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    11。 You ask me; do I really want to contain China? The answer is no。 The American people have always had a very warm feeling toward China that has been interrupted from time to time when we have had problems。 But if you go back through the history of our country; there’s always been a feeling on the part of our people that we ought to be close to the Chinese people。 And I believe that it would be far better for the people of the United States to have a partnership on equal; respectful terms with China in the 21st century than to have to spend enormous amounts of time and money trying to contain China because we disagree with what is going on beyond our borders。 So I do not want that。 I want a partnership。 I’m not hiding another design behind a smile; it’s what I really believe。    
    12。 Sandwich; the snack of two slices of buttered bread with a filling; is named after the English diplomat John Montagu; 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718 ~ 1792); who was such an impulsive gambler that; preferring not to interrupt his game by leaving the gaming table to eat; would order his valet to bring food to his table。 The Earl was brought food of cold beef between two slices of bread。 Soon the snack became widely known as a sandwich。    
    13。 This year; we have made great progress on our pledge to ensure that every 8yearold can read; every 12yearold can log on to the Internet; every 18yearold can go on to college。 In the bill I signed last week; we helped to build a citizen army of reading tutors; which nearly doubled our investment in education technology; we expanded public school choice and competition and we provided the largest increase in Pell Grant scholarships in two decades。 As we raise standards for our children; we are also providing them with the tools they need to meet the challenge and seize the opportunities of the 21st century。     
    14。 Michael Bolton grew up idolizing such pioneers of R&B as Ray Charles and Otis Redding。 Blessed with an incomparable voice and a keen songwriting ability; he began hitting radio playlists in 1983 with “Fool’s Game” for his selftitled Columbia Records album debut。 After the release of The Hunger (1987); fans and critics began to take notice of this fast emerging talent; but it was 1989’s multiplatinum Soul Provider; with hit singles like the Grammywinning “How Am I Supposed To Live Without You” and the title track; that catapulted Michael to the upper echelon of pop music luminaries。    
    15。 Jefferson never recovered from the burden of debt with which he ended his public career。 His daughter Martha’s fervent wish that her father not be harassed by debt in his old age was never realized。 On the contrary; nothing intruded more upon the tranquility of his declining years。 Jefferson’s financial situation —— like his health —— continued to deteriorate with each passing year; and in the final year of his life it was exacerbated by the bankruptcy of his soninlaw Thomas Mann Randolph; Jr。; which left him to provide for all the expenses of his daughter and his unmarried grandchildren。     
    16。 The Prime Minister of Nepal H。E。 Acharya was in Beijing at the invitation of Premier Zhou Enlai on a state visit。 As was the case with Prime Minister U Nu of Burma and Prime Minister Ali Sastroamidjojo of Indonesia when they were on their state visits to China; I was assigned to be an interpreter to the delegation。 But radically different from the previous occasions; when my duties were but to interpret for the lowest of the low on those delegations; that is; taking the body guards and personal servants of the dignitaries shopping or entertaining them while their principals were meeting with our state leaders by interpreting Chinese movies for them; this time; as I was informed by the Protocol; I was going to interpret for both Premier Zhou Enlai and Prime Minister Acharya; and I was going to sit at the first table with the two Prime Ministers and not at the last table with the servants。 This was the first time in my life that I was entrusted with a job of such great importance。    
    17。 For instance; sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior; including gambling; drugs; etc。 Largecity urbanites are also more likely than their smalltown counterparts to have a cosmopolitan outlook; to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles; to vote for leftist political candidates; and to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups; unpopular political groups; and socalled undesirables。 Everything considered; heterogeneity and unusual behavior seem to be outcomes of large population size。    
    18。 Jack comes home from work one day to find his dog with the neighbor’s pet rabbit in his mouth。 The rabbit is dead and Jack is shocked。 He’s afraid that the neighbor is going to hate him forever; so he takes the dirty; chewed up rabbit into his house and gives it a bath; blowdries its fur and puts the rabbit back into the cage at the neighbor’s house; hoping they will think it died of natural causes。 A few days later; the neighbor is outside and asks Jack; “Did you hear that fluffy died?”     
    19。 With Mars the scientific stakes are arguably higher than they have ever been。 The issue of whether life ever existed on the planet; and whether it persists to this day; has been highlighted by mounting evidence that the Red Planet once had abundant stable; liquid water and by the continuing controversy over suggestions the bacterial fossils rode to Earth on a meteorite from Mars。 A more conclusive answer about life on Mars; past or present; would give researchers invaluable data about the range of conditions under which a planet can generate the complex chemistry that leads to life。    
    20。 Music resources on the Internet isn’t a flashy Web site; it is just five or six pages of text with links。 But with a total of nearly 2;000 links; it is a very good place to start your search for musical information on the Web。 Music Resources focuses primarily on Western classical music; but the site has something for almost everyone: fan pages for bands you have never heard of (and for bands you love); record company web sites; scholarly papers; cool instruments from all over the world; discographies of your favorite jazz musicians。 If they’d only add a search engine Music Resources on the Internet would be just about perfect。 Access to Music Resources on the Internet: http: //music。indiana。edu/musicresources/    
    21。 Although their missions blended commercial and politicalmilitary imperatives; the explorers involved all accomplished some significant science by going where no scientists had gone before。 Today Mars looms as humanity’s next great terra incognito。 And with doubtful prospects for a shortterm financial return; with the cold war rapidly fading memory and amid a growing emphasis on international cooperation in large space ventures; it is clear that imperatives other than profits or nationalism will have to compel human beings to leave their tracks on the planet’s reddish surface。    
    22。 In April 1995; the United States; Britain; the Soviet Union and France held a summit conference in Geneva。 The question of nuclear weapons inspection was an important item on the agenda。 The US; Britain and France adopted a common stand; agreeing to certain stipulations on inspection of nuclear weapons; but the Soviet Union made it clear that they were opposed to stipulations of any sort on nuclear weapons inspection; regarding them as virtually a violation of their sovereignty and therefore totally unacceptable。     
    23。 Marketing; on the other hand; focuses on the wants of consumers。 It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them。 This eyeontheconsumer approach is known as the marketing concept; which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale; the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase。    
    24。 Life went on。 Ground was broken for the new house on a blueandgold day in December。 The quads were old enough to stand; and each was given a little gilded shovel to mark the occasion。 Many friends and neighbors were there; and the mayor of Swainsboro put our feelings into words: “We hope that when these babies are grown; they will look at this house and understand how much their father was respected and admired by everyone who knew him。”     
    25。 In fact; society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes; such as loyalty; morality; pride; shame; guilt; fear and greed; in order to maintain itself。 It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery; makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war; and uses the legal and penal system to make people afraid to engage in antisocial acts。    
    26。 Originally this vast area lying to the west of Place de la Concorde was swamp land。 After its proclamation; in 1667 it was turned into a wide avenue called GrandCours; reaching from the Tuiler

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