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ewed up在此作定语,修饰rabbit) rabbit into his house and gives it a bath; blowdries (blowdries为复合动词) its fur and puts the rabbit back into the cage at the neighbor’s house; hoping (hoping为现在分词结构,充当整句的状语成份。在此省略了引导宾语从句的连词that) they will think(在此省略了宾语从句连词that) it died of natural causes。 (52 words)    
    【分析】The issue (issue为句子主句的主语) of whether life ever existed on the planet; and (and连接两个whether结构,充当介词of的宾语从句) whether it (代词it复指前面的life) persists to this day; has been highlighted (has been highlighted为主句的谓语) by mounting evidence that (that引出evidence的同位语从句) the Red Planet once had abundant stable; liquid water and (and连接前面的by mounting evidence与后面的by the continuing controversy成为平行结构,作谓语动词的状语) by the continuing controversy over suggestions that (that引出suggestions的同位语从句) the bacterial fossils rode to Earth on a meteorite from Mars。 (51 words)    
    20。【译文】因特网音乐资源并非是一个浮华的网址,而只是五六页的文本链接。但是由于拥有总共将近2000个站址链接,对于你在网上寻找音乐信息,它确是一个好网址。音乐资源首先注重于西方古典音乐,但是也为几乎所有人准备了他们所感兴趣的东西。这些分析有,介绍你从未听说过的乐队(和你所钟爱的乐队)的乐迷主页、各唱片公司的网址、音乐学术文章、世界各地的精彩乐器介绍,以及你所喜爱的爵士乐队的唱片目录等等。如果音乐资源站址能再增加一个网上寻找功能,那么它将无与伦比。进入因特网音乐资源的路径:http: //music。indiana。edu/musicresources/ (注意本段中对出现的许多复数名词的译法。此外冒号往往表现一种“一般——特殊”型的模式。)    
    【分析】Music Resources focuses primarily on Western classical music; but the site has something for almost everyone: (冒号引出同位语结构) fan pages for bands you have never heard of (作bands的定语) (and for bands you love); record company web sites; scholarly papers; cool instruments from all over the world; discographies of your favorite jazz musicians。 (49 words)    
    【分析】And with (介词短语作状语) doubtful prospects for a shortterm financial return; with (独立主格结构,作状语) the cold war rapidly fading memory and amid (介词短语作状语) a growing emphasis on international cooperation in large space ventures; it (引出主语从句) is clear that imperatives other than profits or nationalism will have to compel human beings to leave their tracks on the planet’s reddish surface。 (53 words)    
    【分析】The US; Britain and France adopted a common stand; agreeing to (现在分词短语作伴随状语) certain stipulations on inspection of nuclear weapons; but the Soviet Union made it (代词的预指,指代后面that从句的内容) clear that they were opposed to stipulations of any sort on nuclear weapons inspection (nuclear weapons inspection为复合名词结构); regarding (regarding现在分词短语作伴随状语) them (代词them指代前面的复数名词stipulations) as virtually a violation of their sovereignty and therefore totally unacceptable。 (51 words)    
    【分析】This eyeontheconsumer approach is known as the marketing concept; which (which引出非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的concept) simply means that (连词that引出means的宾语从句) instead of trying to sell whatever (连词whatever引出sell的宾语从句) is easiest to produce or buy for resale; (此后为动词means的宾语从句部分) the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and (连词and连接endeavor和go两个动词) then go about making it available for purchase (51 words)    
    【分析】Many friends and neighbors were there; and the mayor of Swainsboro put our feelings into words (此处put与into构成搭配): “We hope that (连词that引导宾语从句) when these babies are grown; they will look at this house and understand how (连词how引导动词understand的宾语从句) much their father was respected and admired by everyone who (连词who引导限制性定语从句,修饰everyone) knew him。” (45 words)    
    【分析】It gives high rewards to individuals who (连词who引导限制性定语从句,修饰individuals) perform important tasks such as surgery; makes (为主语it的第二个谓语动词) heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war; and uses (为主语it的第三个谓语动词) the legal and penal system to make people afraid (形容词afraid作为后置定语修饰中心词people) to engage in antisocial acts。 (47 words)    
    【分析】Today it may no longer have its onetime aristocratic character; but it has lost nothing of its beauty and elegance; luxurious shops; theatres; famous restaurants and important airline offices line (注意line为动词使用,作谓语) its wide footpaths; which (连词which为非限制性定语从句,前置词为footpaths) are always full of Parisians; tourists and a cosmopolitan throng。 (44 words)    
    【分析】Out of (从out of至objects and events为介词短语) our emotional experiences with objects and events comes (comes为谓语动词,主语是a social feeling。本分句为全部倒装结构) a social feeling of agreement that (连词that引导feeling of agreement的同位语) certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”; and (连词and连接另外一个并列分句) we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life—(从破折号之后至句末,为同位语结构,解释every aspect of our social life的具体内容) from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept。 (60 words)    
    【分析】And the potential for deadly disease outbreaks will rise: (冒号之后的内容作为前面内容的解释) warming waters will be more hospitable to germs like those that cause cholera; disease carriers such as the Aedes aegypti mosquito may find (此处省略了that连词,作find的宾语从句) they (代词they指代disease carriers) can survive nicely in places 

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