2) come to life表示“苏醒,恢复活力、生机”之意。    
    He came (back) to life after about an hour firs aid。 经过大约一小时的急救他又苏醒过来了。

Unit 12   Fact and fantasyFact and fantasy   现实与科幻

    Science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future; like a hundred years later。 The following dialogues about such topics are incomplete。 Work with your partner to create dialogues using some of the useful expressions; and talk more about what you believe may come true in the future。    
    Space travel    
    A: I don’t believe    
    B: Why not?ago nobody thought it was possible to。    
    A:more than。    
    B:we’ll be able to develop。    
    Life in 3098    
    A:any life on earth in the future。    
    B: Come on。 What do you mean?    
    A: some terrible disaster。    
    B:              。    
    Young forever    
    A: Do you think therell be a time when we can beat all

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