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新视野大学英语读写·听说教程辅导 第一分______-第8节

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      三、Understanding Passages:    
      1.Listening Task 1    
      Passage 11。 T 2。 F 3。 F 4。 F 5。 T    
      Passage 2 6。 F 7。 T 8。 T 9。 F 10。 F    
      Passage 3 11。 F 12。 F 13。 F 14。 T 15。 F    
      2.Listening Task 2    
      Passage 1 1。 C 2。 A 3。 B 4。 C 5。 D    
      Passage 2 6。 C 7。 D 8。 D 9。 C 10。 D    
      Passage 3 11。 D 12。 D 13。 A 14。 B 15。 C    
      Task 2    
      Conversations About Greetings:    
      Conversation 1。 Fine; thank you。    
      Conversation 2。 I’m doing well。    
      Conversation 3。 How are you?; They’re fine; thanks。    
      Conversations About Good…byes:    
      Conversation 1。 I hope you’ll come again。    
      Conversation 2。 Couldn’t you stay a little longer?    
      Conversation 3。 I hope you can come again。    
      Integrated Task 1:    
      In junior middle school The teacher was so patient and encouraging what I was very eager to practise my English。 As a result I made progress in learning and stayed at the top of the class。In senior middle school I continued to work hard at English。 And during the entrance examination to college; I was one of the high—scoring students。At college I worked even harder than before。 I always tried to catch every opportunity to practise English; listening to English broadcasts; keeping a diary in English; and talking with foreign teachers。After graduation from college I choose to be an English teacher at college。 I enjoy teaching and feel proud of having learned English。 It is the English language learning that has helped me to live a most meaningful and rewarding life。    
      Integrated Task 2:    
      1.How did the writer feel about foreign language learning?    
      Learning a foreign language has been a most rewarding experience in the writer’s life。    
      2.What did the writer do to improve his English in senior middle school?    
      He often spoke English with his teacher and some of his good friends。 He kept several notebooks in which he wrote lots of new words and expressions。    
      3.What did you learn about the speaker’s occupation from the talk?    
      He is an English teacher at college。    


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