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小说: 英语复习指南 字数: 每页4000字

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    ●21 “主语+be+the last+名词+不定式或从句”意为“决不至于……”,“最不……的”    
    【例1】Breach of promise is the last thing that he is likely to commit.    
    【分析】这也是一个主从复合句,that从句为定语从句修饰先行词the last thing,前面的为主句。the last(最后的一个)是一种转义的用法,意即屈指计算,它居最后。不可译作“…是最后一个做…的人”,宜译作“决不至于…”,“最不…的”,这是一种强有力的否定方式。    
    ●22 not。。。but 不是……而是……; but  not  是……而不是……    
    【例1】It is not that the scales in the one case,and the balance in the other,differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working;but that the latter is much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.(实考试题)    
    【分析】这是一个并列复合句,连词but连接两个并列的表语从句。本句的句架为:It is not that...but (it is)that....在第一个表语从句中,主语是the scales in the one case和balance in the other(case),谓语动词是differ。in the one case和in the other(case)是对称的两种情况。第二个表语从句是一个比较句型,即是the latter和the former的比较。the latter(后者)指第一分句中的the balance in the other(case);the former(前者)指第一分句中的the scales in the one case。本句型属正反判断句。它包括二式,意义完全一样。用得较普遍的是第一式,先否定,后肯定。第二式是先肯定,后否定;第二式的连词and或but,可用可不用。第一式常译作“不是…而是…”,第二式作“是…而不是…”。    
    ●23 had(would)+rather + than 宁可……而不……    
    【例1】I would rather die with my head high; with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country; than live in humility and renounce the principles  which are sacred to me。    
    【分析】这是一个简单复合句。句架为:I would rather die。。。,than live 。。。 and renounce。。。。 “would rather。。。 than 。。。”意为“宁可…而不…”用以表选择。Die之后的两个with短语为伴随状况,修饰humility原意为“谦虚(逊)地”,本例中可引申为“屈从之下”,该介词短语作修饰live。 句末的which从句作定语修饰principle; renounce 意为“背(放)弃”。本句型表示主观上的抉择,常译作“宁可…”,“与其…宁愿…”。第一是表推测或设想,语气较委婉;第二式是陈述语气,较坚决。现在多用would rather 代替had rather。    
    ●24 If only 只要……就……;only if 必须在…条件下才……    
    【例1】If only we work with might and main; the difficulties will be overcome。    
    【例2】You could know your own language only if you compared it with other languages。    
    【分析】only if 前为主句,only if 后为条件从句。本句型的两式在意 义上差不多。第一式的连词是if; only是加上表示强调语气的,通常译作“只要…,就…”。第二式的重点在only,与本式相类似的组织有only when(只有在…时候才…),only because (只因)等,only if 意为“必须在…条件下才…”或表示“非在…条件下不可”。两式中的only与if 都可以分开用,都可以用直陈语气和虚拟语气,但通常用直陈语气。    

 英译汉第三节    实战练习

    1。 It has been 20 years since Don Diego de la Vega successfully fought Spanish oppression in Alta California as the legendary romantic hero Zorro。 Imprisoned for two decades; he now must find a successor to stop Don Rafael Montero —— the powerful; former Spanish governor of Alta California who cost de la Vega his freedom his wife and his daughter; is making plans to purchase California from Mexico’s president; General Santa Anna。 Alejandro Murieta; a bandit with a troubled past; is transformed by de la Vega into a new Zorro who he hopes will help him foil Montero’s schemes once and for all。 The new Zorro assumes de la Vega’s mantle and enters into a romantic relationship with a woman close to his predecessor’s heart。     
    2。 If the boss’s chair has no arms (which is usually the case with the visitor’s chair); he will probably be seen with one or both feet on the desk。 If his superior enters his office; it is unlikely that the boss would take an obvious territorial (ownership) posture but would resort to more subtle gesture such as putting his foot on the lower drawer of his desk or placing his foot hard against the legs of the desk to stake his claim of the ownership。    
    3。 Such gestures can be quite annoying if they are found during negotiation; and it is vital for you to make the person change to a different position; because the longer he stays in the legoverchair or feetondesk position; the longer he will have an indifferent or hostile attitude。 An easy way to do this is to hand him something and ask him to look at it; thus forcing him to change his position。     
    4。 As I have said many times; engagement is not the same as endorsement。 We continue to have sharp differences with China; but we also believe that the best way to narrow those differences is by raising them vigorously and discussing them honestly: as President Clinton did not only in private; but openly before the Chinese people and the world。    
    5。 For many decades; I felt equally at home whether in China or in the United States。 I was as proficient in taking the New York subway as I was in cycling down a Beijing street。 I could one day be staying with a poor peasant family; partaking with them their meals of steamed sorghum buns and dried cabbage and sleeping in their horse shed; and on the next I might be flying abroad on a Boeing 747 and then having dinner at the WaldorfAstoria and be equally at ease in both places and with both hosts。     
    6。 Throughout my life; I have wanted to excel in whatever were my pursuits。 But my abilities and innate intelligence are no better than aboveaverage and whatever I was able to accomplish was largely because of good luck and patrons who gave me just the right push at the right time。 In 1956; I became Premier Chou Enlai’s English interpreter and I remained at that post for 17 years。 During that time; in addition to accompanying the Premier in his many visits abroad; I took part in the interpretation and translation work for the Kissinger and Nixon visits to China。 I then served consecutively as Counselor in the Chinese Liaison Office in Washington; D。 C。; Deputy Director of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences and then Deputy Director of the Department of American and Oceanic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry; MinisterCounselor in the Chinese Embassy in the United States of America; Ambassador to Fiji; Kiribati and Vanuatu; Ambassador to the Court of James’s in London; and UnderSecretaryGeneral of the United Nations。     
    7。 Jefferson adhered to his belief “that knowledge is power; that knowledge is safety; and that knowledge is happiness。” Jefferson’s last years were brightened by outcome of the most important enterprise that he attempted after he left the presidency。 It was a project that claimed his most intense interest; effort; and devotion and one that in its fruition left to him his greatest monument: the establishment of the University of Virginia。 He wanted a university “on a plan so broad and liberal and modern; so as to be worth patronizing with the public support; and be a temptation to the youth of other States to come and drink of the cup of knowledge and fraternize with us。”     
    8。 A few weeks after the opening of the university; Jefferson wrote that he was “closing the last scenes of life by fashioning and fostering an establishment for the instruction of those who are to come after us。” He hope its influence on their virtue; freedom; fame; and happiness; will be salutary and permanent。 He would remain active in the affairs of the university until the end of his life; attending his last board meeting only three months before his death; and he would regard his role in founding the university as one of the greatest accomplishments of his life。    
    9。 Mr。 President; I’m very glad to have this opportunity to ask you a question。 With a friendly smile you have set foot on the soil of China and you have come to the campus of Beida; so we are very excited and honored by your presence; for the Chinese people really aspire for the friendship between China and the United States on the basis of equality。    
    10。 When the Soviet Union went away; Russia had to decide how to define its greatness。 Would they attempt to develop the human capacity of the Russian people and work in partnership with their neighbors for a greater future; or would they remember the bad things happened to them in the past 200 years and think the only way they could be great would be to dominate their neighbors militarily? They chose a forward course。 The world is a better place。    
    11。 You ask me; do I really want to contain China? The answer is no。 The American people have always had a very warm feeling toward China that has been interrupted from 

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