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小说: 汤姆.索亚历险记 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Well; we'll let the cry…baby go home to his mother; won't we; Huck? Poor thing  does it want to see its mother? And so it shall。 you like it here; don't you; Huck? We'll stay; won't we?〃
Huck said; 〃Y…e…s〃  without any heart in it。
〃I'll never speak to you again as long as I live;〃 said Joe; rising。 〃There now!〃 And he moved moodily away and began to dress himself。
〃Who cares!〃 said Tom。 〃Nobody wants you to。 Go 'long home and get laughed at。 Oh; you're a nice pirate。 Huck and me ain't cry…babies。 We'll stay; won't we; Huck? Let him go if he wants to。 I reckon we can get along without him; per'aps。〃
But Tom was uneasy; nevertheless; and was alarmed to see Joe go sullenly on with his dressing。 And then it was discomforting to see Huck eying Joe's preparations so wistfully; and keeping up such an ominous silence。 Presently; without a parting word; Joe began to wade off toward the Illinois shore。 Tom's heart began to sink。 He glanced at Huck。 Huck could not bear the look; and dropped his eyes。 Then he said:
〃I want to go; too; Tom。 It was getting so lonesome anyway; and now it'll be worse。 Let's us go; too; Tom。〃
〃I won't! You can all go; if you want to。 I mean to stay。〃
〃Tom; I better go。〃
〃Well; go 'long  who's hendering you。〃
Huck began to pick up his scattered clothes。 He said:
〃Tom; I wisht you'd come; too。 Now you think it over。 We'll wait for you when we get to shore。〃
〃Well; you'll wait a blame long time; that's all。〃
Huck started sorrowfully away; and Tom stood looking after him; with a strong desire tugging at his heart to yield his pride and go along too。 He hoped the boys would stop; but they still waded slowly on。 It suddenly dawned on Tom that it was become very lonely and still。 He made one final struggle with his pride; and then darted after his comrades; yelling:
〃Wait! Wait! I want to tell you something!〃
They presently stopped and turned around。 When he got to where they were; he began unfolding his secret; and they listened moodily till at last they saw the 〃point〃 he was driving at; and then they set up a war…whoop of applause and said it was 〃splendid!〃 and said if he had told them at first; they wouldn't have started away。 He made a plausible excuse; but his real reason had been the fear that not even the secret would keep them with him any very great length of time; and so he had meant to hold it in reserve as a last seduction。
The lads came gayly back and went at their sports again with a will; chattering all the time about Tom's stupendous plan and admiring the genius of it。 After a dainty egg and fish dinner; Tom said he wanted to learn to smoke; now。 Joe caught at the idea and said he would like to try; too。 So Huck made pipes and filled them。 These novices had never smoked anything before but cigars made of grape…vine; and they 〃bit〃 the tongue; and were not considered manly anyway。
Now they stretched themselves out on their elbows and began to puff; charily; and with slender confidence。 The smoke had an unpleasant taste; and they gagged a little; but Tom said:
〃Why; it's just as easy! If I'd a knowed this was all; I'd a learnt long ago。〃
〃So would I;〃 said Joe。 〃It's just nothing。〃
〃Why; many a time I've looked at people smoking; and thought well I wish I could do that; but I never thought I could;〃 said Tom。
〃That's just the way with me; hain't it; Huck? You've heard me talk just that way  haven't you; Huck? I'll leave it to Huck if I haven't。〃
〃Yes  heaps of times;〃 said Huck。
〃Well; I have too;〃 said Tom; 〃oh; hundreds of times。 Once down by the slaughter…house。 Don't you remember; Huck? Bob Tanner was there; and Johnny Miller; and Jeff Thatcher; when I said it。 Don't you remember; Huck; 'bout me saying that?〃
〃Yes; that's so;〃 said Huck。 〃That was the day after I lost a white alley。 No; 'twas the day before。〃
〃There  I told you so;〃 said Tom。 〃Huck recollects it。〃
〃I bleeve I could smoke this pipe all day;〃 said Joe。 〃I don't feel sick。〃
〃Neither do I;〃 said Tom。 〃I could smoke it all day。 But I bet you Jeff Thatcher couldn't。〃
〃Jeff Thatcher! Why; he'd keel over just with two draws。 Just let him try it once。 He'd see!〃
〃I bet he would。 And Johnny Miller  I wish could see Johnny Miller tackle it once。〃
〃Oh; don't I!〃 said Joe。 〃Why; I bet you Johnny Miller couldn't any more do this than nothing。 Just one little snifter would fetch him。〃
〃'Deed it would; Joe。 Say  I wish the boys could see us now。〃
〃So do I。〃
〃Say  boys; don't say anything about it; and some time when they're around; I'll come up to you and say; 'Joe; got a pipe? I want a smoke。' And you'll say; kind of careless like; as if it warn't anything; you'll say; 'Yes; I got my old pipe; and another one; but my tobacker ain't very good。' And I'll say; 'Oh; that's all right; if it's strong enough。' And then you'll out with the pipes; and we'll light up just as ca'm; and then just see 'em look!〃
〃By jings; that'll be gay; Tom! I wish it was now!〃
〃So do I! And when we tell 'em we learned when we was off pirating; won't they wish they'd been along?〃
〃Oh; I reckon not! I'll just bet they will!〃
So the talk ran on。 But presently it began to flag a trifle; and grow disjointed。 The silences widened; the expectoration marvellously increased。 Every pore inside the boys' cheeks became a spouting fountain; they could scarcely bail out the cellars under their tongues fast enough to prevent an inundation; little overflowings down their throats occurred in spite of all they could do; and sudden retchings followed every time。 Both boys were looking very pale and miserable; now。 Joe's pipe dropped from his nerveless fingers。 Tom's followed。 Both fountains were going furiously and both pumps bailing with might and main。 Joe said feebly:
〃I've lost my knife。 I reckon I better go and find it。〃
Tom said; with quivering lips and halting utterance:
〃I'll help you。 You go over that way and I'll hunt around by the spring。 No; you needn't come; Huck  we can find it。〃
So Huck sat down again; and waited an hour。 Then he found it lonesome; and went to find his comrades。 They were wide apart in the woods; both very pale; both fast asleep。 But something informed him that if they had had any trouble they had got rid of it。
They were not talkative at supper that night。 They had a humble look; and when Huck prepared his pipe after the meal and was going to prepare theirs; they said no; they were not feeling very well  something they ate at dinner had disagreed with them。
About midnight Joe awoke; and called the boys。 There was a brooding oppressiveness in the air that seemed to bode something。 The boys huddled themselves together and sought the friendly companionship of the fire; though the dull dead heat of the breathless atmosphere was stifling。 They sat still; intent and waiting。 The solemn hush continued。 Beyond the light of the fire everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness。 Presently there came a quivering glow that vaguely revealed the foliage for a moment and then vanished。 By and by another came; a little stronger。 Then another。 Then a faint moan came sighing through the branches of the forest and the boys felt a fleeting breath upon their cheeks; and shuddered with the fancy that the Spirit of the Night had gone by。 There was a pause。 Now a weird flash turned night into day and showed every little grass…blade; separate and distinct; that grew about their feet。 And it showed three white; startled faces; too。 A deep peal of thunder went rolling and tumbling down the heavens and lost itself in sullen rumblings in the distance。 A sweep of chilly air passed by; rustling all the leaves and snowing the flaky ashes broadcast about the fire。 Another fierce glare lit up the forest and an instant crash followed that seemed to rend the tree…tops right over the boys' heads。 They clung together in terror; in the thick gloom that followed。 A few big rain…drops fell pattering upon the leaves。
〃Quick! boys; go for the tent!〃 exclaimed Tom。
They sprang away; stumbling over roots and among vines in the dark; no two plunging in the same direction。 A furious blast roared through the trees; making everything sing as it went。 One blinding flash after another came; and peal on peal of deafening thunder。 And now a drenching rain poured down and the rising hurricane drove it in sheets along the ground。 The boys cried out to each other; but the roaring wind and the booming thunder…blasts drowned their voices utterly。 However; one by one they straggled in at last and took shelter under the tent; cold; scared; and streaming with water; but to have company in misery seemed something to be grateful for。 They could not talk; the old sail flapped so furiously; even if the other noises would have allowed them。 The tempest rose higher and higher; and presently the sail tore loose from its fastenings and went winging away on the blast。 The boys seized each others' hands and fled; with many tumblings and bruises; to the shelter of a great oak that stood upon the river…bank。 Now the battle was at its highest。 Under the ceaseless conflagration of lightning that flamed in the skies; everything below stood out in clean…cut and shadowless distinctness: the bending trees; the billowy river; white with foam; the driving spray of spume…flakes; the dim outlin

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