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小说: 5425-考研英语难句突破300句 字数: 每页4000字

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      【析句】 该句是一个因果关系的并列句,主句和从句都是复合句。主句(When… it is advisable… aiming at)表示结果,从句(for… as normal)表示原因。    
      【讲词】 attain原意为“达到,获得”。When Christians first attained to power in Rome; they took part in wars both defensive and aggressive。(当基督教徒首次在罗马取得权力之后,他们参与了进攻与防御战争。)Schubert never attained the recognition that he deserved during his lifetime。(舒伯特生前从没有获得他应有的认可。)句中attains a certain fashion意为gains recognition as a certain fashion,即获得认可而成为某种时尚。    
      farfetched意为“牵强附会的,不可能的”。Looking at some of the criticisms we’ve gotten so far;I dont think this is farfetched。(看看我们征集到的某些批评意见,我认为这一条意见并不牵强附会。)    
      8。 With regard to Futurist poetry;however;the case is rather difficult;for whatever Futurist poetry may be—even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right—it can hardly be classed as Literature。    
      【译文】 然而,就未来派诗歌而言,情况却相当不同,因为无论未来派诗歌为何物——即使承认其理论根据也许是正确的,它也很难被称之为文学。    
      【析句】 该句也是一个因果关系的并列句。however是插入语,表示此句与上一句之间是转折关系。With regard to Futurist poetry作状语。the case is rather difficult是主句,表示结果。for之后的句子成分表示原因,其主干结构为it can hardly be classed as Literature,it指Futurist poetry。而破折号之间的成分则是插入语,on which it is based是the theory的定语从句。    
      【讲词】 classify意为“分类;分等”,例如:classify books by subjects(按学科将图书分类)。The water of the beach is clean and it is classified as a Grade 1 beach。(沙滩的海水很干净,因而这里被定为一级沙滩。)The plane crash was classified by the government as an act of terrorism。(政府把这起飞机失事确定为恐怖主义事件。)    
      9。 This;in brief;is what the Futurist says: for a century;past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up;till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed。 Consequently;our feelings;thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change。    
      【译文】 简而言之,未来派诗人宣称:一个世纪以来,过去的生活状况一直在有条件地发生急剧变化,结果到了现在我们生活在一个充斥着喧嚣、暴力和快节奏的世界之中。因此,我们的感情、思想和情绪都经历了相应的变化。    
      【析句】 在第一句中,从句what the Futurist says作宾语,冒号之后的成分作宾语的同位语。    
      【讲词】 speed up意为“加速”。We need to speed up our economic development。(我们需要加速经济发展。)In the past few years;China and India have sped up their talks on border disputes。(在过去几年,中国和印度加快了有关边境争端的会谈。)    
      corresponding意为“相应的”,例如:All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities。(所有的权利都带有相应的义务。)This paper intends to discuss China’s social security and the corresponding policy。(这篇论文意图讨论中国的社会保障及其相关政策。)    
      10。 We must pour out a large stream of essential words;unhampered by stops;or qualifying adjectives;or finite verbs。    
      【译文】 我们必须大量使用基本词汇,摆脱句号、修饰性形容词及限定动词的羁绊。    
      【析句】 该句中主句为We must pour out a large stream of essential words,而 unhampered by stops;or qualifying adjectives;or finite verbs是过去分词引导的伴随状语。注意or连接的qualifying adjectives和finite verbs与stops并列,而不与 a large stream of essential words并列。    
      【讲词】 unhampered在句中是过去分词,表示“不受束缚,不受阻碍”。This policy intends to keep investments unhampered。(制定这一政策的目的是排除对投资的干扰。)    
      qualify意为“(使)有资格;限制……的意义,修饰”。a qualifying watch资格赛,入围赛。Adjectives qualify nouns。(形容词修饰名词。)    
      pour out表示“大量涌出;倒出;倾诉”。I poured out all my alcohol and threw away all my drugs。 I’ve been sober ever since。(我倒掉了我所有的烈性酒,扔掉了我所有的毒品。从此之后,我滴酒不沾,一点毒品也不碰。)As the lark poured out her melody clearer and stronger; he fell into a graver and profounder silence。(云雀的歌声越来越清脆,越来越有力,而他则越发变得庄重,越发变得沉默。)    
      11。 But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river—and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eightyfive kilograms。”    
      【译文】 但是有一行诗看了注解才明白诗的内容,这一点实在让人感到有些不安。诗中描写一名土耳其军官和一名保加利亚军官在一座桥上搏斗,两人都从桥上掉进水中——这一行诗仅仅描写了他们的落水声和体重:“扑通!扑通!185公斤。”    
      【析句】 it是全句的形式主语,实际主语是两个并列成分(to read…和and then to find…)。注意read的宾语是that a certain line… into the river,而in the explanatory notes作状语。find后接一个that从句作宾语,冒号后面引号中间的成分是the line的同位语。    
      【讲词】 line除了表示“线,线条;路线;航线”等以外,还可以指“(诗)行,台词”。For a time he believed that he would not make a good actor as he could not deliver his lines。(有一段时间,他以为自己不会成为一个优秀的演员,因为他记不住台词。)    
      12。 All the same;no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression。    
      【译文】 实际上,没有一个善于思考的人会拒绝接受他们的第一个观点:即情感生活的巨大变化要求表达方式也随之变化。    
      【析句】 句中their指代上文的Furturist(未来派诗人)。that从句是proposition的同位语,说明了其内容。注意句中的双重否定:no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition没有一个有思想的人能否决他们的第一个观点,也就是“几乎人人都会接受他们的第一个观点”。    
      【讲词】 proposition意为“提议,建议”,与proposal的意思差不多,但是 proposition还可以表示“命题”。This proposition is misleading about how teachers jobs work。(这一提议对老师的工作有误导的成分。)    
      call for意为“要求;呼吁;为……叫喊;适合”。The government called for patience in the wake of Hurricane Katrina。(在发生卡特里娜飓风之后,政府呼吁人民要有耐心。)This news calls for champagne。(这个消息值得开香槟酒庆祝。)

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      13。 Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe。    
      【译文】 战后日本的生产率和社会的和谐为美国和欧洲所称羡,因此漫无目标根本就算不上是战后日本的特色。    
      【析句】 注意句子的主干结构是Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan,而定语从句(whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe)修饰the postwar Japan。由于定语太长,因此在翻译时适当调整了句子的结构。    
      【讲词】 envy意为“羡慕;嫉妒”,它既可以作动词又可以作名词,在本句中作名词。 If the rumors prove true;Jay will be the envy of Taiwanese men。(如果谣言属实,周杰伦将成为台湾男人羡慕的对象。)Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990;an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries。(马丁尼说这一数字也许从90年代以来进一步下降,这一成就使得它(巴西)成为许多其他第三世界国家羡慕的对象。)    
      14。 The ing of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the maledominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs。    
      【译文】 战后婴儿潮(出生高峰期)的到来及妇女进入男性主宰的就业市场,限制了青少年的发展机遇,他们已经开始质疑在进好学校、找好工作,攀登日本等级森严的社会阶梯的过程中所付出的巨大的个人牺牲是否值得。    
      【析句】 本句的主语是The ing… and an entry,谓语是have limited,宾语是 the opportunities of teen…agers,而who are… schools and jobs是宾语的定语从句,该从句中involved in… schools and jobs又是personal sacrifices的补语。    
      【讲词】 dominate意为“控制,占优势”。Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them。(成功的领导者是事先控制事件而不是事后才做反应。) Ambition dominated his life。(他的生活受野心驱使。)    
      15。 Last year Mitsuo Setoyama; who was then education minister;raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War Ⅱ had weakened the “Japanese morality of respect for parents”。    
      【译文】 去年,时任教育大臣的濑户光夫提出二战后美国占领当局引进的自由改革削弱了“日本人尊敬父母的道德观”,一时间舆论哗然。    
      【析句】 本句主语是Mitsuo Setoyama(濑户光夫),从句who was then education minister是其定语,谓语是raised eyebrows。when he argued that…是全句的时间状语从句,其中that引导的从句是argued的宾语,该宾语从句中主语是liberal reforms,谓语是had weakened,宾语是the “Japanese morality of respect for parents”, introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War II是liberal reforms的定语。    
      【讲词】 raise eyebrows字面意思是“扬起眉毛”,但其实际意思是“引起不满”。The plan initiated by the government raised eyebrows in th

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