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小说: 英语听力突破掌上宝talking 字数: 每页4000字

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evision; They used to be shown in cinemas all over the country before the main film was shown。 Later Walt Disney made longer films。 All of them were liked very much by children。 Disney died in 1966。 But the studios which he started are still busy today; producing more and more interesting films。
One (A) plays a newspaper reporter。 One of others (B) plays the famous cartoon…maker … Walt Disney。 Well; A is asking the following questions。
i。      May I ask you when and where you were born; Mr Disney?
ii。     Could you tell me what kind of family you were born in? What was your    father’s job? What did your mother do?
iii。    What were you most interested in when you were young?
iv。    Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man
v。     When did you become well…known as a cartoon…maker?
vi。    What’s your plan for the future?
Talk about the following pictures in pairs。
Lesson 3
The company that Walt Disney started does not just make films。 In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park。 This was Disneyland in Los Angeles on the west coast of the USA。 Later; Disney World was opened on the east coast; in Florida; in 1971。 It cost between 550 and 600 million to build。
Tokyo Disneyland opened in Japan in 1983; and Europe Disney opened in France in 1992。
       All the Disney parks are operated by the same company。 The workers have very strict orders。 They must wear clean shoes and clean trousers。 The men are not allowed to have beards。 If the workers have long hair; it must be tied back。 They always smile; and are always friendly and polite to visitors。 The parks are the cleanest parks that you can imagine。
       In Disneyland you can find all the characters from Walf Disney’s films。 The Sleeping Beauty Castle is a favourite place for visitors。 You get a wonderful view from the top of the tower。 You can see as far as the coast。 Many of the streets in Disneyland are built to look like streets in the USA in the 1890s。 People walk around wearing ninetenth…century clothes。
       The Tomorrow Land is very interesting。 You can go inside a spaceship and drive one too。 In the Future House; everything is worked by the computer。
If you press one button; a machine cuts the grass in the garden。 If you press
another; your meal is prepared and heated for you; then it is brought on along a very small railway line to your seat in front of you television so that you don’t even have to stand up when you get what you need。
I considered that the park was good value for the money。
May I ask you where you were born?
Useful expressions  
i。      Take along
ii。     In the hope of 
iii。    Lose heart
iv。    Day after day 
v。     Bring on
Unit 2 No smoking; please!
Lesson 5
Wang Bing has just started working at a film studio。 He’s in Hank’s office。
Wang Bing:    Do you mind if I smoke?
Hank:                    I’m sorry; but it’s not allowed。
Wang Bing:     Would yo mid if I smoked in the office next door?
Hank:                    I’m afraid all these offices are non…smoking offices。
Wang Bing:     Oh dear! Where can I go if I want to smoke a cigarette?
Hank:                    You can smoke in the entrance hall。 Or outside; of course。
Wang Bing:     Thanks。 I wonder if I could use your phone。
Hank:                    Sure。 Go ahead。
A: May I borrow your bicycle?
B: I’m sorry。
A: It’s very important。
B: Why ?
A: I need to fetch a tape from a friend。 I’ll be back in half an hour。
B: Oh; all right。
Lesson 6
Read the passage to see if these sentences are true:
Chinese people smoke more than British people。
In Britain more women smoke than men。
No smoking; please 1
At present about 38% of the Chinese population smoke。 89% of smokers are male。Every year; millions of smokers die because of illnesses which are caused by smoking tobacco。The Chinese government receives a lot of money from sales of tobacco; in 1989 it received about 24 billion yuan。 But in the same year cigarette smoking cost the government even more money; about 28 billion yuan。 Smokers cost the government ment a lot of money for two reasons。 First; money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking。 Second; many fires are caused by smokers。 People who smoke in bed often fall asleep while they are smoking。 The bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down。 China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes。 Each day; about 220 million packets of cigarettes are smoked by Chinese。 This is good news for the tobacco campanies; but bad news for the health of the nation。 Every year; tobacco companies must persuade new people to start smoking cigarettes。 This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit。
       In Britain; which has a population of only 58 million people; 110;000 people die from smoking each year。 The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smokig。
       In Britain;sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30% in the last ten years。 Just under a third of the population now smokes; about 17 million people。 In the 16…19 age group;32% of women smoke; compared to 28% of men。 However; in the 20…24 age group; 39% of women smoke and 38% of men。 The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking。 Therefore; if the tobacco companies want to remain in business; they have to encourage more young people to start smoking。
Lesson 7
No smoking; please 2
In Britain; 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking and of these smokers;83% have tried more than once to give it up。 Why do smokers continue to smoke; even when they know that the habit may kill them or at least cause a serious illness? The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine。 Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking。 That means that once you start taking the drug; it is hard to stop。
       When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two; they begin to feel bad。 The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine。 So they say “ I must have a cigarette。 In fact; they don’t need a cigarette。 All they need is something to make them feel better at that moment。 One thing that will stop them feeling bad is the drug nicotine; which is contained in cigarettes。 And so their habit of smoking continues。
Grammar Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative
They know that the habit may kill them。
The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine。
Useful expressions
1。  Go ahead
2。  Burn down
3。  Compared to
4。  Give up
5。  Be used to
6。  Get into the habit of
7。  Compare with
Unit 3 Body Language
Lesson 9
The organizer of a conference is meeting one of the speakers at the airport。
Mr Lee:           Hello。 You must be Dr Yang。 How do you do? My name’s David Lee。
Dr Yang: How do you do?
Mr Lee:   It’s a pleasure to meet you。 Can I take those boxes for you?
Dr Yang: Thanks。 That’s very kind。
Mr Lee:           What about your bag? Would you like me to carry it?
Dr Yang: No;thanks。 I can manage it myself。
At the hotel
Mr Lee:           Is there anything else I can do for you?
Dr Yang: No; thank you。 Thanks for all your help。
Mr Lee:           It’s a pleasure。 I’ll see your tomorrow。
Can I help you? 
Thanks。                OR     It’s call right; thank you。
Shall I help you? 
Yes; please。            OR     I can manage。
Would you like some help? 
Thank you for your help。   OR    No; thanks。 I can manage myself。(S1)
Would you like me to do this for you? 
That’s very nice of you。    OR    S1
Is there anything else I can do for you? 
That’s very kind。          OR    S1
Would you like some help?
Yes; please。
Shall I show you how to use this electrical typewriter?
Thanks。 I haven’t used this one before。
Would you like me to type your composition for you?
No。 Thanks。 I can manage it myself。
Lesson 10
Read the passage and answer this question: Do the Chinese and British have similar body language ?
Body Language 1
Although we may not realize it; when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words。 We send messages to the people around us also by our expressions and body movements。 A smile and handshake show welcome。 Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”。 Nodding the head means agreement; while shaking it means disagreement。 These gestures ate accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meanings。
       But not all body language means the same thing in different countries。 Take nodding the head for example。 In some Asian countries it means not “Yes” but “No”。
       In many countries in the world; men kiss each other when they meet; for example in Russia; France; Arab countries and some of the South American countries。 Men do not kiss each other in either China or English …speaking countries。 In Britain; older people usaually shake hands when they meet someone for the first time; however;young people often do not shake hands。 In France; it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning。 French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people。
       Generally; people from English…s

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