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小说: 战争与和平(上) 字数: 每页4000字

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no subsequent battles; not Russia; but the French army of six hundred thousand; and then Napoleonic France itself ceased to exist。 To strain the facts to fit the rules of history; to maintain that the field of Borodino was left in the hands of the Russians; or that after the evacuation of Moscow; there were battles that destroyed Napoleon’s army—is impossible。
After the victory of the French at Borodino; there was no general engagement; nor even a skirmish of any great importance; yet the French army ceased to exist。 What is the meaning of it? If it had been an example from the history of China; we could have said it was not an historical fact (the resource of historians when anything will not fit in with their rules)。 If it had occurred in a conflict on a small scale; in which only small numbers of soldiers had taken part; we might have looked upon it as an exception。 But all this took place before the eyes of our fathers; for whom it was a question of life and death for their country; and the war was on a larger scale than any wars we know of。
The sequel of the campaign of 1812—from Borodino to the final expulsion of the French—has proved that victories are not always a cause nor even an invariable sign of conquest; it has proved that the force that decides the fate of peoples does not lie in military leaders; nor even in armies and battles; but in something else。
The French historians; who describe the position of the French troops before they marched out of Moscow; assert that everything was in good order in the Grande Armée; except the cavalry; the artillery; and the transport; and that there was no forage for the horses and cattle。 There was no remedy for this defect; because the peasants of the surrounding country burned their hay rather than let the French have it。
Victory did not bring forth its usual results; because the peasants; Karp and Vlas; by no means persons of heroic feelings (after the French evacuation; they hurried with their carts to pillage Moscow); and the immense multitude of others like them burnt their hay rather than bring it to Moscow; however high the prices offered them。
Let us imagine two men; who have come out to fight a duel with swords in accordance with all the rules of the art of swordsmanship。 The fencing has lasted for some time。 All at once one of the combatants; feeling that he is wounded; grasping that it is no joking matter; but a question of life and death; flings away his sword; and snatching up the first cudgel that comes handy; begins to brandish that。 But let us imagine that the combatant; who has so sensibly made use of the best and simplest means for the attainment of his object; should be inspired by the traditions of chivalry to try and disguise the real cause of the conflict and should persist in declaring that he had been victor in the duel in accordance with all the rules of swordsmanship。 One can imagine what confusion and obscurity would arise from his description of the duel!
The duellist; who insisted on the conflict being fought in accordance with the principles of the fencer’s art; stands for the French; his opponent; who flung away his sword and snatched up a cudgel; did like the Russians; and the attempted description of the duel in accordance with the rules of swordsmanship has been given us by the historians of the war。
From the time of the burning of Smolensk a war began which did not follow any of the old traditions of warfare。 The burning of towns and villages; the retreat after every battle; the blow dealt at Borodino and followed by retreat; the burning of Moscow; the capture of marauders; the seizing of transports;—the whole of the irregular warfare was a departure from the rules。
Napoleon was aware of it; and from the time when he stood waiting in Moscow in the correct pose of the victorious fencer; and instead of his opponent’s sword; saw the bludgeon raised against him; he never ceased complaining to Kutuzov and to the Emperor Alexander that the war was being conducted contrary to all the rules of war。 (As though any rules existed for the slaughter of men!)
In spite of the complaints of the French that they did not keep to the rules; in spite of the fact that the Russians in the highest positions felt it somehow shameful to be fighting with a cudgel; and wanted to take up the correct position en quarte or en tierce; to make a skilful thrust; en prime and so on; the cudgel of the people’s war was raised in all its menacing and majestic power; and troubling itself about no question of any one’s tastes or rules; about no fine distinctions; with stupid simplicity; with perfect consistency; it rose and fell and belaboured the French till the whole invading army had been driven out。
And happy the people that will not; as the French did in 1813; saluting according to the rules; gracefully and cautiously offer the sword hilt to the magnanimous conqueror。 Happy the people who; in the moment of trial; asks no questions how others would act by the recognised rules in such cases; but with ease and directness picks up the first cudgel that comes handy and deals blows with it; till resentment and revenge give way to contempt and pity。

Chapter 2
ONE of the most conspicuous and advantageous departures from the so…called rules of warfare is the independent action of men acting separately against men huddled together in a mass。 Such independent activity is always seen in a war that assumes a national character。 In this kind of warfare; instead of forming in a crowd to attack a crowd; men disperse in small groups; attack singly and at once fly; when attacked by superior forces; and then attack again; when an opportunity presents itself。 Such were the methods of the guerillas in Spain; of the mountain tribes in the Caucasus; and of the Russians in 1812。
War of this kind has been called partisan warfare on the supposition that this name defined its special significance。 But this kind of warfare does not follow any rules of war; but is in direct contradiction to a well…known rule of tactics; regarded as infallible。 That rule lays it down that the attacking party must concentrate his forces in order to be stronger than his opponent at the moment of conflict。
Partisan warfare (always successful; as history testifies) acts in direct contradiction of this rule。
Military science assumes that the relative strength of forces is identical with their numerical proportions。 Military science maintains that the greater the number of soldiers; the greater their strength。 Les gros bataillons ont toujours raison。
To say this is as though one were in mechanics to say that forces were equal or unequal simply because the masses of the moving bodies were equal or unequal。
Force (the volume of motion) is the product of the mass into the velocity。
In warfare the force of armies is the product of the mass multiplied by something else; an unknown x。
Military science; seeing in history an immense number of examples in which the mass of an army does not correspond with its force; and in which small numbers conquer large ones; vaguely recognises the existence of this unknown factor; and tries to find it sometimes in some geometrical disposition of the troops; sometimes in the superiority of weapons; and most often in the genius of the leaders。 But none of those factors yield results that agree with the historical facts。
One has but to renounce the false view that glorifies the effect of the activity of the heroes of history in warfare in order to discover this unknown quantity; x。
X is the spirit of the army; the greater or less desire to fight and to face dangers on the part of all the men composing the army; which is quite apart from the question whether they are fighting under leaders of genius or not; with cudgels or with guns that fire thirty times a minute。 The men who have the greater desire to fight always put themselves; too; in the more advantageous position for fighting。 The spirit of the army is the factor which multiplied by the mass gives the product of the force。 To define and express the significance of this unknown factor; the spirit of the army; is the problem of science。
This problem can only be solved when we cease arbitrarily substituting for that unknown factor x the conditions under which the force is manifested; such as the plans of the general; the arming of the men and so on; and recognise this unknown factor in its entirety as the greater or less desire to fight and face danger。 Then only by expressing known historical facts in equations can one hope from comparison of the relative value of this unknown factor to approach its definition。 Ten men; or battalions or divisions are victorious fighting with fifteen men or battalions or divisions; that is; they kill or take prisoner all of them while losing four of their own side; so that the loss has been four on one side and fifteen on the other。 Consequently; four on one side have been equivalent to fifteen on the other; and consequently 4x = 15y。 Consequently x/y = 15/4。 This equation does not give us the value of the unknown factors; but it does give us the ratio between their values。 And from the reduction to such equations of various historical units (battles; campaigns; periods of warfare) a series o

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