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小说: 汤姆.索亚历险记 字数: 每页4000字

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im outlines of the high bluffs on the other side; glimpsed through the drifting cloud…rack and the slanting veil of rain。 Every little while some giant tree yielded the fight and fell crashing through the younger growth; and the unflagging thunderpeals came now in ear…splitting explosive bursts; keen and sharp; and unspeakably appalling。 The storm culminated in one matchless effort that seemed likely to tear the island to pieces; burn it up; drown it to the tree…tops; blow it away; and deafen every creature in it; all at one and the same moment。 It was a wild night for homeless young heads to be out in。
But at last the battle was done; and the forces retired with weaker and weaker threatenings and grumblings; and peace resumed her sway。 The boys went back to camp; a good deal awed; but they found there was still something to be thankful for; because the great sycamore; the shelter of their beds; was a ruin; now; blasted by the lightnings; and they were not under it when the catastrophe happened。
Everything in camp was drenched; the camp…fire as well; for they were but heedless lads; like their generation; and had made no provision against rain。 Here was matter for dismay; for they were soaked through and chilled。 They were eloquent in their distress; but they presently discovered that the fire had eaten so far up under the great log it had been built against (where it curved upward and separated itself from the ground); that a handbreadth or so of it had escaped wetting; so they patiently wrought until; with shreds and bark gathered from the under sides of sheltered logs; they coaxed the fire to burn again。 Then they piled on great dead boughs till they had a roaring furnace; and were glad…hearted once more。 They dried their boiled ham and had a feast; and after that they sat by the fire and expanded and glorified their midnight adventure until morning; for there was not a dry spot to sleep on; anywhere around。
As the sun began to steal in upon the boys; drowsiness came over them; and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep。 They got scorched out by and by; and drearily set about getting breakfast。 After the meal they felt rusty; and stiff…jointed; and a little homesick once more。 Tom saw the signs; and fell to cheering up the pirates as well as he could。 But they cared nothing for marbles; or circus; or swimming; or anything。 He reminded them of the imposing secret; and raised a ray of cheer。 While it lasted; he got them interested in a new device。 This was to knock off being pirates; for a while; and be Indians for a change。 They were attracted by this idea; so it was not long before they were stripped; and striped from head to heel with black mud; like so many zebras  all of them chiefs; of course  and then they went tearing through the woods to attack an English settlement。
By and by they separated into three hostile tribes; and darted upon each other from ambush with dreadful war…whoops; and killed and scalped each other by thousands。 It was a gory day。 Consequently it was an extremely satisfactory one。
They assembled in camp toward supper…time; hungry and happy; but now a difficulty arose  hostile Indians could not break the bread of hospitality together without first making peace; and this was a simple impossibility without smoking a pipe of peace。 There was no other process that ever they had heard of。 Two of the savages almost wished they had remained pirates。 However; there was no other way; so with such show of cheerfulness as they could muster they called for the pipe and took their whiff as it passed; in due form。
And behold; they were glad they had gone into savagery; for they had gained something; they found that they could now smoke a little without having to go and hunt for a lost knife; they did not get sick enough to be seriously uncomfortable。 They were not likely to fool away this high promise for lack of effort。 No; they practised cautiously; after supper; with right fair success; and so they spent a jubilant evening。 They were prouder and happier in their new acquirement than they would have been in the scalping and skinning of the Six Nations。 We will leave them to smoke and chatter and brag; since we have no further use for them at present。 
BUT there was no hilarity in the little town that same tranquil Saturday afternoon。 The Harpers; and Aunt Polly's family; were being put into mourning; with great grief and many tears。 An unusual quiet possessed the village; although it was ordinarily quiet enough; in all conscience。 The villagers conducted their concerns with an absent air; and talked little; but they sighed often。 The Saturday holiday seemed a burden to the children。 They had no heart in their sports; and gradually gave them up。
In the afternoon Becky Thatcher found herself moping about the deserted schoolhouse yard; and feeling very melancholy。 But she found nothing there to comfort her。 She soliloquized:
〃Oh; if I only had a brass andiron…knob again! But I haven't got anything now to remember him by。〃 And she choked back a little sob。
Presently she stopped; and said to herself:
〃It was right here。 Oh; if it was to do over again; I wouldn't say that  I wouldn't say it for the whole world。 But he's gone now; I'll never; never; never see him any more。〃
This thought broke her down; and she wandered away; with tears rolling down her cheeks。 Then quite a group of boys and girls  playmates of Tom's and Joe's  came by; and stood looking over the paling fence and talking in reverent tones of how Tom did so…and…so the last time they saw him; and how Joe said this and that small trifle (pregnant with awful prophecy; as they could easily see now!)  and each speaker pointed out the exact spot where the lost lads stood at the time; and then added something like 〃and I was a…standing just so  just as I am now; and as if you was him  I was as close as that  and he smiled; just this way  and then something seemed to go all over me; like  awful; you know  and I never thought what it meant; of course; but I can see now!〃
Then there was a dispute about who saw the dead boys last in life; and many claimed that dismal distinction; and offered evidences; more or less tampered with by the witness; and when it was ultimately decided who DID see the departed last; and exchanged the last words with them; the lucky parties took upon themselves a sort of sacred importance; and were gaped at and envied by all the rest。 One poor chap; who had no other grandeur to offer; said with tolerably manifest pride in the remembrance:
〃Well; Tom Sawyer he licked me once。〃
But that bid for glory was a failure。 Most of the boys could say that; and so that cheapened the distinction too much。 The group loitered away; still recalling memories of the lost heroes; in awed voices。
When the Sunday…school hour was finished; the next morning; the bell began to toll; instead of ringing in the usual way。 It was a very still Sabbath; and the mournful sound seemed in keeping with the musing hush that lay upon nature。 The villagers began to gather; loitering a moment in the vestibule to converse in whispers about the sad event。 But there was no whispering in the house; only the funereal rustling of dresses as the women gathered to their seats disturbed the silence there。 None could remember when the little church had been so full before。 There was finally a waiting pause; an expectant dumbness; and then Aunt Polly entered; followed by Sid and Mary; and they by the Harper family; all in deep black; and the whole congregation; the old minister as well; rose reverently and stood until the mourners were seated in the front pew。 There was another communing silence; broken at intervals by muffled sobs; and then the minister spread his hands abroad and prayed。 A moving hymn was sung; and the text followed: 〃I am the Resurrection and the Life。〃
As the service proceeded; the clergyman drew such pictures of the graces; the winning ways; and the rare promise of the lost lads that every soul there; thinking he recognized these pictures; felt a pang in remembering that he had persistently blinded himself to them always before; and had as persistently seen only faults and flaws in the poor boys。 The minister related many a touching incident in the lives of the departed; too; which illustrated their sweet; generous natures; and the people could easily see; now; how noble and beautiful those episodes were; and remembered with grief that at the time they occurred they had seemed rank rascalities; well deserving of the cowhide。 The congregation became more and more moved; as the pathetic tale went on; till at last the whole company broke down and joined the weeping mourners in a chorus of anguished sobs; the preacher himself giving way to his feelings; and crying in the pulpit。
There was a rustle in the gallery; which nobody noticed; a moment later the church door creaked; the minister raised his streaming eyes above his handkerchief; and stood transfixed! First one and then another pair of eyes followed the minister's; and then almost with one impulse the congregation rose and stared while the three dead boys came marching up the aisle; Tom in the lead; Joe next; and Huck; a ruin of drooping rags; sneaking sheepishly in the rear! They ha

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