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小说: 英语听力突破掌上宝talking 字数: 每页4000字

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英语听力突破掌上宝Talking               上 回主页
Talking Book Since 1999/2/23 By Baker A Bedlamite。
·         本版教程为毕克所著目的是初级的口语;包含大量中等程度的单词和必须脱口而出的句子;是重中之重。 脱口背诵 借助于金山词霸矫正发音
·         学习要求是;每天学习1小时。建议在学习本教材的同时学习
·         VOCABULARY 22000。doc                                                    学习要求是脱口背诵
·         Reading feeds。doc                                                      学习要求是熟读
·         'Computer Networks' by Andrew S。Tanenbaum。    学习要求是脱口背诵
·         学完上述4项;应可完成英语素质教育;开始转换命运;不再自欺欺人
·         我发誓;有生之年考取MCSE MCSD CCIE 以及 Ph。D for Major in Interconnection Engineering。 My Buddha almighty !
Liyang's ListenStuff Sorted
Chapter One 
       My name is Li Yang。I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering。I was once a poor student of English;and it was my biggest headache and trouble…maker。I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words。But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games;I found myself a totally different and exciting new world。Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks;but importantly;I began to use English。
       Finally;I developed a new Language Cracking System myself;I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way。It was a miracle but I made it。To speak good English;I think one year of study should be enough for any dilligent and interligent person。
       I'd like to share my learning techniques with you;and I will be very glad to answer your letters and be your friend。
Chapter Two   
An Awkward Situation
       A woman was singing。One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer。
       〃What a terrible voice!〃he said。〃Do you know who she is?〃
       〃Yes。〃was the answer;〃She is my wife。〃
       〃Oh;I beg your pardon;〃the man said。〃Of course her voice isn't bad;but the song is very bad。I wondered who wrote that awful song?〃
       〃I did。〃was the answer。
A letter      
       Dear Mother;
       I'm writing to you from our hotel at Hawaii Beach。Stone and I am on vacation with the children for a few days。 We're happy to be here; but to tell the truth; we're having a few problems。
       The weather isn't very good。 In fact; it's cold and cloudy。 Right now I'm looking out the windows and it's raining cats and dogs。
       The children aren't very happy。 In fact; they're bored and they're having a terrible time。 Right now they're sitting on the bed; playing cards and watching TV。
       The restaurants here are expansive; and the food isn't very good。 In fact; Stone is at the doctor's office right now。 He's having problems with his stomach。
       All the other hotels here are beautiful and new。 Our hotel is ugly; and it's very; very old。 In fact; right now a repairman is in our bathroom fixing the toilet。
       As you can see; Mother; we're having a few problems here at Hawaii Beach; but we're happy。 We're happy to be on vacation; and we're happy to be together。
       See you soon。
Love Makes the World Go Round
What's wrong; Stone? Why are you so upset?
It's those new neighbors of ours。 They play their stereo so loud at night that I can't sleep。
I've had it。 I'm going to go over there and give them a piece of my mind!
Hold it! You won't accomplish anything by hollering at them。 You're all worked up now。 Why not wait until you cool down a bit? Don't you know that love makes the world go round?
I agree that the world would be a better place to live if people respected and loved each other; But right now。。。
Not another word! Let's try it my way。 I'll bake some cookies; and later on we'll take them next door and introduce ourselves。 We can casually mention the problem after we get to know our new neighbors; I'm sure they'll cooperate。
Asking about Likes and Dislikes
What do you think of Chinese fiction?
I like it … especiallly books by Wang Shuo
Do you like detective stories?
Not much。 They're all the same。
What about non…fiction?
I like to read biographies。
What do you think of that new book about George Bush?
I'm afraid I haven't read it yet。
What about music? Do you like music?
Yeah…POP Music。
What do you think of classical music?
I listen to some of it
What about modern jazz?
Modern jazz ? I can't stand modern jazz!
Stating Obligations
Why don't we go to a movie tonight?
I'd love to but I can't。 I have to study。
But it's just a couple of hours。
No。I have a French test tomorrow morning。 I have no choice。 I have to study。
Can I help?
I don't think so。 First I have to memorize some irregular verbs。。。  then I have to read 20 pages of my grammar book。
Oh; your teacher must be a monster to give you all that works。
No。It's my fault。 He told us about the test three weeks ago。 I've been procrastinating。。。now I have to study!
Would you like some tea?
Yes please。
I'll plug the Kettle in。 Would you like something to eat?
O。K。Would you like to watch some television?
No。Not really。
Would you like to listen to the radio?
Not particularly。
Would you like to listen to some records?
Oh yes! Um。。。I'm very fond of Mozart。
I don't have any Mozart。Would you like to listen to some Michael Jackson?
I guess so。
Miss Jones。。。Did you type those letters I gave you?
I'm sorry; Mr。White。I forgot。
Did you file those reports?
No; sir。 I'm terribly sorry。 I do apologize。
Did you make those phone calls?
I'm really sorry; I didn't。。。but I will soon。
Well; did you make those photocopies I gave you the day before esterday?
I'm sorry; Mr。White。I'm afraid I forgot。
And that fax to China?
I've lost it。 I'm really sorry。
Yes; sir。 Can I help you?
I bought a television set here last week and now it doesn't work。 I want my money back。
Do you have the warranty?
No。I've lost it。
Sorry; sir。 We must have the warranty。
But this is ridiculous。 You sold me the set。。。
What is the matter with it?
I don't know。 When I turn it on; there's no picture and a strange smell。 Can you fix it?
I'm afraid we don't do repairs here。
No repairs? This is unacceptable。 I want my money back。
We don't give refunds。
But this is outrageous! My…YOUR…TV set doesn't work。
Bring the set in and we'll send it to Japan for repair。 Without the warranty; you'll have to pay。 It'll take three weeks。
Three weeks! That just won't do。 I'll miss the football finals。
We can rent you another set while your old set is being repaired。 The charge is twenty dollars a week。
Twenty dollars a week! That's outrageous! Let me speak to the manager。
I AM the manager。
Giving Advice
I can't decide whether to go to university or get a job。 What do you think?
Well; you shouldn't neglect your education。 If I were you; I'd continue studying。
I don't even know what I want to study。
If I were you; I'd study English。You're good at English。You could be an English teacher。
That's what my parents want me to do。
You shouldn't ignore their advice。 They want what's best for you。
But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun while I spend all my time studying。
But if you go to university; you'll still have time for fun。 And with a part…time job; you should have some money too。
What you say makes sense。
If I were you; that's what I'd do。
Expressing Regret
Why do you look so sad?
I failed my English examination。
Oh; that's too bad。
If only。。。if only。。。if only。。。
If only what?
If only I had passed!
Take it easy! Was it really difficult?
Not really。。。but I didn't study enough。 I wish。。。I wish
I wish what?
I wish I had studied more!
Take it easy!
If only I had studied more! Oh!
Take it easy。。。 take it easy。
Let's have a party
Oh no。。。no no。
Oh; come on。
What if it's a boring party?
It won't be。
What if no one comes?
Of course they will。
What if the neighbours complain about the noise?
We'll invite the neighbours!Hey;let's have the party outside。
What if it rains!?
Don't worry。
Chapter Three
In this section of the test; you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand spoken English。 There are three parts to this section; with special directions for each part。
       Part A
Directions: for each question in Part A; you will hear a short sentence。 Each sentence will be spoken just one time 。The sentences you hear will not be written out for you。 Therefore; you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says。
After you hear a sentence; read the four choices in your test book; marked (A); (B); (C); and (D); and decide which one is closeset in meaning to the sentence you heard。 Then; on your answer sheet; find sentence you heard。 Then; on your answer sheet; find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen。 Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen。
Example I
You will hear:
You will read:
(a) Mary outswam the others。
(b) Mary ought to swim with them。
(c) Mary and he friends swam to the island。
(d) Mary's friend

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