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小说: 英语听力突破掌上宝talking 字数: 每页4000字

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(a) Mary outswam the others。
(b) Mary ought to swim with them。
(c) Mary and he friends swam to the island。
(d) Mary's friends owned the island。
The speaker said;〃Mary swam out to the island with her friends。〃Sentence (C);〃Mary and her friends swam to the island。〃Is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard。 Therefore; you should choose answer (C)。
Example II
You will hear:
You will read:
(a) Please remind me to read this book。
(b) Could you help me carry these books?
(c) I don't mind if you help me。
(d) Do you have a heavy course load this term?
The speaker said 〃Would you mind helping me with this load of books?〃Sentence (B);〃Could you help me carry these books?〃 is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard。 There fore; you should choose answer (B)。
       Part B
       Directions: In Part B you will hear short conversations between two speakers。 At the end of each conversation; a third person will ask a question about what was said。 You will hear each conversation and question about it just one time。 Therefore; you must listen carefully to understand what each speaker says。 After you hear a conversation and the question about it; read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which one is the best answer to the question you heard。 Then; on your answer sheet; find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen。
       Look at the following example。
You will hear:
You will read:
(a) Present Professor Smith with a picture。
(b) Photograph Professor Smith。
(c) Put glass over the photograph。
(d) Replace the broken headlight。
From the conversation you learn that the woman thinks Professor Smith would like a photograph of the class。 The best answer to the question〃What does the woman think the class should do?〃 is (a);〃Present Professor Smith with a picture。〃 These fore; you should choose answer (a)。
Chapter Four
Part A
Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is in Japan on an Asian tour that will include visits to China and India。 Mrs。Thatcher met briefly with Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki shortly after she arrived in Tokyo。She assured him that the Western alliance remains strong despite the disagreement between the U。S and Western Europ over supplying equipment for the Soviet gas pipeline。 The 2 leaders will meet a gain on Monday。Talks are expected to cover the pipeline issue; policies towards the Soviet Union and China; trade; and the future of Hongkong。Mrs。Thatcher's six…day visit to Japan is the first by a British prime minister in 10 years。
What countries will Mrs。Thatcher visit on her Asian tour?
China; Japan and India。
Which country is she visiting now?
How long will she stay in that country?
6 days。
With whom did she meet briefly in Tokyo?
Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki。
What are the two leaders expected to talk about when they meet again?
They will talk about the policy toward China and the future of Hongkong。
Part B
The most senior officaial of the Reagan administration to visit China; Vice…President George Bush; has arrived in the southeastern Chinese city of Hangchow。U。S…Chinese relations; he said; are strong; sound and fundamental。 The Vice…President told reporters he hopes to play a major role in reducing misunderstandings between Washington and Peking over U。S。military equiment sales to Taiwan。
Who is George Bush?
Vice President of the U。S。
Which city in China is he visiting now?
What did he say about U。S。…Chinese relations?
U。S。…Chinese relations are strong; sound and fundamental。
What does he hope to do about U。S。military equipment sales to Taiwan?
He hopes to play a major role in reducing misunderstandings between Washington and Peking over U。S。 arms sales to Taiwan。
Chapter Five
What would you have done last night if ou hadn't had to study?
I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn't rained。
If you had gotten up earlier; you would have had time for breakfast。
If I had had time; I would have called you。
Would he have seen you if you hadn't waved to him?
If he had only had enough money; he would have bought that house。
I wish you had called me back the next day; as I had asked you to。
If you hadn't slipped and fallen;you wouldn't have broken your leg。
If I had known you wanted to go。 I would have called you。
Had I known you didn't have a key; I wouldn't have locked the door。
She would have gone with me; but she didn't have time。
If I had asked for directions; I wouldn't have gotten lost。
Even if we could have taken a vacation; we might not have wanted to。
Everything would have been all right if you hadn't said that。
Looking back on it; I wish we hadn't given in so easily。
Chapter Senven
The Fourth of July Celebration
This Friday; Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July…Independence Day in the United States。 A holiday will mark 210 years of independence。 As in past years; July Fourth will be a day of traditional parades; speeches and firework shows。 In addition some very special ceremonies will be held this year。 The ceremonies will honor one of America's most famus sights: the Statue of Liberty。
The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in New York harbor。 It was a gift to the pople of the United States from the people of France。 The purpose of the gift was to mark the alliance between American colonists and the French during America's war for independence。
The Statue of Liberty was completed 100 years ago; just in time for the July Fourth holiday in 1886。 During the years since then; the statue's metal parts became weak。 A project was begun to repair it。 Many people and companies gave money to the project。 They did not want to see this symbol of America fall apart。
Now; the repair work is done… just in time for this year's July Fourth holiday。 In some ways; the Fourth of July celebration has remained much the same since Americans first began observing the day。 Most Americans see it as huge birthday party … a party for the nation。
But the parades; speeches and even the fireworks have a more serious purpose。 They help citizens remember the events that led to American independence from Britain。
Senior English for High school for China;Specially for Mr Bitao
Unit 1 Disneyland
Lesson 1
Carl has left San Francisco and is now working at Disneyland。 He is answering visitors’ questions。
A:    Excuse me。 Can you tell me the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle?
C:    Yes。 Go straight ahead till you see the entrance。 It’s about four hundred        
yards down this street。
B:    Excuse me。 How can I get to Bear Country?
C:    Do you see the big gate over there?
B:     Yes。
C:    Go through the gate and you’ll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side。
B:    Thanks very much。
D:    Excuse me 。 Are the horse…drawn streetcars free?
C:    Yes; they’re free。 But there’s usually a long line。 You can join the line behind the clock tower。
D:    Where is the Tomorrow Land Building?
C:    The Tomorrow Land Building? It's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle。
Just take this street round to the right of the castle。 It’s about 400 yards from here。
E:    Excuse me ; please。 Where’s the nearest men’s room?
C:    Go down this street till you get to the clock tower。
       Then you’ll see the sign for the rest room。
Lesson 2
Read the passage and answer this question:How did Disney get the idea for his first cartoon character?
 Walt Disney
Walt Disney; the great film…maker; was born in Chicago in 1901。 Disney’s greatest wish was to be a famous artist。 When he was a young man; he went to a newspaper office in Kansas City where he was living。 He had some friends who worked in the office there。 He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there。 However; he had no luck。 They looked at his pictures and said; “Sorry; young man。 We don’t think there is anything of interest in your pictures。”
       Disney’s friends tried to encourage him。 Don’t worry; Walt。 We like your pictures。 They’re very good。 We ‘re sure you’ll be well…known as an artist before long。”
Disney did not lose heart。 He continued to draw lots of pictures。 His family was poor and he used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures there。 One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor。 Disney stopped drawing and watched the mouse。 The mouse came towards him; so he gave the mouse a piece of bread。 Then the mouse came and sat on his desk。 Day after day the mouse came back and was given more bread。 In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends。
Some years later; Disney moved to the west coast of the USA。 He tried to get work as an artist; but still he was unsuccessful。 One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his father’s garage。 He picked up his pencil and started to draw。 Day after day he experimented and drew different pictures of the mouse that he had known。 At last he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse。 He called it Mickey Mouse。
Disney’s success as a cartoon…marker had begun。 He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made scores of cartoons about them。 These cartoons were all short ones。 Before the days of televi

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