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      随着高盛国际业务的不断发展,桑顿也越来越接近公司内权力的顶峰。1999年3月,桑顿成为高盛公司的总裁;同年5月,他又被任命为联合首席运营官,和另一名首席运营官约翰·舍恩(John Thain)一起成为仅次于首席执行官亨利·鲍尔森的第二把手。    
      在欧洲征战多年以后,约翰·桑顿发现亚洲跟当年的欧洲有着相似之处,亚洲尤其是中国蕴藏着丰富的市场潜力。1994年,他问高盛集团的董事长,看自己是否能够搬到上海。董事长驳回了他的要求,因为他“在欧洲非常有前途”。但约翰·桑顿并没有因此而降低对亚洲的关注,他开始着手帮助李泽楷把星空电视(Star TV)卖给全球媒体巨头默多克。    


    Chapter I    
      About John LThorntonJohn Thornton was born in New York of the United States。 When he was fourteen; he enrolled in Hotchkiss; an allboy boarding school; whose students mainly came from wealthy families。 Hotchkiss was also a school that pays great attention to the cultivation of its students character。 During this period when John Thornton was in Hotchkiss; he not only made remarkable achievement in academic area; but had very good performance in sports - he held a concurrent position as the captain of both school basketball team and tennis team。 Therefore; since the day John Thornton entered into the school gate of Hotchkiss; he displayed certain quality that is doomed to distinguish him from his ancestors。 Brought up in such a family that most of its family members were lawyers; Thornton should have bee an excellent barrister as well。    
      When John Thornton was still in his youth; he spent eight years time to get the bachelor degree of history; master degree of law and master degree of administration study in Harvard University of the United States; Oxford University of Great Britain and Yale University of the United States respectively。 Not following his familys tradition to be a lawyer; he mainly focused his attention on investment and financial field when he was hunting a job at the age of 26。 In 1980; John Thornton got a position in Goldman Sachs Corporation that had a history of more than 100 years。 Like any other newers; he experienced and gradually got rid of all the confusions and disforts as he first entered into society and became a partner of the pany at the age of 34。 From a ordinary employee in the merging and acquisition department at the headquarter located in New York to the second most important figure in Goldman Sachs Corporation; Thornton has stayed in the pany for 22 years and closely affiliated his personal career with Goldman Sachs。    
      As the expert on merging and acquisition affairs; Thornton revived the sluggish London market in the 1980s by utilizing some ingenious strategies。 Hereafter; he established his reputation and made a great stride toward being a world famous investment banker。    
      From Operating Independently to Win the First Battle to ‘Cross the River by Groping for the Stone’    
      Thorntons bestknown contribution to Goldman Sachs Corporation is that he widened the panys international business。 As a matter of fact; Goldman Sachs Corporation to a great extent was still an internal firm nearly without international business at the time when Thornton joined it。 But under the leadership and the guidelines of Thornton; the original International Business Sector with only fifty employees at first developed into a major department with more than six thousand employees。    
      In less than 10 months after he joined the pany; he told his superior that he wanted to take charge of a project by himself。 Maybe; taking into consideration of his background as a newer; his superior only gave him a project with little hope for success。 The client of this project is world famous gum product manufacturer who hope to sell out the pany at a reasonable price。 But in the past two years before they came to contact Goldman Sachs Corporation; Thorntons client had already negotiated with more than two hundred different firms without success。 Thats why Thorntons superior thought that the project did not have much chance for success。    
      Having investigated the project; John Thornton found that the 200odd panies his client had contacted were all from the United States。 Suddenly; an idea flashed through his mind: why not try the panies outside America。 Thus; he chose six foreign panies that he thought might have the intention to purchase his clients pany。 Thomas Tilling Corporation was one of them。 And the board chairman of this pany happened to have the plan to open up American market。 He showed great interest in John Thorntons advice and finally bought his clients pany。    
      The success of the project enlightened John Thornton。 Since then he diverted his attention to British economy as well as the development trend of the whole European economy。 So he put forward an application for an opportunity to go to London for the purpose of tapping European market。 “When I told my colleagues that I was going to London; they all said I was crazy”; recalled John Thornton。 He continued; “Actually even I myself was not sure whether European economy had the evidence of revival; or in what speed Europeans would take to reform their economic system; or whether American investment bank would like to go to Britain to set up branch organizations。 Moreover; there were not any experiences or lessons I took as a reference in open up British market。 All I could do was to cross the river by groping for the stone。”    
      ‘American Model’ Remold London to a Modern City    
      At the end of 1982; John Thornton moved to London with the plan to provide investmentcounseling service to European firms and help them to open up American market。    
      ‘Indeed; nothing is easy at very first’; John Thornton said so when he looked back on the time the situation as he just arrived at London。 He recollected that; ‘at that time; I just worked in the investment bank for less than 3 years。 And I still had not had my 29th birthday。 You know; it is not easy to be a successful investment consultant at that age’。 In order to attract the attention of British enterprises; John Thornton made out two strategies for himself。 First; try everything to make himself the investment consultant of the wellknown enterprises and entrepreneurs in Britain; which enable him to set up his reputation as a successful investment consultant。 Second; find those British enterprises whose market value was underestimated by stock market; because it was quite possible that these panies would end up with hostile takeover。 Very soon; people could always found this American at the lunch table of the British security bankers。 He always came without anyones invitation an

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