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小说: 汤姆.索亚历险记 字数: 每页4000字

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 and I did think the cretur would tear the house down。 And God forgive me; I cracked Tom's head with my thimble; poor boy; poor dead boy。 But he's out of all his troubles now。 And the last words I ever heard him say was to reproach 〃
But this memory was too much for the old lady; and she broke entirely down。 Tom was snuffling; now; himself  and more in pity of himself than anybody else。 He could hear Mary crying; and putting in a kindly word for him from time to time。 He began to have a nobler opinion of himself than ever before。 Still; he was sufficiently touched by his aunt's grief to long to rush out from under the bed and overwhelm her with joy  and the theatrical gorgeousness of the thing appealed strongly to his nature; too; but he resisted and lay still。
He went on listening; and gathered by odds and ends that it was conjectured at first that the boys had got drowned while taking a swim; then the small raft had been missed; next; certain boys said the missing lads had promised that the village should 〃hear something〃 soon; the wise…heads had 〃put this and that together〃 and decided that the lads had gone off on that raft and would turn up at the next town below; presently; but toward noon the raft had been found; lodged against the Missouri shore some five or six miles below the village  and then hope perished; they must be drowned; else hunger would have driven them home by nightfall if not sooner。 It was believed that the search for the bodies had been a fruitless effort merely because the drowning must have occurred in mid…channel; since the boys; being good swimmers; would otherwise have escaped to shore。 This was Wednesday night。 If the bodies continued missing until Sunday; all hope would be given over; and the funerals would be preached on that morning。 Tom shuddered。
Mrs。 Harper gave a sobbing good…night and turned to go。 Then with a mutual impulse the two bereaved women flung themselves into each other's arms and had a good; consoling cry; and then parted。 Aunt Polly was tender far beyond her wont; in her good…night to Sid and Mary。 Sid snuffled a bit and Mary went off crying with all her heart。
Aunt Polly knelt down and prayed for Tom so touchingly; so appealingly; and with such measureless love in her words and her old trembling voice; that he was weltering in tears again; long before she was through。
He had to keep still long after she went to bed; for she kept making broken…hearted ejaculations from time to time; tossing unrestfully; and turning over。 But at last she was still; only moaning a little in her sleep。 Now the boy stole out; rose gradually by the bedside; shaded the candle…light with his hand; and stood regarding her。 His heart was full of pity for her。 He took out his sycamore scroll and placed it by the candle。 But something occurred to him; and he lingered considering。 His face lighted with a happy solution of his thought; he put the bark hastily in his pocket。 Then he bent over and kissed the faded lips; and straightway made his stealthy exit; latching the door behind him。
He threaded his way back to the ferry landing; found nobody at large there; and walked boldly on board the boat; for he knew she was tenantless except that there was a watchman; who always turned in and slept like a graven image。 He untied the skiff at the stern; slipped into it; and was soon rowing cautiously upstream。 When he had pulled a mile above the village; he started quartering across and bent himself stoutly to his work。 He hit the landing on the other side neatly; for this was a familiar bit of work to him。 He was moved to capture the skiff; arguing that it might be considered a ship and therefore legitimate prey for a pirate; but he knew a thorough search would be made for it and that might end in revelations。 So he stepped ashore and entered the woods。
He sat down and took a long rest; torturing himself meanwhile to keep awake; and then started warily down the home…stretch。 The night was far spent。 It was broad daylight before he found himself fairly abreast the island bar。 He rested again until the sun was well up and gilding the great river with its splendor; and then he plunged into the stream。 A little later he paused; dripping; upon the threshold of the camp; and heard Joe say:
〃No; Tom's true…blue; Huck; and he'll come back。 He won't desert。 He knows that would be a disgrace to a pirate; and Tom's too proud for that sort of thing。 He's up to something or other。 Now I wonder what?〃
〃Well; the things is ours; anyway; ain't they?〃
Pretty near; but not yet; Huck。 The writing says they are if he ain't back here to breakfast。〃
〃Which he is!〃 exclaimed Tom; with fine dramatic effect; stepping grandly into camp。
A sumptuous breakfast of bacon and fish was shortly provided; and as the boys set to work upon it; Tom recounted (and adorned) his adventures。 They were a vain and boastful company of heroes when the tale was done。 Then Tom hid himself away in a shady nook to sleep till noon; and the other pirates got ready to fish and explore。 
AFTER dinner all the gang turned out to hunt for turtle eggs on the bar。 They went about poking sticks into the sand; and when they found a soft place they went down on their knees and dug with their hands。 Sometimes they would take fifty or sixty eggs out of one hole。 They were perfectly round white things a trifle smaller than an English walnut。 They had a famous fried…egg feast that night; and another on Friday morning。
After breakfast they went whooping and prancing out on the bar; and chased each other round and round; shedding clothes as they went; until they were naked; and then continued the frolic far away up the shoal water of the bar; against the stiff current; which latter tripped their legs from under them from time to time and greatly increased the fun。 And now and then they stooped in a group and splashed water in each other's faces with their palms; gradually approaching each other; with averted faces to avoid the strangling sprays; and finally gripping and struggling till the best man ducked his neighbor; and then they all went under in a tangle of white legs and arms and came up blowing; sputtering; laughing; and gasping for breath at one and the same time。
When they were well exhausted; they would run out and sprawl on the dry; hot sand; and lie there and cover themselves up with it; and by and by break for the water again and go through the original performance once more。 Finally it occurred to them that their naked skin represented flesh…colored 〃tights〃 very fairly; so they drew a ring in the sand and had a circus  with three clowns in it; for none would yield this proudest post to his neighbor。
Next they got their marbles and played 〃knucks〃 and 〃ring…taw〃 and 〃keeps〃 till that amusement grew stale。 Then Joe and Huck had another swim; but Tom would not venture; because he found that in kicking off his trousers he had kicked his string of rattlesnake rattles off his ankle; and he wondered how he had escaped cramp so long without the protection of this mysterious charm。 He did not venture again until he had found it; and by that time the other boys were tired and ready to rest。 They gradually wandered apart; dropped into the 〃dumps;〃 and fell to gazing longingly across the wide river to where the village lay drowsing in the sun。 Tom found himself writing 〃BECKY〃 in the sand with his big toe; he scratched it out; and was angry with himself for his weakness。 But he wrote it again; nevertheless; he could not help it。 He erased it once more and then took himself out of temptation by driving the other boys together and joining them。
But Joe's spirits had gone down almost beyond resurrection。 He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it。 The tears lay very near the surface。 Huck was melancholy; too。 Tom was downhearted; but tried hard not to show it。 He had a secret which he was not ready to tell; yet; but if this mutinous depression was not broken up soon; he would have to bring it out。 He said; with a great show of cheerfulness:
〃I bet there's been pirates on this island before; boys。 We'll explore it again。 They've hid treasures here somewhere。 How'd you feel to light on a rotten chest full of gold and silver  hey?〃
But it roused only faint enthusiasm; which faded out; with no reply。 Tom tried one or two other seductions; but they failed; too。 It was discouraging work。 Joe sat poking up the sand with a stick and looking very gloomy。 Finally he said:
〃Oh; boys; let's give it up。 I want to go home。 It's so lonesome。〃
〃Oh no; Joe; you'll feel better by and by;〃 said Tom。 〃Just think of the fishing that's here。〃
〃I don't care for fishing。 I want to go home。〃
〃But; Joe; there ain't such another swimming…place anywhere。〃
〃Swimming's no good。 I don't seem to care for it; somehow; when there ain't anybody to say I sha'n't go in。 I mean to go home。〃
〃Oh; shucks! Baby! You want to see your mother; I reckon。〃
〃Yes; I DO want to see my mother  and you would; too; if you had one。 I ain't any more baby than you are。〃 And Joe snuffled a little。
〃Well; we'll let the cry…baby go home to his mother; won't we; Huck? Poor thing  does it want to see its mother? And so it shall。 you like it here; don't you; Huck? We'll stay; won't we?〃

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