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小说: 汤姆.索亚历险记 字数: 每页4000字

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ecretly resolved to acquire it shortly。 Presently Huck said:
〃What does pirates have to do?〃
Tom said:
〃Oh; they have just a bully time  take ships and burn them; and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there's ghosts and things to watch it; and kill everybody in the ships  make 'em walk a plank。〃
〃And they carry the women to the island;〃 said Joe; 〃they don't kill the women。〃
〃No;〃 assented Tom; 〃they don't kill the women  they're too noble。 And the women's always beautiful; too。
〃And don't they wear the bulliest clothes! Oh no! All gold and silver and di'monds;〃 said Joe; with enthusiasm。
〃Who?〃 said Huck。
〃Why; the pirates。〃
Huck scanned his own clothing forlornly。
〃I reckon I ain't dressed fitten for a pirate;〃 said he; with a regretful pathos in his voice; 〃but I ain't got none but these。〃
But the other boys told him the fine clothes would come fast enough; after they should have begun their adventures。 They made him understand that his poor rags would do to begin with; though it was customary for wealthy pirates to start with a proper wardrobe。
Gradually their talk died out and drowsiness began to steal upon the eyelids of the little waifs。 The pipe dropped from the fingers of the Red…Handed; and he slept the sleep of the conscience…free and the weary。 The Terror of the Seas and the Black Avenger of the Spanish Main had more difficulty in getting to sleep。 They said their prayers inwardly; and lying down; since there was nobody there with authority to make them kneel and recite aloud; in truth; they had a mind not to say them at all; but they were afraid to proceed to such lengths as that; lest they might call down a sudden and special thunderbolt from heaven。 Then at once they reached and hovered upon the imminent verge of sleep  but an intruder came; now; that would not 〃down。〃 It was conscience。 They began to feel a vague fear that they had been doing wrong to run away; and next they thought of the stolen meat; and then the real torture came。 They tried to argue it away by reminding conscience that they had purloined sweetmeats and apples scores of times; but conscience was not to be appeased by such thin plausibilities; it seemed to them; in the end; that there was no getting around the stubborn fact that taking sweetmeats was only 〃hooking;〃 while taking bacon and hams and such valuables was plain simple stealing  and there was a command against that in the Bible。 So they inwardly resolved that so long as they remained in the business; their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing。 Then conscience granted a truce; and these curiously inconsistent pirates fell peacefully to sleep。 
WHEN Tom awoke in the morning; he wondered where he was。 He sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked around。 Then he comprehended。 It was the cool gray dawn; and there was a delicious sense of repose and peace in the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods。 Not a leaf stirred; not a sound obtruded upon great Nature's meditation。 Beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses。 A white layer of ashes covered the fire; and a thin blue breath of smoke rose straight into the air。 Joe and Huck still slept。
Now; far away in the woods a bird called; another answered; presently the hammering of a woodpecker was heard。 Gradually the cool dim gray of the morning whitened; and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself。 The marvel of Nature shaking off sleep and going to work unfolded itself to the musing boy。 A little green worm came crawling over a dewy leaf; lifting two…thirds of his body into the air from time to time and 〃sniffing around;〃 then proceeding again  for he was measuring; Tom said; and when the worm approached him; of its own accord; he sat as still as a stone; with his hopes rising and falling; by turns; as the creature still came toward him or seemed inclined to go elsewhere; and when at last it considered a painful moment with its curved body in the air and then came decisively down upon Tom's leg and began a journey over him; his whole heart was glad  for that meant that he was going to have a new suit of clothes  without the shadow of a doubt a gaudy piratical uniform。 Now a procession of ants appeared; from nowhere in particular; and went about their labors; one struggled manfully by with a dead spider five times as big as itself in its arms; and lugged it straight up a tree…trunk。 A brown spotted lady…bug climbed the dizzy height of a grass blade; and Tom bent down close to it and said; 
〃Lady…bug; lady…bug; fly away home; 
your house is on fire; your children's alone;〃 
and she took wing and went off to see about it  which did not surprise the boy; for he knew of old that this insect was credulous about conflagrations; and he had practised upon its simplicity more than once。 A tumblebug came next; heaving sturdily at its ball; and Tom touched the creature; to see it shut its legs against its body and pretend to be dead。 The birds were fairly rioting by this time。 A catbird; the Northern mocker; lit in a tree over Tom's head; and trilled out her imitations of her neighbors in a rapture of enjoyment; then a shrill jay swept down; a flash of blue flame; and stopped on a twig almost within the boy's reach; cocked his head to one side and eyed the strangers with a consuming curiosity; a gray squirrel and a big fellow of the 〃fox〃 kind came skurrying along; sitting up at intervals to inspect and chatter at the boys; for the wild things had probably never seen a human being before and scarcely knew whether to be afraid or not。 All Nature was wide awake and stirring; now; long lances of sunlight pierced down through the dense foliage far and near; and a few butterflies came fluttering upon the scene。
Tom stirred up the other pirates and they all clattered away with a shout; and in a minute or two were stripped and chasing after and tumbling over each other in the shallow limpid water of the white sandbar。 They felt no longing for the little village sleeping in the distance beyond the majestic waste of water。 A vagrant current or a slight rise in the river had carried off their raft; but this only gratified them; since its going was something like burning the bridge between them and civilization。
They came back to camp wonderfully refreshed; glad…hearted; and ravenous; and they soon had the camp…fire blazing up again。 Huck found a spring of clear cold water close by; and the boys made cups of broad oak or hickory leaves; and felt that water; sweetened with such a wildwood charm as that; would be a good enough substitute for coffee。 While Joe was slicing bacon for breakfast; Tom and Huck asked him to hold on a minute; they stepped to a promising nook in the river…bank and threw in their lines; almost immediately they had reward。 Joe had not had time to get impatient before they were back again with some handsome bass; a couple of sun…perch and a small catfish  provisions enough for quite a family。 They fried the fish with the bacon; and were astonished; for no fish had ever seemed so delicious before。 They did not know that the quicker a fresh…water fish is on the fire after he is caught the better he is; and they reflected little upon what a sauce open…air sleeping; open…air exercise; bathing; and a large ingredient of hunger make; too。
They lay around in the shade; after breakfast; while Huck had a smoke; and then went off through the woods on an exploring expedition。 They tramped gayly along; over decaying logs; through tangled underbrush; among solemn monarchs of the forest; hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape…vines。 Now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers。
They found plenty of things to be delighted with; but nothing to be astonished at。 They discovered that the island was about three miles long and a quarter of a mile wide; and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide。 They took a swim about every hour; so it was close upon the middle of the afternoon when they got back to camp。 They were too hungry to stop to fish; but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham; and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk。 But the talk soon began to drag; and then died。 The stillness; the solemnity that brooded in the woods; and the sense of loneliness; began to tell upon the spirits of the boys。 They fell to thinking。 A sort of undefined longing crept upon them。 This took dim shape; presently  it was budding homesickness。 Even Finn the Red…Handed was dreaming of his doorsteps and empty hogsheads。 But they were all ashamed of their weakness; and none was brave enough to speak his thought。
For some time; now; the boys had been dully conscious of a peculiar sound in the distance; just as one sometimes is of the ticking of a clock which he takes no distinct note of。 But now this mysterious sound became more pronounced; and forced a recognition。 The boys started; glanced at each other; and then each assumed a listening attitude。 There was a long silence; profound and unbroken; then a deep; sullen boom came floating down out of the distance。
〃What is it!〃 exclaimed Joe; under his breath。
〃I wonder;〃 said Tom i

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