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新视野大学英语读写·听说教程辅导 第一分______-第3节

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      A。benefit B。benefit from C。belong D。belong to    
      【试题解析】选A。句意:这些改革将使职工家庭受益。benefit可做及物动词,意为“使……受益”,benefit from “从……中受益”。    
      17.insight [insait] n。 洞察力,眼光;洞察    
      【经典例句】This youth will find it a fascinating insight in to the fatalism of evil。    
      【考点】gain (an) insight into 看透……    
      have (an) insight into 具有……洞察力    
      provide (an) insight 提供第一见解    
      give sb。 an insight into 向某人介绍……的内情    
      例:She has a woman’s quick insight into character。    
      【典型考题】 He is a man of 。    
      A。a sight B。sights C。and insight D。insights    
      【试题解析】 选D。句意:他是一个有洞察力的人。sight 指“视力,视觉”。    
      18.culture [klt(r)] n。 文化,文明;教育,教养,教化    
      【经典例句】The casually dressed young women sprinkled their five…minute speech with pop culture references。    
      【考点】① 作“文化”之意时,既可用可数,也可用不可数形式。    
      例:ancient Greek culture 古希腊文化    
      ② 作教养、教育讲时,culture是不可数名词。    
      例:a man of culture 一个有教养的人    
      19.favorite [feivrit] a。 最喜爱的,心爱的 n。 心爱的人(或物);受宠的人;人缘好的人    
      【经典例句】Chirac evoked Spielberg's film Schindler's List; which he described as one of his personal favorites    
      【记忆法】 动词favor偏爱+形容词后缀—ate的变体—ite    
      【考点】 ① 作形容词时,置于名词前。    
      例:What is your favorite color?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?    
      ② favorite作名词时是可数名词。    
      例:That song is one of his favorites。那首歌是他最爱听的歌曲之一。    
      【典型考题】Will you do me a and phone for me?    
      A。favor B。favorite C。favorer D。favorable    
      20.gap [gp] n。 裂缝;缺口;(意见、性格等的)分歧,差距,缺陷,缺乏,弱点    
      【经典例句】The gap between the rich and the poor widens。    
      【考点】 a generation gap 代沟a communication gap 思想隔阂    
      a gap between…and… 两者间的差距    
      bridge (fill; stop) a gap 补足缺陷,填满不足    
      例:His films attempt to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity。    
      【典型考题】 There are wide in my knowledge of history。    
      A。vacuum B。gaps C。vanish D。disappearance    
      【试题解析】 选B。句意:我的历史知识很缺乏。vacuum“真空、空白”此处应用其复数形式:vacuums或vacua,vanish“逐渐消失”;disappearance“消失”。    
      1.be well worth sth。/doing sth。 值得……的    
      【经典例句】The country is well worth visiting。    
      【考点】与其易混淆的短语有:be worthy of sth。 / to do sth。。    
      2.not only…but also… 不仅……而且……    
      【经典例句】Not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony。    
      (动词的人称单复数须与but also后面的主语一致)    
      Not only did he teach at school; but also he wrote novels。    
      (not only置于句首时,其后面的从句使用倒装结构。)    
      3.far from 一点都不    
      【经典例句】Far from being pleased; she seems annoyed。    
      【考点】far from doing sth。 意思是不做某事(反而……)    
      4.keep up with 跟上,不落后    
      【经典例句】He walked so fast that she couldn’t keep up with him。    
      5.feel like sth。 / doing sth。 想要,想做    
      【经典例句】I feel like (having) a drink。    
      6.come across偶然遇上    
      【经典例句】I came across his name on the list。    
      7.reap the benefits of 获得益处,得到好处    
      【经典例句】He reaped the benefits of learning a foreign language。    
      8.trade…for 用……换    
      【经典例句】The Indians traded furs and skins for food。    
      9.participate in 参与,参加    
      【经典例句】He participated in the heated discussion。    
      10.now that 既然,由于    
      【经典例句】Now that I’ve seen how he lives; I know why he needs so much money。    
      【考点】短语中that可以省略;now 在这里用作连词。此短语与by now 的区别:by now 表示“到现在、至今”。    
      11.reach out to 接触,联系    
      【经典例句】Particularly at election time; television reaches out to people who are less well informed of politics。    
      【考点】短语意义还可引申为“帮助”,如:We must reach out to those in need。 我们应该伸出援助之手,帮助有困难的人。    
      1.Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life。    
      英译:Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult things to me but it was most worth doing in my life。    
      2.Although at times; learning a language was frustrating; it was well worth the effort。    
      英译:Although sometimes learning a language was disappointing; I reaped a great deal when I spent the time and effort on it。    
      解析:at times 时常、有时。    
      3.I was at the top of my class for two years。    
      英译:My scores were the highest in my class and that had lasted for two years。    
      解析:at the top of one’s class 班上的第一名;a top student 成绩名列前茅的学生。    
      4.It didn’t take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions。    
      英译:Before long I was no longer eager to answer questions。    
      解析:如果将time加在long之后,就可以一目了然了。这里It作形式主语,真正的主语是to lose my eagerness to answer questions。    
      5.Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions; but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English。    
      英译:I didn’t feel joyful answering questions; and I didn’t want to say anything in English; either。    
      解析: 当“not only”或者“only+状语”放在句首时,句子要倒装。    
      6.I soon got access to the necessary equipment; learned the technology from a friend and participated in the virtual classroom 5 to 7 days a week。    
      英译:I soon found ways to get the necessary equipment and learned how to use the equipment from a friend。 Then I could take online courses 5 to 7 days a week。    
      解析:“access to”类似这种名词+to的用法还有“answer to”“way to”“key to”。    
      7.It requires much time; commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course。    
      英译:Online learning requires that a person should give much time and be devoted to it and learn or work in a controlled way; so that he can keep up with the progress of the course。    
      解析:keep up with跟上……的步伐,与……保持同步。    
      8.Learning foreign language has been a most trying experience for me; but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything。    
      英译:Learning a foreign language has been an experience full of difficulties; but I wouldn’t exchange it for anything else。    
      解析:本句的one代表experience。先行词one放在后面的定语从句中应该在trade的后面,I wouldn’t trade one (experience) for anything。    
      trying a。 痛苦的,艰苦的,费事的;无法忍受的。    
      Comprehension of the Text    
      1.The author had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students; which made his English learning in junior middle school very successful。    

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